Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
No. I’ve read the drops.

you believe what you believe. And I’ll believe what I believe. And when Hillary is never taken to jail and the deep state isn’t sent to gitmo, what will you say then?

Holy sh*t man can you at least give us these 12 or so hours to believe?

What is so wrong with that? Why the aggression now? Come back in 24 if you feel so strongly about saying “told ya so”.
Laura Loomer, aka the OG source in this thread going back to Vegas. She started out as an independent investigative reporter digging into the Vegas shooting if I remember right. She got some traction on alt news back then, and ultimately ended up running for Congress in the Mar a Lago district in 2020.
She had the lady balls to stand up in the middle of a congressional hearing and tell Jack Dorsey he was a frigging liar and a liar under oath, no less (one of the first of the many SM 'we're serious this time' hearings) She was one of the first big conservative voices to be silenced. She recorded the entire thing and warned that it wouldn't stop with her. (She was all over Obamagate)

At the time, she was derided as a loon and a hack. She was right. And nobody stood with her. Not only did they silence her, though. They launched a coordinated campaign to destroy her... and by coordinated, I mean Jack, Zack, Bezos, members of congress, all was disgusting. They even made fun of her pink phone case and her personal appearance and private life. Tolerance and support for women just oozed from the pores. 🙄

She's rightfully pissed and vengeful.

Now, everybody wants her to support them (and she is, while taking a pound of flesh). But where were they when they saw what Fuckerburg and Jack did to her?
Definitely haven’t been whining for two years as I wasn’t even apart of the other forum that long.

and in general I’m not whining. I’m telling you that you were sold a bunch of bullshit and you still believe it.

We know what you think.

You have said it a million times.

What validation do you need to stop whining?

Never mind. On ignore now.
Q doesn’t need to be real for us to do what Trump did. We need to stop living in fantasy land.
I’m actually 100% on board with you on this point. I’ve been a skeptical Q follower since I learned about it. I think one of the biggest positives that this Q movement may have done is wake people back up, and get them off their asses and more involved in politics. Nothing is stopping ANY of us for running for state/national government tomorrow. Trump was the first true populist to sit in the whitehouse since I believe Teddy Roosevelt, and I’m almost certain ole Teddy got the same treatment Trump did. Big government HATES populists because their ends are for the people NOT for the government. We should all be busting our asses from this day forward to support candidates who have our best interests at heart. Politics has become so distant to the average person over the last 40+ years, and that is one thing DJT did that was great for this country, he brought politics back to the common person.
Oh, you can get an AK...ammo is another story. We bought a few boxes of 9mm from a friend. He was smart enough to stockpile last year.

The guy we work with did tell me they expect the shortages to resolve about mid to late March. And the prices should come down to a new normal. Not the insane cost now, but not what they were before the world lost its mind. Probably somewhere in the middle will be the 'new normal'.

(I hate that phrase)
No kidding, I can’t remember the last time I saw 7.62 in stock.
If I'm drinking chard, I prefer Rombauer or Landmark. I'm not a huge chard drinker.

I hit the liquor store earlier to replenish my TX bourbon (still can't get the whiskey which is my absolute favorite) and Whistlpig.

I'll probably be drinking Saldo or Machete tomorrow night. If it goes to hell, I'll just be swigging bourbon from the bottle. 🤣
Since you’re a Rye fans, have you ever had Templeton Rye out of Iowa? It’s fantastic IMO.
Ok for the late night crew I just got what will keep the believers up tonight or running to Kroger's. I so badly don't want my hopes up but I think it has already happened. Here you go
1/19 2.0!!!!

January 19, 2021 at 9:03:39 PM EST
Subject: 7am EST

I imagine here are two sorts of people reading this right now. The depressed, anxious and concerned, and the thrilled, expectant and giddy. Guess which one I am right now. Let's get to the point. It is ON! All stories point to events being OPERATIONAL. It is amazing how the trusted resources have come through.

True patriots. Charlie Ward was being interviewed, and was asked how he saw events unfolding in the next few days. He wanted to be clear, so he did something he never does. He read an email he was sent from someone. The email was from someone working at a major network telling him that an FCC official and two federal agents showed up demanding to speak with the person in charge. The woman in charge was told that they would be taking over their network broadcasts starting at 7am EST and would be in total control for 72 hours. Non-compliance would result in criminal charges. The email said the manager was still in tears, LOL! A letter was sent to teachers in Mexifornia instructing them not to watch the inauguration in class and to remain calm for the sake of their students when the emergency broadcast happens.

Simon Parkes told us a DAY ago that General Hyten would be the one to let us know when operations took place. After he said that, I looked him up only to find he had no social media presence, but between then and now, THIS popped up! Created in the past 24 hours, and the message is CLEAR! Some highlights "The enemy is awake" (x2) and "THE TRUTH WILL SHOCK THE WORLD" and "CALM BEFORE THE STORM" with the infamous video, "The complete truth would put 99% of Americans (the World) in the hospital [Great Awakening]" He is referencing the AWFUL crimes against humanity with that, AND he is using Q's language and punctuation. But that was the tease. He said "Operations underway" and "Something happening at the capitol" and "DS (deep state) they are in PANIC" and "This channel will be gone soon". That should be all you need. It doesn't get more clear than that, but there is more

. Pedo Joe gave what is being described as his "farewell speech" and he teared up. This is NOT the reaction of someone about to realize their life long dream. Why is he tearing up? Perhaps this broadcast from OAN explains why. They let this slip. This was supposed to be aired tomorrow or later, but I LOVE IT. We just were told Gina Traitor Haspell resigned as head of the CIA. Think about THAT! Why would she resign one day before her deep state overlord was set to take over? Furthermore, remember the picture taken of Liddell leaving the White House holding notes, and one thing that we could read was Kash Patel would be head of the CIA? Yeah, it is all coming together.

Then there is DC. East Berlin of 1984 thinks they have gone to the extreme. 2,000 more MILITARY troops were sent there. 30,000 wasn't enough? 750 special troops trained to handle biological, chemical and nuclear events were sent. False flag prevention? The large armored vehicles we have been reporting about being transported are now being seen rolling in the streets of DC. Marines are coming in on Osprey aircraft. For an inauguration?!?! Six huge Naval ships showed up in a small armada off the west coast. Sounds like a giant military operation to me. If only we had confirmation. Well how about this interview with the Major General in charge of the National Guard where he thanks us all for the peaceful transition to MILITARY POWER. The clueless d'bag traitor at CNN didn't catch on to that for a second.

Know what the military DIDN'T do? Provide Pedo Joe an aircraft to the inauguration forcing him to get his own transportation. This is the next Commander in Chief? Analysts have pointed out that the new fences surrounding the capitol are designed to keep people IN, not keep people out. The DoD posted a tweet saying "Strike in the dark". Future Gitmo prisoner Cuomo announced he would not attend the inauguration. That won't keep him safe.

Trump gave his fake farewell address, and notably he still didn't concede but did say "The movement we started is only just beginning". DJT Jr tweeted the "Best is yet to come". Does this sound like people about to leave? Remember, they will be DESTROYED if they don't take down the deep state. They are in total control. A few misc items. Cocaine Mitch said today that Trump "provoked" people to "storm" the capitol. He is dead. Trump signed an EO set to take effect Friday. He is leaving, isn't he? Lin Wood posted a video that is being taken down everywhere showing an insider confessing that Benedict Roberts' kids were given to him by Epstein. He is set for execution. He will not be spared. Charlie Ward made this point again, and he is insistent about it. He said the Constitution says if there is ANY foreign interference in the election, the election is null and void and Trump wins by default. He adds that Trump verified this with the Supreme Court three times which means this last election was for show and a sting operation. Pluis, the corporation of the US is dissolved meaning the election was truly meaningless.

With that, a few comments. I hope you have at least three weeks of food, water, etc. The military operations requiring lockdowns will take supposedly no more than ten days , but the people blind sided by these events will empty store shelves the minute they open up, and it will take time to restock. Furthermore, be prepared for off line entertainment so down load games, movies, books, videos, etc. My last comment might be the most important. I am not worried about this in the LEAST. I am 100% serious when I say I have ZERO doubt about the outcome. Even if the EAS doesn't happen in the morning, even if we see Pedo Joe inaugurated. His crimes will NOT be allowed. There is ZERO chance he takes office. ZERO.

I view this as watching a play. I haven't read the script, so I don't know what the scenes look like, but I was given a spoiler and told the ending before attending the play, so even when things look their darkest, I'm not worried because I know how this ends. Listening to this right now because I am so psyched. This too. And this. The point is, for me, this is a time of jubilation. It's been a long path to get here. Time to enjoy it.

I enjoy reading these emails. I am fascinated with conspiracies, generally. Aliens, Bermuda Triangle, all of it. The wilder the better.

But I do worry about this guys mental state if things don’t go well tomorrow. He’s going to need IRL friends to give him a path back to planet earth (family, friends, community, God) if tomorrow serves a dose of hard reality.
How is this pedo den still open?

Yes, and Not just That -

why are DC bars and restaurants not shut down, at least limited to only Take out, and they are open late at night??

In NYC, LA, CHIC and almost all major Blue leftist libphaag large cities, ALL THE Bars and joints are either totally shut down, or very limited and not open at night for dine in. In CHIC the infamous Beetle-Juice would go crazy if a Pizza place was open at night for dine in.

WTF is up with this..... do the Comet Pedo Fvvcks get special CV19 rules?
If you read my long email on last page, he told a story about a tv exec being told they were taking over at 7:00 am. Is that crap in your opinion?
Yes. More than likely. He read it straight from 4chan or else he posted it there himself and read it to the audience. That was the exact moment I concluded that Ward had no better information than any of us in here.
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I appreciate your loyalty jayhox. I have no doubt that you are an absolutely wonderful human being. But 13 more hours or not, my mind is made up on what is reality and what is fantasy.

there are so many issues with Q that make it so believable. There’s a religious element and that’s a grabber for many folks. But also, there’s meaning, a plot! But I can’t. I just can’t. It’s not happening. I don’t know if the good guys were trying to get people to dig or the bad guys were trying to get people to sit on the sidelines. I know we as true conservatives and lovers of liberty face an enormous battle but Q isn’t our George Washington.

I’ll hold the line, but I’m gonna hold it for liberty, not for Q and not for some bullshit plan. I’ll always be here to fight for my country. But if someone wants to lead an army, don’t do it anonymously. I have more thoughts and we could all discuss much easier if in person. This is a tough place to truly ‘debate’ streaming consciousness.

but seriously, to you, and all others in this thread, I pray blessings to all of you and I pray that we can all pursue truth and avenues to create the necessary changes for our local and federal governments. Many on here have great hearts. I can tell. But I just can’t buy the Q stuff. Whatever it was or failed.
You’ve never understood Q, then.
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I bought a few hundred round on Target Sports USA about 3-4 mos ago. I think I paid $25/box for Federal match. Went to buy more a few weeks ago and it was $40 and sold out.
Box of 20? That’s literally insane. And here I thought I was overpaying when I got greentip 556 for 17 a box last week. I went in the store yesterday and 556 was 35 a box. Albeit better ammo, but still, almost 2$ a shot for 556... insane.
Believe what you want. But be realistic.
Dude, it’s not your job to change anyone’s mind or opinion. It does not hurt you one bit if someone believes in something you don’t. You do not have to call out everybody that feels different than you. You have said your peace, so I’m begging you to just let it be. You make some valid points but you are not going to change the way anyone believes. So again, I ask you to please let it be. Please.
I enjoy reading these emails. I am fascinated with conspiracies, generally. Aliens, Bermuda Triangle, all of it. The wilder the better.

But I do worry about this guys mental state if things don’t go well tomorrow. He’s going to need IRL friends to give him a path back to planet earth (family, friends, community, God) if tomorrow serves a dose of hard reality.

LOL ...... and unfortunately, you just described above quite likely at least 80% of Us in this thread, myself included.

Hoping we never find out, but if that scenario occurs the majority of us will need all kinds of special paths and spiritual assistance to regain our lives and what this new dreadful reality will encompass.
Let's pray we never need to address this possibility....
She had the lady balls to stand up in the middle of a congressional hearing and tell Jack Dorsey he was a frigging liar and a liar under oath, no less (one of the first of the many SM 'we're serious this time' hearings) She was one of the first big conservative voices to be silenced. She recorded the entire thing and warned that it wouldn't stop with her. (She was all over Obamagate)

At the time, she was derided as a loon and a hack. She was right. And nobody stood with her. Not only did they silence her, though. They launched a coordinated campaign to destroy her... and by coordinated, I mean Jack, Zack, Bezos, members of congress, all was disgusting. They even made fun of her pink phone case and her personal appearance and private life. Tolerance and support for women just oozed from the pores. 🙄

She's rightfully pissed and vengeful.

Now, everybody wants her to support them (and she is, while taking a pound of flesh). But where were they when they saw what Fuckerburg and Jack did to her?

Think you could run a populist in Ohio 7 and win? I'm tempted to try just to see what the experience would be like and if I'd get Arkancided or dominioned into oblivion.
Yes, and Not just That -

why are DC bars and restaurants not shut down, at least limited to only Take out, and they are open late at night??

In NYC, LA, CHIC and almost all major Blue leftist libphaag large cities, ALL THE Bars and joints are either totally shut down, or very limited and not open at night for dine in. In CHIC the infamous Beetle-Juice would go crazy if a Pizza place was open at night for dine in.

WTF is up with this..... do the Comet Pedo Fvvcks get special CV19 rules?

Les Enfants was named one of the most powerful people in DC. A friggin' pizza shop owner...go figure.
I enjoy reading these emails. I am fascinated with conspiracies, generally. Aliens, Bermuda Triangle, all of it. The wilder the better.

But I do worry about this guys mental state if things don’t go well tomorrow. He’s going to need IRL friends to give him a path back to planet earth (family, friends, community, God) if tomorrow serves a dose of hard reality.
Who is the guy on our home board that is so hardcore into conspiracy stuff? The one I’m talking about has actually traveled to Gobekli Tepi and the pyramids. Guy is cool as hell, just can’t remember the name.

Regardless, we need to get him an invite.
Bring it on. I don’t care. I feel sad for you that you cannot allow a fellow conservative with a differing opinion. That’s actually pathetic and weak. Carry on.

I don’t think the different opinions have anything to do with it. It’s the fact that you come off as an insufferable cunt. The few times I have read something that you post, I can only think that you are a giant dbag and I feel bad for how truly pathetic and weak you are. Don’t carry on, please die in a fire.

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