Shows my age. Lol good grief boy how old are you? Shows my age. FFS I love when goof balls speak out of their ass. Its simple to watch. Introduce a drug to society and the negatives out weigh the positives. Stop comparing Alcohol and pot. One has nothing to do with the other.You're fine to believe what you want, and I agree many of the previous points from the other board member are stupid........but this old tired argument shows your age. Long before I ever inhaled cannabis, I acquired some cigarettes when I was probably but 10 years old. Tasted my first bit of hard liquor from my parents stash, because it was legal and therefore not taboo to have in a household. I would suspect that is probably the case for the vast majority of people. Maybe kids these days are able to get to it easier and it provides a gateway to curiosity for other substances. But for me personally, buzzing off that nicotine and feeling my first bit of alcohol induced confidence was my gateway.
How old are you? 23?