Reading the comments on that article make me think things aren't going to change even if the swamp is drained. Those people are sick. I get the same feeling when I check out the home board. They don't just disagree with us. They hate us and they want us taken out.
They are blinded by their hatred of DT mostly fostered through all of the media negativity and the 24/7 hit pieces on him for four years. This has made them even more entrenched on their side.
They claim to be the party of intellectuals, but they are actually about at a 5yr old level for street smarts...all of them. And they are easily herded like sheep because MSM caters to their thought process and reaffirms their thoughts so they dig in deeper. They actually TRUST MSM even though a part of them knows it is BS.
We are all people that defend our positions, even sometimes a little blindly, but they take it to a whole nother level. I mean at least we admit that both PUBS and DEMS benefitted from the election fookery, and we want audits on all 50 states to clean it ALL up for future elections.
They don't even think there was any fraud, and that some old man that never left his basement that couldn't fill out 30 circles in a rally got 80 million votes..and that is where their lack of street smarts and common sense comes Into play.
If u bring up how remote the odds are that Biden wins w all of the anomalies, they will just say "well and one person wins the lottery as well" lol (ya know cause of the astronomic odds). They tell themselves this to justify the absurdity of the odds of all of those anomalies did or meant or how impossible they were.
I mean there is a 100% smoking gun video showing them stuffing the ballot boxes after hours in GA and there is now audio that goes w it showing them planning it... but dems/libs still don't believe it.
They will need to be shown the video of the confessions and they need to be shown arrests, and even then some won't believe it.
They are what they are. Only thing we can do is to try and red pill as many as we can.