Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Fuck Nabisco
I bought Great Value Twist & Shouts today bc of this bullshit.
I'm not ignoring what's currently going on. How can I or anybody with a minimally functioning brain? I just can't even, right now.

Geezus I'm tired. My ribs frigging hurt (not the first time, but still sucks. They squish.Stupidest accident ever. But I saved Stella. And thank goodness I kept my oxy refils up). I have to drive to NJ in 2 a jeep....with broken ribs. I'm generally pissed off at the world right now. My daughter and her boyfriend were hit by a drunk driver a couple of weeks ago. They're relatively okay (my girl also happens to have a couple of cracked ribs, among other little issues, but she's okay). So thankful they were in his Volvo instead of her Honda and that the light pole was there to keep them from rolling. Car is totaled. My heart is not. So that's a positive.

It's been a hell of a couple of weeks, y'all.

This shit is not helping my disposition, but apparently my pissiness (and drugged and drunken state...not at the same time) is providing a great deal of amusement to everybody. It's well known I have a low tolerance for bullshit on any given day. Most assume I say whatever I want (I don't. My poor tongue has the scars to prove it) Now? None. No filter. I'm done with this shit.

Might need a few preemptive prayers for forgiveness. 😂
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Sucks this is happening to them. For me personally, I have completely given up hope that I will get assistance from others. We don’t fly. If we want to go somewhere we drive. We even bought a travel trailer and stay in there instead of hotels. For that reason, I have no plans to leave the USA anytime soon. There’s a whole lot of this great country I haven’t gotten to see yet.

I know this isn’t practical for everyone but it gives me peace of mind. I’m the ultimate protector/provider/guardian for my kids. We don’t want to be stranded and separated like you mentioned.
Agree. I have no desire to go anywhere that requires flying. Nor am I interested in spending several hundred dollars per night on a hotel.

The airline, Southwest, told them "too bad".
The slow roll of vulnerability continues.


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