Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Wake up Liberals! Unless you're part of the elite, you're going down too!

Democrat voters will believe any pile of shit their elected (well maybe) idols tell them to. Libs are fan boys of their POS politicians as long as it is a Dem.

Republican voters are less likely to support their rulers, but many still do.

People can hate their neighbors that work and pay taxes simply due to political affiliation. Yet they adore the politicians that are screwing both of them. And politicians on both sides laugh their asses off about it in private.

All voters have to realize Uniparty is real. it’s not going away until people get that they hate us.
Replying to myself. Read that book in its entirety and discussed it in detail in 10th grade English, NY State education system (circa 1978). Teacher was seriously into it and saw it coming but we were like, "no way this could happen here".

It is. Right before our eyes. Even smart people and good friends are sucked up into the Covid religion. January 6th religion. Anti-Vaxx are the whole reason religion. Vax mandates and mask mandates are OK with them because of the "common good".

They are great Americans otherwise. Think I'm silly and reckless to bring up slippery slope. Trust the CDC, NIH, Admin. "My dad's friend is a scientist and Prof for Vandy and he would NEVER lead us astray".

It's sad and disturbing at the same time.

I hope I'm old enough to not have to actually be in the situation where it's brother on brother like in CW1.

My kids and certain grandkids win over these people.

Even tho I love these people. Seemingly unimaginable towards fellow citizens or even a thing 2.5 years ago is now a thing in everyone's mind.

It was getting uglier by the week during Covid. Now it seems uglier by the day to hour.

Basically I'm fucked.

Found this on another board a piece of common sense.

So if someone intentionally chops their arm off
...simply to identify as "disabled" or so they can collect disability, society would call them a "psychopath lacking a few aces in the deck"

But when a deranged dude chops his dick off to identify as a woman, society labels him "stunning and brave"??? And we are evidently supposed to trust the WHO after they dropped the term "transgender" from their list of mental disorders?

The more absurd this gets the more I believe some military arm is running this country. I think this movie will play out to the bitter end. It could get even worse and even more bizarre before we see the end of this charade. But it is a charade and I think we were plenty warned to armor up. Hell of a storm, I'd say. SKOL!
With ya, no way ,something has to be going on behind the scenes, I pray military.
unvaxxed daughter in Tampa has the vid, she just got the monoclonal antibody treatment she is in observation now.
Her BF is a sheriff working at the jail, he finally got it this week and gave it to her. He is unvaxxed and has been in close contact with positive prisoners for over a year. He has a fever And that is it.
I am standing by to see how this treatment works.

Where are Generals McChrystal & Hayden as Afghanistan's security situation rapidly deteriorates? McChrystal "built that" and Hayden provided all the Intel for decades. They always had lots of shit to say attacking Trump. Now they're quiet. Once again, President Trump was right! McChrystal's legacy is Milley, Austin, and all the Pentagon sad sacks focused on #CRT, #whiterage, #transgenderism, and nothing to do with warfighting and winning! Fire the bunch of them and start with impeaching #awol Biden who once again created a new disaster. @blakjakpershing @warroom @quinn_rose @mikepompeo @offthepress @mtg4america @joetalkshow @fedcitizen @stevebannon @stevescalise @ladyfighter @ironmike_truth @irishyouwell
Posted on 7:14 PM · Aug 14, 2021
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