Would you kiss her if she let you fuck her after?
Similar but she wanted ice in her vaginaThis girl in college wanted me to put ice cubes in her ass.
It was a really bad idea. Just a wet fart and three minutes of water and small ice cubes getting all over my sheets.
You guys know I'm not taking the time reading 87 pages of crimes while trying to post like a madman helping to inform folks in herewhat page of the report is the 140 million transfer from the Fed on, can’t locate it?
We got $3600 last week for wife, myself, and 4 kids.Has anyone received a stimulus direct deposit or check? I know nobody who has. Several people said they were told by the IRS their check was being mailed on 1/6 but nothing has been received thus far.
Stunning Photo! EnjoyWhen sh!t hits the fan I’ll need one of you Patriots to come get me across the border. I am in Cabo till the 24thView attachment 2101
Machine guns on the Potomac.
If JoBama does get installed, I would not be surprised to see someone, likely Iran, test his mental capacity soon thereafter.Never expect a china missile to ever have a direct hit but I can guarantee one of ours won't come up 20 miles short.
We got $3600 last week for wife, myself, and 4 kids.
That the world is awakening, and finally removing the powerful evil that has enslaved humanity for far too long. And that God is good, and Always wins.
Do you doubt?
Not sure, all mine are under 18. Sorry.what if your children are over 18, will you still get their $600 or will they receive it directly
Okay. This is really good. Skip ahead to one hour and 30 mins (before that they’re discussing Covid and vaccines and stuff). These guys think they’ve decoded that Sessions has been on the good side this whole time.
I'm sure I'll have to at some point whether it's to travel or stay employed, but I'm waiting as long as possible. To me it's the 737 MAX of vaccines... Mostly safe, but rushed to market.
Big Don and crew have to stop these clowns somehow.
Authorized by the newly enacted COVID-relief legislation, the second round of payments, or “EIP 2,” is generally $600 for singles and $1,200 for married couples filing a joint return. In addition, those with qualifying children will also receive $600 for each qualifying child. Dependents who are 17 and older are not eligible for the child payment.what if your children are over 18, will you still get their $600 or will they receive it directly
Most of them are fakes. The gifs from Shameless are legit, obviously.Pic #4 doesn’t look like Emmy, is it guys?
I'm doubtful he's still alive, but this sure would be perfect:It’s clear to me that if this is a military operation, Trump has done his job and his time as POTUS is now over.
It will need to be a new unifying figure to lead America into the Awakened future.
Trump will retire as the greatest POTUS since Washington.
It’s the Richard Nixon Presidential Library. Not everything is a conspiracy
Yeah I get the symbolism. Just some times things get more mystified than the really are.Not a conspiracy. Nixon, like Trump, was working to make peace deals and end fighting against communist Vietnam war. This is very similar to our war now with communist China, which is not a Cold War, but Its an Economic war with treasonous elected American Government officials helping the enemy. Add in China owns America and its view on Christians.
Beijing Sleepy Joe Biden will be President, never.