Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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You're fine to believe what you want, and I agree many of the previous points from the other board member are stupid........but this old tired argument shows your age. Long before I ever inhaled cannabis, I acquired some cigarettes when I was probably but 10 years old. Tasted my first bit of hard liquor from my parents stash, because it was legal and therefore not taboo to have in a household. I would suspect that is probably the case for the vast majority of people. Maybe kids these days are able to get to it easier and it provides a gateway to curiosity for other substances. But for me personally, buzzing off that nicotine and feeling my first bit of alcohol induced confidence was my gateway.
Shows my age. Lol good grief boy how old are you? Shows my age. FFS I love when goof balls speak out of their ass. Its simple to watch. Introduce a drug to society and the negatives out weigh the positives. Stop comparing Alcohol and pot. One has nothing to do with the other.
How old are you? 23?
Couldnt be more of a stupid argument
1. God Created it lol.
2. One has nothing to do with the other
3. Obnoxious nonsense. Not even a factor or a point.
4. Being high of any sort helps relive pain.

Its a drug period. Injecting a drug for recitational use into society will have nothing but negative effects. And its a huge gateway drug. I'm embarrassed you actually wrote or typed this

I've tried plenty of drugs for the first time. Never once when I was high, always drunk or drinking. Daily marijuana user vs. alcohol in the evening. Some absue it, but if you're making a comparison I'd much rather people be high than drunk.

And making the comparison because one is legal and much worse a drug IMO. If you're advocating taking alcohol away, sure then

Is it just me or was Avici a ringer for young Tom Brady?
I can’t believe that this video has not found it’s way here but her you go. It is over 5 hours long but captivating. If you buy into all of these theories you should be named the Grand Pooba of this thread. The cliffs are that the old world was far more technological than our world and that there was a reset in the 19th century that destroyed and obscured the original capabilities. That the people at the time of construction of the magnificent architecture had no reason to build what they built unless the original purpose of the structures was something different entirely. You may have to suspend some of your beliefs to get to the good stuff but I find it fascinating and helps explain why our ancestors would bother do build what was obviously built. Don’t let the title stop you. Much more here than that.

HOLeee cow simply great watch. This narrator states "Watch The Water" several times
I may be out of my element here but I thought majority meant over 50%.
Nobody owns more than 50% in a public company.

Typically the largest shareholders at the Institutional Investors (Mutual Fund companies) including Blackrock, State Street Capital and Vanguard own, collectively, 10-15% of most public companies.

Activist investors, such as Carl Icahn, typically acquire 3-5% of a company and then demand a board seat. In some companies, we see board seats held by individuals with 1-2%.
Couldnt be more of a stupid argument
1. God Created it lol.
2. One has nothing to do with the other
3. Obnoxious nonsense. Not even a factor or a point.
4. Being high of any sort helps relive pain.

Its a drug period. Injecting a drug for recitational use into society will have nothing but negative effects. And its a huge gateway drug. I'm embarrassed you actually wrote or typed this

Your comment about it being a gateway drug is ignorant. The only way weed is a “gateway drug” is by the people you meet to get it. It’s a “gateway” to meeting drug dealers who can get you harder substances like coke, ex, heroin, meth, etc. If someone could walk into a store and legally buy it, they aren’t meeting those drug dealers and don’t have an opportunity to buy the hard, really addictive drugs. Just because someone smokes weed doesn’t mean they automatically want to do heroin, but meeting those shady ass people makes heroin more accessable.
Your comment about it being a gateway drug is ignorant. The only way weed is a “gateway drug” is by the people you meet to get it. It’s a “gateway” to meeting drug dealers who can get you harder substances like coke, ex, heroin, meth, etc. If someone could walk into a store and legally buy it, they aren’t meeting those drug dealers and don’t have an opportunity to buy the hard, really addictive drugs. Just because someone smokes weed doesn’t mean they automatically want to do heroin, but meeting those shady ass people makes heroin more accessable.

agree 100 % . Most folks that demonize weed do not really understand it. Smoking pot does not make me want to go get cocaine and heroin. Marijuana is illegal because it is good. Its a very beneficial plant. People that think otherwise are hypnotized by the media
Ukrainian Fake News Obama dropped over 100,000 Bombs. Many landed on civilians. Biden and the EU want Putin on war crimes, when do the start on Clinton Bombing Serbia for 78 days straight. Or GW Bush etc. Mostly all undeclared wars. Trump was the Only One who basically ended that shit.
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