Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

The notion that oil comes from dinosaurs is ridiculous. The earth produces it like all minerals and elements. How many dinosaurs would it even take?

Then why is there tons of oil underneath the fossil record? If oil is a fossil fuel that shouldn't be possible
I think it is almost universally known fossil fuels come from old seabeds that had algae and plankton as you would need a large biomass to form all the petroleum. Any former living thing that
experiences enough time, heat, and pressure could theoretically become petroleum.

Fossil is a broad term that covers microbes all the way up to a t-rex. Anything showing evidence of something that was alive in a different era is a fossil. An impression of your fat ass on the couch cushion will be a fossil at some point. Oil doesn't have to come
from a gaggle of velociraptors.

What is absurd is how you speak of elements and minerals being comparable to petroleum and that the earth "produces" them like a dairy farm or whatever you are implying. One of the most fundamental concepts of chemistry and physics is the law of the conservation of matter. All those H's and C's in oil that burn so nicely or make rubber dog poop have to come from something else. The properties of a generally inorganic mineral are vastly different that hydrocarbons.
An observation from a Swedish engineer:

“The notion that a nation can run on sunshine and breezes is worse than delusional.

People might fall for the idea that we can merrily run on sunshine and breezes, alone, but with a few trillion dollars worth of mythical mega-batteries providing backup for a few minutes, when the sun sets and the wind stops blowing.

A two-megawatt w!ndmill is made up of 260 tons of steel that required 300 tons or iron ore and 170 tons of coking coal, all mined, transported and produced by hydrocarbons.

A w!ndmill could spin until it falls apart and never generate as much energy as was invested in building it.”
This is also known as the “Rainbows and Unicorn Farts“ theory.
Really. This administration isn't going to do anything for anyone other than themselves otherwise we would be awash in oil and gas.

My relatives are only going to be in PR for 5 days and the airline didn't care if the wife didn't get there for 48 hours after her husband and kids. This was after booking and paying for flights for all 4 of them on the same plane.

Sucks this is happening to them. For me personally, I have completely given up hope that I will get assistance from others. We don’t fly. If we want to go somewhere we drive. We even bought a travel trailer and stay in there instead of hotels. For that reason, I have no plans to leave the USA anytime soon. There’s a whole lot of this great country I haven’t gotten to see yet.

I know this isn’t practical for everyone but it gives me peace of mind. I’m the ultimate protector/provider/guardian for my kids. We don’t want to be stranded and separated like you mentioned.
Today was a massive L. The opposition who is intentionally ripping this country apart lives by a different set of laws. This same court ruined Michael Flynn's life over the exact same charge and he wasn't even guilty. Sussman was guilty and nothing. We are swimming in a canyon of tyranny after sliding down the slope for years.

It's all out in the open and they don't care since they aren't accountable to anything or anyone. I'm a little despondent tonight.
Sussman was a pawn.....the Durham chessboard is just beginning
View attachment 106139

King = Barack HUSSEIN obama

DC won’t convict a low level POS. You actually believe they’ll go after a major player?

How many Maxwell/Epstein players have been indicted?

Unfortunately that’s the answer

The only thing that will save the republic at this point is refreshing the tree of Liberty. Which we as a people don’t really have the stomach for. Myself included. I just want to live in peace and raise my family. I don’t want to see war again. Call me a pussy. Cool. Call it short sided you’re right. Call me selfish. Again you’re right. But gotdamned it all. Guess I’ll go down blasting at the end protecting my own.
Follow the pandemic and the money and you will find the little corrupt bastard Fauci every time.
Nice redirection.
No it's not. His premise is that oil is constantly produced by geologic forces. Not all hydrocarbons are made from dead organic material. There is a ton of methane in the gas giant planets, so his premise is not completely false. What is absurd is that resources like oil are not made from organic material. The origins of oil is very well understood.
I’m a believer. But I have issues.

God does not give us the ability to effectively fight back

God expects us to just sit idly by while civilization is destroyed.

God wants us to be weak and pathetic. To have us watch everything around us crumble. But hey, tell them about Him

Good used to do things to show his might through humans.

Not now. Not at all. He’s just leaving us to flounder in the wind because faith.
I’m a believer. But I have issues.

God does not give us the ability to effectively fight back

God expects us to just sit idly by while civilization is destroyed.

God wants us to be weak and pathetic. To have us watch everything around us crumble. But hey, tell them about Him

Good used to do things to show his might through humans.

Not now. Not at all. He’s just leaving us to flounder in the wind because faith.
Yes you do. Because it’s never our time. It is HIS time.
Follow the pandemic and the money and you will find the little corrupt bastard Fauci every time.
On the subject of that Fauchmeister.
I was fucking around earlier and made this:
Today was a massive L. The opposition who is intentionally ripping this country apart lives by a different set of laws. This same court ruined Michael Flynn's life over the exact same charge and he wasn't even guilty. Sussman was guilty and nothing. We are swimming in a canyon of tyranny after sliding down the slope for years.

It's all out in the open and they don't care since they aren't accountable to anything or anyone. I'm a little despondent tonight.
Hang tough. @BamaRidger ’s post just above is correct. This trial wasn’t about Sussman. It was about getting witnesses on the record for the real chess game. We now have facts in evidence that Hillary approved the corrupt acts (and many other building-block facts) that can be used in future trials. And there will be many more connections. Durham has EVERYTHING and is getting it in the record and out in the public. Even the Swamp had to acknowledge some of the stuff from this case was extremely damning. Just wait until the additional flipped witnesses start talking in the upcoming indictments and trials.

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Hang tough. @BamaRidger ’s post just above is correct. This trial wasn’t about Sussman. It was about getting witnesses on the record for the real chess game. We now have facts in evidence that Hillary approved the corrupt acts. And there will be many more connections. Durham has EVERYTHING and is getting it in the record and out in the public. Even the Swamp had to acknowledge some of the stuff from this case was extremely damning. Just wait until the additional flipped witnesses start talking in the upcoming indictments and trials.

Hang tough. @BamaRidger ’s post just above is correct. This trial wasn’t about Sussman. It was about getting witnesses on the record for the real chess game. We now have facts in evidence that Hillary approved the corrupt acts (and many other building-block facts) that can be used in future trials. And there will be many more connections. Durham has EVERYTHING and is getting it in the record and out in the public. Even the Swamp had to acknowledge some of the stuff from this case was extremely damning. Just wait until the additional flipped witnesses start talking in the upcoming indictments and trials.


I'm hangin', but today was bad. What will be the venue for these future trials? That's the biggest issue and challenge going forward.
Life was Good. Until The Dumb Ass Reagan Let Ted Kennedy Rewrite The Immigration Act.

Until perhaps the early Sixties, the regions got along with each other reasonably well because there was little communication between them. Roads were poor, the internet was not even on the horizon. Radio stations and newspapers were local, reflecting the surrounding culture and taste. The central government was remote and had little influence locally. Each region lived as it wished.

Providing a degree of commonalty was that the country was overwhelmingly white, European, Anglophone and, at least nominally, Christian. It was socially conservative, largely consisting of small towns.

Life was Good. Until The Dumb Ass Reagan Let Ted Kennedy Rewrite The Immigration Act.

Until perhaps the early Sixties, the regions got along with each other reasonably well because there was little communication between them. Roads were poor, the internet was not even on the horizon. Radio stations and newspapers were local, reflecting the surrounding culture and taste. The central government was remote and had little influence locally. Each region lived as it wished.

Providing a degree of commonalty was that the country was overwhelmingly white, European, Anglophone and, at least nominally, Christian. It was socially conservative, largely consisting of small towns.

Was that before or after they tried to kill him?

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