Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Bring it on. I don’t care. I feel sad for you that you cannot allow a fellow conservative with a differing opinion. That’s actually pathetic and weak. Carry on.

Im not sure of this guy's posting in the past or on tMB but i, too, think nothing is going to happen tomorrow. Im fascinated by the conspiracy theory but there is just no way any of this military takeover or DS going to jail is going to happen. I could be wrong and if i am. ill be the first to admit it. But 99% sure Biden will be inaugurated, nothing is going to happen amd that will be it.

My question is, if nothing happens, whats been known to happen? Do the goal posts get moved? Or is it widely accepted that we are fooked?
Dude, it’s not your job to change anyone’s mind or opinion. It does not hurt you one bit if someone believes in something you don’t. You do not have to call out everybody that feels different than you. You have said your peace, so I’m begging you to just let it be. You make some valid points but you are not going to change the way anyone believes. So again, I ask you to please let it be. Please.
I’m just doing what everyone else in this thread is doing....sharing my belief. The difference is my opinion is different so I’m labeled as the outcast. Everyone shares what they believe and it’s ok. But not me.
I don’t think the different options have anything to do with it. It’s the fact that you come off as an insufferable cunt. The few times I have read something that you post, I can only think that you are a giant dbag and I feel bad for how truly pathetic and weak you are. Don’t carry on, please die in a fire.
Maybe you read me in the wrong tone? Or maybe I’m not a good writer? Maybe I’m a giant dbag. (I’m not) but I would never wish for you to die in a fire. That’s actually really fucking pathetic and inhuman of you. I wouldn’t wish my worst enemy to die in a fire. But you do you, since you’re such a good person. Thanks for the insight and uplifting words.
Im not sure of this guy's posting in the past or on tMB but i, too, think nothing is going to happen tomorrow. Im fascinated by the conspiracy theory but there is just no way any of this military takeover or DS going to jail is going to happen. I could be wrong and if i am. ill be the first to admit it. But 99% sure Biden will be inaugurated, nothing is going to happen amd that will be it.

My question is, if nothing happens, whats been known to happen? Do the goal posts get moved? Or is it widely accepted that we are fooked?
I think most will know deep inside we are fucked but will try to put on the “brave face” while hopefully trying to decide what the hell we can do to get us out of this hell we will be facing.
Weak and pathetic. Echo chambers make you stupid.
I tell a guy, 9/11 was an inside job. He replies, na man you’re crazy if you believe that. So I say, do you believe they found the passports of the terrorists in the rubble perfectly intact?
Of course I have no damning proof it was an inside job. But I’ve studied it for years and there’s no other explanation that comes close.
The guy, who’s looked into it a few times, says yeah that is fishy, but you’re crazy if you think our government would do that, Bush is a Hero.

I had that convo hundreds of times mostly with hardcore pubs and military friends. Every one of them that come to mind, only now they believe bush was a traitor and 9/11 was probably an inside job.
I have no proof Q is working with Trump. But millions have come to that conclusion after doing their own research.
Don’t watch others videos. Just skim the first 150 posts from 2017. Pick a random one and try to answer one of the questions using DuckDuckGo.

then tell me you still think it’s fantasy.
or stay in your Echo chamber.

I appreciate the dialogue tho.
I know what you think too because you always post what you believe to be true. But I don’t have you on ignore because I’m not a pussy.
If I had a dollar for every time I predicted what you are going to say (within a 95% accuracy rate) I’d have about $30k by now.

Most everyone in this thread is intelligent and understands we are hanging by a mere thread. Hope is all a lot of us have at this point because the alternative is too painful to think about, especially those of us with kids/grandkids.

There are enough Karen’s in this world. We don’t need one constantly repeating their tired opinion in this thread right now.
Im not sure of this guy's posting in the past or on tMB but i, too, think nothing is going to happen tomorrow. Im fascinated by the conspiracy theory but there is just no way any of this military takeover or DS going to jail is going to happen. I could be wrong and if i am. ill be the first to admit it. But 99% sure Biden will be inaugurated, nothing is going to happen amd that will be it.

My question is, if nothing happens, whats been known to happen? Do the goal posts get moved? Or is it widely accepted that we are fooked?

If nothing happens Q loses some momentum, but the fact still remains many have been awakened still and will never see things the same again.

The fact you are in this thread means you’ve been enlightened to some degree.

Maybe that was always the goal.
How shitty would it be if Q was just Shia LaBeouf getting revenge for fucking with his cameras.

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Whatever man. Does anyone? I mean blogs and podcasts are dedicated to interpreting q. You keep believing cause I know you will till the day you die. I’m not going to. Q isn’t saving us. That’s it. Anons aren’t saving us. The plan isn’t saving us. There. Is. No. Plan.
You got one thing right. Q isn’t saving us. We are saving us. Q just helped us understand that. Which is why you’ve never understood Q.
I tell a guy, 9/11 was an inside job. He replies, na man you’re crazy if you believe that. So I say, do you believe they found the passports of the terrorists in the rubble perfectly intact?
Of course I have no damning proof it was an inside job. But I’ve studied it for years and there’s no other explanation that comes close.
The guy, who’s looked into it a few times, says yeah that is fishy, but you’re crazy if you think our government would do that, Bush is a Hero.

I had that convo hundreds of times mostly with hardcore pubs and military friends. Every one of them that come to mind, only now they believe bush was a traitor and 9/11 was probably an inside job.
I have no proof Q is working with Trump. But millions have come to that conclusion after doing their own research.
Don’t watch others videos. Just skim the first 150 posts from 2017. Pick a random one and try to answer one of the questions using DuckDuckGo.

then tell me you still think it’s fantasy.
or stay in your Echo chamber.

I appreciate the dialogue tho.
I gotcha. What about some things in life are never able to be proven 100% for or 100% against?
If nothing happens Q loses some momentum, but the fact still remains many have been awakened still and will never see things the same again.

The fact you are in this thread means you’ve been enlightened to some degree.

Maybe that was always the goal.
If Q posted on Jan 21 and told me to go digging I would.

I'm not a pussy. Knowledge is power and there are no coincidences💀
Mcconnell won his seat in KY with less support than Trump got. We voted for McConnell to help Trump. If I'd of known Trump was going to get cheated I'd of voted for the dude/chick that was running against him.

There's actually reasonable evidence that McConnell used the same Dominion algos in his race. Less sure it was the difference maker, but some very fishy numbers in some of those districts. Remember, it's not only Democrats who are cheating elections, and lots of thoroughly corrupted GOP as well.
I’m just doing what everyone else in this thread is doing....sharing my belief. The difference is my opinion is different so I’m labeled as the outcast. Everyone shares what they believe and it’s ok. But not me.
It’s the way you go about doing it. You come across as your opinion is the only right opinion. And then you just keep on and on. No one that I’ve seen goes and specifically calls you out for your opinion unless you are calling them or someone else out. You just keep piling it on and on. Say your peace and try to have meaningful conversation not this “I’m right and you are wrong” shit. I try to read everything that is said on this board and then form my own opinion from everything I read. Sometimes my opinion is the right one but more time than not, it’s not the right one. You have to quit trying to change everyone’s mind. When you do that you actually bring some pretty good discussion to this board. Please try to do that some more.
It’s the way you go about doing it. You come across as your opinion is the only right opinion. And then you just keep on and on. No one that I’ve seen goes and specifically calls you out for your opinion unless you are calling them or someone else out. You just keep piling it on and on. Say your peace and try to have meaningful conversation not this “I’m right and you are wrong” shit. I try to read everything that is said on this board and then form my own opinion from everything I read. Sometimes my opinion is the right one but more time than not, it’s not the right one. You have to quit trying to change everyone’s mind. When you do that you actually bring some pretty good discussion to this board. Please try to do that some more.
Everyone who posts in this thread posts things as they are fact? Everyone else tells me I’m wrong....but somehow I’m the one called out on it. Go figure. Of course I sound like a dick. I’m a dissenting opinion.
If I had a dollar for every time I predicted what you are going to say (within a 95% accuracy rate) I’d have about $30k by now.

Most everyone in this thread is intelligent and understands we are hanging by a mere thread. Hope is all a lot of us have at this point because the alternative is too painful to think about, especially those of us with kids/grandkids.

There are enough Karen’s in this world. We don’t need one constantly repeating their tired opinion in this thread right now.
And who says I don’t have kids and grandkids? Sometimes a little reality is a good thing. You think Jesus’ disciples didnt have some rude awakenings about their beliefs along the way?
I appreciate your loyalty jayhox. I have no doubt that you are an absolutely wonderful human being. But 13 more hours or not, my mind is made up on what is reality and what is fantasy.

there are so many issues with Q that make it so believable. There’s a religious element and that’s a grabber for many folks. But also, there’s meaning, a plot! But I can’t. I just can’t. It’s not happening. I don’t know if the good guys were trying to get people to dig or the bad guys were trying to get people to sit on the sidelines. I know we as true conservatives and lovers of liberty face an enormous battle but Q isn’t our George Washington.

I’ll hold the line, but I’m gonna hold it for liberty, not for Q and not for some bullshit plan. I’ll always be here to fight for my country. But if someone wants to lead an army, don’t do it anonymously. I have more thoughts and we could all discuss much easier if in person. This is a tough place to truly ‘debate’ streaming consciousness.

but seriously, to you, and all others in this thread, I pray blessings to all of you and I pray that we can all pursue truth and avenues to create the necessary changes for our local and federal governments. Many on here have great hearts. I can tell. But I just can’t buy the Q stuff. Whatever it was or failed.
Very well said. I dropped off the Q train after “the mid-terms are safe,” “Trust Sessions” and “Trust Wray.” @Jayhox and I had it out a bit (respectfully of course) with me claiming Q was a leftist larp designed to set unreal expectations for Trump supporters. The goal to disenfranchise the Trump supporters. There is no doubt a lot of Trump supporters are disenfranchised tonight. Mission accomplished?

We can be the example (as @Jayhox and I have) of how a group can have diverging views, but still respect each other and see one another through the prism of our love for our country.
I gotcha. What about some things in life are never able to be proven 100% for or 100% against?

A good rule of thumb. If it becomes politically incorrect and toxic to talk about it, there's probably a lot of truth to the theory. Especially if weak strawmen and other logical fallacies are used by "reputable" sources to discredit them.

Remember, those who believe everything, and those who believe nothing, are both utter fools. My perception is that you fall firmly in the second camp. I can count on one hand the number in this thread who I'd say fall into the first. Discernment is key, even though it isn't infallible.
A good rule of thumb. If it becomes politically incorrect and toxic to talk about it, there's probably a lot of truth to the theory. Especially if weak strawmen and other logical fallacies are used by "reputable" sources to discredit them.

Remember, those who believe everything, and those who believe nothing, are both utter fools. My perception is that you fall firmly in the second camp. I can count on one hand the number in this thread who I'd say fall into the first. Discernment is key, even though it isn't infallible.
I don’t fall into that category but thanks.

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