WW3 has started...now Biden is obligated to defend Ukraine even if the US isn't. If he doesn't...Russia will capture incriminating data about his family's shady business and use to bring down the hierarchy. Biden is about drag us into WW3 to save his own ass oh and China hasn't even cashed in their favor yet. Biden needs to be OUT immediately
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Great post Doug. Just look at the diet soda industry. Who made Sacharin (sp) - Monsanto did. Who made Aspertame - Monsanto did. Both were harmful additives to a product that already has one of the most harmful products we can put in our bodies in high fructose corn syrup. Monsanto was huge here in St. Louis. They were recently purchased by Bayer. It does not take a lot of research into Bayer to see their checkered past. Auschwitz in Germany comes to mind as a research topic into them.It starts with our Food, and Diet.
looking at you, Processsed Food,
and we need to take a deep dive Look at Montsano, it starts there as well.
Our Grandparents and their grandparents were healthier, less cancers, less obesity,
They did NOT eat Processsed Foods like our current generations of today.
The FDA does not regulate shvt.
This is why cancer rates are at all time highs. Cancer is everywhere, everyone and every family is affected.
This was Not the case 100 yrs ago.
People used to die of old age.
Not anymore,....
I'm for trading Hawaii. The natives hate us, send whack job Senators. Strike a deal for us to keep Pearl and set them on their way
Scientists find genetic match between Covid and Moderna 2016 patent
The international team of researchers identified a tiny snippet of code that is identical to part of a genetic sequence patented by the US vaccine maker three years before the pandemic.www.dailymail.co.uk
And...a rigged election.This is going to get ugly. And this is a direct result of this very weak administration that we have destroying our country right now!
also the price of oil is probably going to
Then Johnny Durham and his soon to be released shock the world humdinger report saved the republic and we all lived happily ever after
-Cincinattus the 6th circa year 2200
You can't leave out the obama wh back a coup in Ukraine in order to turn Ukraine into anti Russia.This is going to get ugly. And this is a direct result of this very weak administration that we have destroying our country right now!
also the price of oil is probably going to
Well...yeaYou can't leave out the obama wh back a coup in Ukraine in order to turn Ukraine into anti Russia.
It’s called local presence dialing. It would appear that was the closest line they had open to you. I get those too. I never answer a number I don’t have in my phone.
HA HA HA there has been a Bank Run on in Canada since Trudeau started seizing accounts of truckers and supporters. Banks finally told Trudeau we are in trouble.
I see that little fucker Fauci in this mutt too.