Hell yeah, let's do this! MAGA

Chamber’em if you got’em
interesting indeed
Donation Link
I see the request for this popping up regularly so I’m just gonna sticky this on the front page https://www.gofundme.com/f/crootn-fund?sharetype=teams&member=7554966&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer&utm_campaign=p_na+share-sheet&rcid=05b879d29c31495395068838055f388acrootn.com
Pulling the Bobby V.
interesting indeed
Glad you made it out of surgery. Prayers for a quick recovery. I’m glad you made it over here sirI made it through surgery. Thanks for the well wishes. Will mostly read rest of tonight as I’m a little out of it still.
Sorry fellas, what was the catalyst for the urgent move over here?
Somehow I pictured you more of the Fair to Midland type... The Cult is great though.
Also on the Admin feed, FYI.I was hoping someone would post the link again...I’m lazy when it comes to this but if you make it easy for me I don’t mind paying. Thank you to whoever put forth the effort to get this done!
Damn, this thread moves twice as fast as the old one.
I can't tell you how happy I am that the people yelling at Ghramnesty didn't yell, "Shame...Shame...shame" like a bunch of liberal faggits.
If the tweet came from a different timezone, say Europe, would it post with that local time? If so, that would line up with time in say, Italy.........
Oh my.
Agreed.Too many newcomers caused the thread to smell of cabbage and dirty ass
Hell yeah, let's do this! MAGA
Not trying to get into your business, but it's "fair to middling", which is a middle grade of cotton. So the euphemism came from that
The go-ogle overlords merged several threads into ours and it went straight to a crapfest.Sorry fellas, what was the catalyst for the urgent move over here?
They said they’re working on that brotherLooks like this thread can be read without being a member. Needs changing ASAP imo
Never had twitter, never will.Suspend a dying man...I can't wait to un-do my account from these fvcks
GraciasSoooooo I just donated, and the receipt email came in Spanish.
They said they’re working on that brother
Yes I will never tweet again. Right now parler has been shut down or at least the air pass by Google and Apple. Also the website is running very slow in my opinion due to interference on purpose by the enemyNever had twitter, never will.
Got Parler though - Go Patriots!
We are working it. We went from 20 users and 3 posts a week to 400 users and a post a minute in one day and we are trying to make sure all the basic functionalities are in place.Looks like this thread can be read without being a member. Needs changing ASAP imo
I told my wife earlier that I can’t believe Directv still has OAN and Newsmax on the air. You’d think it’s just a matter of time.I know everyone hates Tucker now but thought this was interesting. Actual pic too big to post.
Headline: CNN is trying to get Fox News off the air. Apparently they’ve been contacting tv/cable providers.
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Yep I love me some dark mode so that would be cool.I’m going to make some changes to the style in the near future. When I do I’m going to make a poll to see what the forum is thinking about this. As of right now though I don’t think there’s an in built feature for users to change this.
It wasn’t SS!.. and a poorly trained SS doesn’t exist..interesting using the Wednesday altercation to go after guns. It seems that the only gun violence was by a poorly trained Secret service agent.
No what? Fake news? I hope.
Maybe my anger is misdirected, but we are seeing a bunch of swamp rats jumping ship. I hope Pompeo and Mnuchin aren’t swamp rats, but that article seems to indicate otherwise. Of course,”sources”. I get that.
Lots of US bases in Jap. I deal with this issue when communicating with my brother.Yes if someone from Australia, New Zealand, or whatever time zone this is could have been the one that took the screenshot. It’s tomorrow over there.