Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
EMP was my biggest concern when I was working in an office 30 miles from home. I built myself a bug out bag that had enough supplies to last me 3 days until I could get back home. Now I work at home, my wife works at home and my kids are in grade school a couple miles from the house. Luckily we're all close to each other 99% of the time now.
We've had a plan forever. If our girls are in school we meet at 22nd and 2nd. If there is a problem there, 33rd and 3rd. If there is a problem there, meet at home which is a similar jump.
They're Destroying My City

Do you have recommendations for a chamber sealer? I just did a quick online search and range from 300$ to 2000$
Here is the one I have. Love it and use the ever loving shit out of it. Can regularly find it for below $1k.

The Lady On the Right Catherine Engelbrecht is One of My Friend's Sister

She's Not Just a Patriot She's a Fucking Warrior

We Need More of Her

I Spoke With Her Brother - Says This is the Tip of the Iceberg - He Would Not Discuss on the Phone Other Things They Found - We Are Supposed to Go to Lunch Soon

We should get a H-town lunch meet up scheduled. I think there are several of us ITT.
I’m saying Obama is Biden’s puppet master, calling all the shots and pulling all of the strings with Jarrett and Rice.

Two things regarding the border back in '15 when Depends was the VP, he commented how he'd like to see immigration make the white European majority become the minority. He said it again in '17 so we know his '15 comments wasn't one of his countless dumbass gaffs. He meant it.

Obama expressed his regret of the deportations of illegals the first part of his presidency ......aka, doing his job. Now with poopy pants in the WH, Obama has another shot at flooding the gates. When Trump wins in '24 he'll have a mass exit planned with the help from messico leveraging trade/$ for them to do the right thing.

Dems/leftists are pieces of trash.
I’m saying Obama is Biden’s puppet master, calling all the shots and pulling all of the strings with Jarrett and Rice.
100% - he LITERALLY told everyone.

'If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a frontman or frontwoman, and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff, then I could sort of deliver the lines but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony, then I'd be fine with that because I found the work fascinating,' Obama said.
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