Viruses and other microbes develop resistance to medicines, e.g., MRSA, which makes fighting and killing them problematic. It's why the best vaccines are those that use a killed virus which forces the body to develop antibodies to the whole virus and not some portion of it. If the vaccine fights a certain portion and the virus recognizes it's being attacked, it's reasonable to believe the virus will develop defenses to the half-assed vaccine. mRNA in theory sounds good. In reality is sucks.50/50 at this point. The lie that its 100% safe is gone. Its just a tossup at this point and we probably won't know until fall of 2022 if worse case is reality... which is that this vaccine selects for more virulent forms of the virus to spread and makes those who are vaccinated super spreaders... add in that some birth defects, miscarriages and body damage may also occur from the jab itself.
Insects do the same thing. It's why many species of cockroaches and other insects become resistant to pesticides. Bed bugs are resistant to almost everything.
Edit: Viruses aren't treated with antibiotics like other microbes. However, with what is being seen with Ivermectin and HCQ, and FauXi's own writings, that may have to be amended in some respects. If they don't actually attack this virus and kill it then they work all around it by reducing its effects. Regardless, impartial and unbiased studies need to be completed showing exactly what the mode of action is with respect to both those drugs and this and other viruses.
One of the pesticides used against cockroaches is based on Allopurinal, a gout medicine, chemistry. Early in my bug assassination career I had a slumlord rent-by-the-week apartment complex. Almost every unit was crawling with massive numbers of roaches. However, a couple of units next to some really nasty ones had no roaches anywhere. I asked the tenants what they were doing. They pointed to the corners where 1/2 Bois d'Arc fruits (horse apples) were placed. They said that roaches didn't like being near them.
Point is, just because something is meant for one purpose, doesn't mean it can't be a viable solution for other purposes. Strange how science is always evolving.
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