From the previous link, this part of the discussion is interesting and actually makes sense:
"I'm no Rofschild, *LOL* and it's a no-brainer where all the money went.
It went to fight your Bush 1 and Bush 2 war! That's where it went!
It will surely drain your economy just like Afghanistan drained Russia and sent it bye bye.
Obama was in a no-win situation taking over that mess.
How could he withdraw when there was a bunch of blind misled patriotics trying to defend a money pit war to shoot down any terrorist (which wasn't even accomplished until recently) in a terrorist situation that was a false flag in the first place!
Blind patriotism has caused this financial crisis and with a financial dead USA no longer the super power who does it make way for??"
Quoting: gypsy heart
"The money doesn't "go" anywhere. You must understand the basics by now??
1) "money" is created on a fractional-ized basis, but has no intrinsic value. Rather, the federal reserve act of 1913 allows the Federal Reserve to create a money substitute which circulates the same as "real" money. The FRA makes the us citizens responsible for the "repayment" of all debts accruing from the use of these instruments.
2) Usury, or interest, is charged along the way. The owners of the Fed receive a cut of this interest. What is represented, of course, is the blood, sweat and energy of those so yoked. Which would be you, of course.
3) Thus, there is no issue with deficits and deficit spending, as your Mr. Cheney pronounced to great dismay. Of what difference if the debt is 15 trillion or 150 trillion...only the interest has to be paid...not the principal...
It could not, by definition EVER be design.
Laughing out loud!
Keep repaying the interest...keep toiling...and all will be well.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/16/2011 01:06 PM"