Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Hell yeah, let's do this! MAGA


I was hoping someone would post the link again...I’m lazy when it comes to this but if you make it easy for me I don’t mind paying. Thank you to whoever put forth the effort to get this done!
If the tweet came from a different timezone, say Europe, would it post with that local time? If so, that would line up with time in say, Italy.........

Ok yep, it does.

So now who got that screenshot? Had to be someone IN that time zone right?

Because if I open Twitter it shows me the times someone tweets in my timezone, not of the person who tweeted.

Just know I’m not doubting you, only trying to understand.

Edit - Damn it, I didn’t think this through.
Ok so the screenshot is just someone over in Italy or Europe. The tweet shows THEIR time zone it doesn’t necessarily mean anything as far as where Trump is.

I’ll drink another I guess.
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Too many newcomers caused the thread to smell of cabbage and dirty ass
My thought process was they’re about to nuke that thread any day and I asked @MortgageHorn if we could go ahead and make the move over here.

Turns out they merged the thread today and it was perfect timing. Yahoo will censor the hell out of that place I guarantee it. I will stay on my home board and talk football. But I think this is a much better place for this type of communication
Never had twitter, never will.

Got Parler though - Go Patriots!
Yes I will never tweet again. Right now parler has been shut down or at least the air pass by Google and Apple. Also the website is running very slow in my opinion due to interference on purpose by the enemy

So I will use Twitter to gather information until parler gets things straight hopefully soon

But as always fvck Twitter
Looks like this thread can be read without being a member. Needs changing ASAP imo

We are working it. We went from 20 users and 3 posts a week to 400 users and a post a minute in one day and we are trying to make sure all the basic functionalities are in place.

So basically you can go fuck yourself.

If you read around in the other threads you can see buried somewhere that we have a plan to address that

Also just kidding about the GFY, appreciate and understand the concern
I know everyone hates Tucker now but thought this was interesting. Actual pic too big to post.

Headline: CNN is trying to get Fox News off the air. Apparently they’ve been contacting tv/cable providers.
I told my wife earlier that I can’t believe Directv still has OAN and Newsmax on the air. You’d think it’s just a matter of time.
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