Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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@Viking You Post This?

I think it’s safe to say Putin is not part of the Globalist Cabal when the Globalist Cabal aligns all of its forces against him.


She has the same speech writer as Al "Poverty Pimp" Sharpton.

A guy I work with is super covid scared. Vaxxed to the Maxx. I don't know if his kids are but would be extremely surprised if they aren't. Anyway, his 17 year old daughter is currently in the hospital after she collapsed at school. Has bruises all over her body and nobody can figure out what is wrong with her. She's at cooks and they are baffled. Basically her body is attacking itself.
This lying sack of shit says he doesn’t want to jump the line. If you took the first two shame on them. If you took the booster shame on you. If you line up for number four there is no shame in ignorance just ignorance. SKOL!
The nimrod just has to go down to their production facility and get as many as he wants.

I'm sorry, but I don't feel bad for whatever happens to anyone who keeps taking Jabs of poison.

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