Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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As most of you know, the World Health Assembly has spent the past 7 days considering Biden’s 13 controversial amendments to the International Health Regulations.

Official delegates from wealthy developed nations like Australia, the UK, and the US spoke in strong support of the amendments and urged other states to join them in signing away their countries’ sovereignty.

The first sign, however, that things might not be going the globalists' way, came on Wednesday, the 25th of May, which just happened to also be Africa Day.

Botswana read a statement on behalf of its 47 AFRO members, saying they would be collectively withholding their support for the ‘reforms’, which many African members were very concerned about.

Multiple other countries also said they had reservations over the changes and would not be supporting them either.

These included Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran and Malaysia. Brazil in particular said it would exit WHO altogether, rather than allow its population to be made subject to the new amendments.

In the end, the WHO and its wealthy nation supporters were forced to back down.

They have not given up though – far from it. Instead, they did what they always do and 'pivoted'.

At their request, a new working group was convened to make "technical recommendations on the proposed amendments" which will be re-submitted along with the Pandemic Treaty, at the 77th Health Assembly meeting in 2024.

There has also been lots of pushback from Republicans in the US, with a number of them introducing new bills giving the US Congress/Senate powers to override any WHO mandates or directives issued as part of any international agreements.

One, called the 'No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act' has 15 co-sponsors and was introduced to the Senate on Thursday by Republican Senator Ron Johnson, who said "The sovereignty of the United States is not negotiable".

Here in Australia, we need to keep the pressure up on our own parliaments, both Federal AND State, up the ante, and don’t ever look sideways.

Just brace for the digital ID now, and as the Federal Parliament reboots we need to push back at all costs on that from this week moving forwards.
Africa saw what happened to residents when the Do-Gooders banned DDT and millions died and became infected with Malaria from swarms of infected mosquitoes following the ban.

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I really want to believe Tulsi is coming around butt I still don't trust her. Still wood knot pull out tho

Help me out. So they agree that there are vulnerabilities but were not exploited? How does this interact with this? A2DFB719-7422-4ED8-B957-6F237976F6E0.jpeg
Guys listen - this is sooooooo bad you won’t believe. It’s soooooooo bad that we had to hold onto it for almost two years and we are going to keep holding onto it and not tell everybody what it is. It’s soooooooo bad. It’s totally irrefutable. We just have to figure out how and when we can release it because it’s soooooooo irrefutable.

Im hoping there is so much of it at so many levels that cause it to take so long. The 200 mules is only proof of how deep it ran. Thats just one level. I 100% believe it regardless of what comes out. I knew it from election night. There was mass cheating on all levels.
I thought the Trump WH was supposed to be a mess

^^does this remind anyone of all the parades that Dems wouldn't cancel at the beginning of Covid?
EU Fuel and energy costs have inflated 40% since they imposed Russian sanctions. They just announced yesterday additional sanctions on Russia.
Yah keep doing what does not work sound like the Democratic Commies in America. Stunned from the asshole both ways.
I thought the Trump WH was supposed to be a mess

^^does this remind anyone of all the parades that Dems wouldn't cancel at the beginning of Covid?
Or the Antifa riots or numerous George Floyd funerals.

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