Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
In my medium drunk (not huge not zero) mindset, this might be the best 15 min you spend this weekend as a reset and wake up to where we actually are:

If you have not read 1984, it has never been more appropriate than now. I jokingly tell people that George Orwell, and not Doctor Emmett Brown, was the first time traveler, because he MUST have come to 2020 and observed our society before going back to 1949 to publish that book.
Guy at work had bad reaction to the vax. Now his lungs are collapsing. they say it isn't related to the vax as that is not a known side effect. Dude had zero health issues before the vax and has been in the hospital for 2 weeks now. We just found out about it because his wife posted about it on fakebook and it was taken down. We had to go the old route of playing phone tag to check on him.
I'm having a discussion with a friend who tells me that the vaccinated don't spread the virus. Can anyone help with with information that says otherwise? He's familiar with the Provincetown study, but claims that is an outlier.

Thanks in advance, I really appreciate it.
Look into Israel right now. They have one of the highest vax rates in the world and are having a huge spike in cases and hospitalizations.... and its not just nonvax that are in the hospital.

According to Health Ministry figures, the number of serious COVID cases rose on Wednesday to 400, the highest figure since March. About 150 of these patients are not fully vaccinated. Israel hit its highest number of serious cases in January, with 1,200 patients – about half of the number predicted for next month.
unvaxxed daughter in Tampa has the vid, she just got the monoclonal antibody treatment she is in observation now.
Her BF is a sheriff working at the jail, he finally got it this week and gave it to her. He is unvaxxed and has been in close contact with positive prisoners for over a year. He has a fever And that is it.
I am standing by to see how this treatment works.
Update - she says she feels like she has a bad cold. BFs mom sowed up with homemade chicken and rice soup. They are both doing better
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