Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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WW3 has Biden is obligated to defend Ukraine even if the US isn't. If he doesn't...Russia will capture incriminating data about his family's shady business and use to bring down the hierarchy. Biden is about drag us into WW3 to save his own ass oh and China hasn't even cashed in their favor yet. Biden needs to be OUT immediately
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I’ve seen this theory a few times and curious if there is more out there to confirm.

Hunter was on some Energy board for Ukraine right?

Trying to make sense of it all myself so I can then pass along this info in the form of a giant red pill lol
It starts with our Food, and Diet.
looking at you, Processsed Food,

and we need to take a deep dive Look at Montsano, it starts there as well.

Our Grandparents and their grandparents were healthier, less cancers, less obesity,
They did NOT eat Processsed Foods like our current generations of today.

The FDA does not regulate shvt.
This is why cancer rates are at all time highs. Cancer is everywhere, everyone and every family is affected.

This was Not the case 100 yrs ago.
People used to die of old age.
Not anymore,....
Great post Doug. Just look at the diet soda industry. Who made Sacharin (sp) - Monsanto did. Who made Aspertame - Monsanto did. Both were harmful additives to a product that already has one of the most harmful products we can put in our bodies in high fructose corn syrup. Monsanto was huge here in St. Louis. They were recently purchased by Bayer. It does not take a lot of research into Bayer to see their checkered past. Auschwitz in Germany comes to mind as a research topic into them.
I'm for trading Hawaii. The natives hate us, send whack job Senators. Strike a deal for us to keep Pearl and set them on their way

Fuck That - Take All The Fat-Ass Native Hawaiians And Deport Them To Fiji

I Love Hawaii - We Kicked Their Ass - To The Winner Goes the Spoils

Only Place On Earth With No Snakes for Flying Insects Great Surfing and Tennis

Never Give Up Conquered Territory
Here is my take on why Trudeau backed down from the Emergency act today.
  1. Their Senate could have rejected and not given approval as their Parliament did.
  2. The Parliament caught a boatload of shit from their constituents.
  3. He knows without the members of Parliament who voted with him that he is nothing.
  4. The run or potential run on banks scared the shit out of him. I believe the banks also turned on him and told him this is going to put them out of business.
  5. The quickest way a nation falls is by financial ruin and recovery would be almost impossible because no one would invest money in Canada if the banks had unlimited power to freeze and or confiscate their funds.
  6. He really knows he is just an average or below drama teacher who is not capable of being a leader Canada requires and demands.
  7. He is just a liberal woke fucking coward.
HA HA HA there has been a Bank Run on in Canada since Trudeau started seizing accounts of truckers and supporters. Banks finally told Trudeau we are in trouble.

Lolololol. The Canadian banks are going to suffer irreparable damage from this. Trudeau created massive banking decentralization in Canada. This is terrible for the WEF and cabal, lololololol. The Canadian people will be ready to decentralize the next time Trudeau tries this shit. Hell, this may destroy the Canadian banks eventually. Even libs wont trust them.


A couple of Ukraine thoughts

1) MAGA should basically shut up about this. Issue a somber message hoping for Peace, but give up all the gloating and blaming. Everyone knows Biden is a fvck up, no need to pile on. Let the World see this with no play by play

2) When do the networks start coming to Heels up's rescue. She failed the border, she failed here (congrats on her first European trip though). We are going to start hearing she was giving impossible tasks and was set up for failure.

3) Important to keep this in Ukraine only, if this spreads to the Baltics, then you may have your WW3

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