Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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A couple of Ukraine thoughts

1) MAGA should basically shut up about this. Issue a somber message hoping for Peace, but give up all the gloating and blaming. Everyone knows Biden is a fvck up, no need to pile on. Let the World see this with no play by play

2) When do the networks start coming to Heels up's rescue. She failed the border, she failed here (congrats on her first European trip though). We are going to start hearing she was giving impossible tasks and was set up for failure.

3) Important to keep this in Ukraine only, if this spreads to the Baltics, then you may have your WW3
Ukraine is gonna get steamrolled quick and Russia isn't going to stop there... the big question i have is when the US sends their B-52 bombers over Moscow will Putin have the balls to strike them down

Also Israel is bombing the fuck out of Syria rightnow and China could backdoor their way into Taiwan any second now....I say we have our WW3

my personal concern is where the fuck do I sign up to take in a female Ukrainian refugee
Ukraine is gonna get steamrolled quick and Russia isn't going to stop there... the big question i have is when the US sends their B-52 bombers over Moscow will Putin have the balls to strike them down

Also Israel is bombing the fuck out of Syria rightnow and China could backdoor their way into Taiwan any second now....I say we have our WW3

my personal concern is where the fuck do I sign up to take in a female Ukrainian refugee

I have papers for 3, I'll send you one
Here is my take on why Trudeau backed down from the Emergency act today.
  1. Their Senate could have rejected and not given approval as their Parliament did.
  2. The Parliament caught a boatload of shit from their constituents.
  3. He knows without the members of Parliament who voted with him that he is nothing.
  4. The run or potential run on banks scared the shit out of him. I believe the banks also turned on him and told him this is going to put them out of business.
  5. The quickest way a nation falls is by financial ruin and recovery would be almost impossible because no one would invest money in Canada if the banks had unlimited power to freeze and or confiscate their funds.
  6. He really knows he is just an average or below drama teacher who is not capable of being a leader Canada requires and demands.
  7. He is just a liberal woke fucking coward.

looks like Canada was the last ditch effort for covid.. its now just a failed test to bring in the NWO but the public didn’t completely fall for it. There was too much push back so they couldn’t outright force it without making it obvious. Now they’re going back to the true method.....WAR. this is all part of the great reset plan to go to a social credit system
Ukraine is gonna get steamrolled quick and Russia isn't going to stop there... the big question i have is when the US sends their B-52 bombers over Moscow will Putin have the balls to strike them down

Also Israel is bombing the fuck out of Syria rightnow and China could backdoor their way into Taiwan any second now....I say we have our WW3

my personal concern is where the fuck do I sign up to take in a female Ukrainian refugee
Like many predicted...the Olympics are over.
looks like Canada was the last ditch effort for covid.. its now just a failed test to bring in the NWO but the public didn’t completely fall for it. There was too much push back so they couldn’t outright force it without making it obvious. Now they’re going back to the true method.....WAR. this is all part of the great reset plan to go to a social credit system
Trudeau was actually the FRINGE. He was only elected with 15-20% support in last election. And this is one of the problems with the Westminster Parliaments, they have 5 different Political Parties. The Liberals, CPC or Conservative Party of Canada, NDP, pure SOCIALIST. Green Party, and the BQ or a Federal Party only elected in Quebec and 100% Separatist. So the Separatists and the Socialists went into coalition with Trudeau and enacted all this shit that Canadians did not want.
Trudeau then handed BILLIONS to the Weak Premiers of Provinces to adopt his Covid Agenda.
It has blown up on all of them.
None of those parties had the support of the people. None of them had enough support to form a government. Canadians distrust all of them.
You also have Separatist Parties Registered and Legal in Quebec, Sask. and Alberta. At The Provincial Level. Alberta is one of the most Conservative areas in North America. They elected one leftwing government in 115 years by a default. It is also one of the wealthiest areas and most highly educated areas with a young population and a high birthrate of conservatives. Alberta, southern Alberta used to belong to the USA. Part of the Louisiana Purchase. Then you have a Western Federal Separatist Party representing the 4 Western Provinces plus the Yukon. This is where all the wealth is in Canada. This is the bread basket for beef and grain growing area. Plus one of the largest potash deposits in the world, plus one of the largest uranium deposits in the world, plus the 2 nd largest proven oil deposits in the world. etc etc etc.
My 2 cents is Canada will break apart, the Central Government has bankrupted the country. They have the population of California and ore debt than the EU. They had over 1000 Tonnes of gold reserves then sold them off at 250/oz under the Liberal governments. They had 15B in debt total then the radicals got power. Canada now has 9T in total debt or 371% of gdp and all the gold is gone.
It is going to be chaos very soon. And were there is chaos there is great opportunity.
Trudeau was actually the FRINGE. He was only elected with 15-20% support in last election. And this is one of the problems with the Westminster Parliaments, they have 5 different Political Parties. The Liberals, CPC or Conservative Party of Canada, NDP, pure SOCIALIST. Green Party, and the BQ or a Federal Party only elected in Quebec and 100% Separatist. So the Separatists and the Socialists went into coalition with Trudeau and enacted all this shit that Canadians did not want.
Trudeau then handed BILLIONS to the Weak Premiers of Provinces to adopt his Covid Agenda.
It has blown up on all of them.
None of those parties had the support of the people. None of them had enough support to form a government. Canadians distrust all of them.
You also have Separatist Parties Registered and Legal in Quebec, Sask. and Alberta. At The Provincial Level. Alberta is one of the most Conservative areas in North America. They elected one leftwing government in 115 years by a default. It is also one of the wealthiest areas and most highly educated areas with a young population and a high birthrate of conservatives. Alberta, southern Alberta used to belong to the USA. Part of the Louisiana Purchase. Then you have a Western Federal Separatist Party representing the 4 Western Provinces plus the Yukon. This is where all the wealth is in Canada. This is the bread basket for beef and grain growing area. Plus one of the largest potash deposits in the world, plus one of the largest uranium deposits in the world, plus the 2 nd largest proven oil deposits in the world. etc etc etc.
My 2 cents is Canada will break apart, the Central Government has bankrupted the country. They have the population of California and ore debt than the EU. They had over 1000 Tonnes of gold reserves then sold them off at 250/oz under the Liberal governments. They had 15B in debt total then the radicals got power. Canada now has 9T in total debt or 371% of gdp and all the gold is gone.
It is going to be chaos very soon. And were there is chaos there is great opportunity.
PS: I would love to see America pick up Manitoba, this gives access to Hudson's Bay plus massive fresh water, Sask. Largest Potash deposits in world, plus Uranium deposits plus oil and gas, plus huge grain belt like ND and SD. Alberta, major oil an gas, Beef, grains etc. BC west coast. BC and the YUKON connects lower 48 to Alaska. Alberta private money is building the A2A railroad right now from Alberta to Alaska. If America scooped all that land and resources wow.
It would be the biggest boom in history.
Massive investments and growing area for Americans. Yah cold i winter but massive investment potential. Wish I was young again. They need US Capital.
Here is my take on why Trudeau backed down from the Emergency act today.
  1. Their Senate could have rejected and not given approval as their Parliament did.
  2. The Parliament caught a boatload of shit from their constituents.
  3. He knows without the members of Parliament who voted with him that he is nothing.
  4. The run or potential run on banks scared the shit out of him. I believe the banks also turned on him and told him this is going to put them out of business.
  5. The quickest way a nation falls is by financial ruin and recovery would be almost impossible because no one would invest money in Canada if the banks had unlimited power to freeze and or confiscate their funds.
  6. He really knows he is just an average or below drama teacher who is not capable of being a leader Canada requires and demands.
  7. He is just a liberal woke fucking coward.

Until all of the mandates are lifted, the truckers did not win, per what Ezra said. I wonder how much of this is test runs and theater to turn off old systems and implement new digital currencies.
PS: I would love to see America pick up Manitoba, this gives access to Hudson's Bay plus massive fresh water, Sask. Largest Potash deposits in world, plus Uranium deposits plus oil and gas, plus huge grain belt like ND and SD. Alberta, major oil an gas, Beef, grains etc. BC west coast. BC and the YUKON connects lower 48 to Alaska. Alberta private money is building the A2A railroad right now from Alberta to Alaska. If America scooped all that land and resources wow.
It would be the biggest boom in history.
Massive investments and growing area for Americans. Yah cold i winter but massive investment potential. Wish I was young again. They need US Capital.
Too bad Gravy Legs would never agree to this. He and Blackface are kindred souls.
Some group named Dallasopinions sent me a letter wanting me to do a survey about Dallas and its issues. At least that was what was said in the letter. It was nothing more than a political survey. They had already determined that it was going to be Abbott and Beta. Never asked any questions about Dallas or its leadership or issues.

Tried to complete it but could not submit it without listing an email address. Bye-bye to trash.
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