Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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The unfortunate part is that few doctors are speaking out publicly. there’s probably a lot more out there that agree with this message but are keeping quiet.
When they are threatened with the revoking of their licenses and livelihoods they likely won't say anything. Dr. Kevorkian received more positive press than almost all the doctors raising questions and concerns.
Just remember most of these people don’t know what they’re doing.

Hell when covid-19 took off, I was played. I thought there was some shit on its way that was gonna drop people in the streets and cause mass hysteria. The videos out of China were fear porn to the 10th degree.

It didn’t take long to figure out this was being used to steal an election and deliver a mortal wound to liberty around the world.

Hell they didn’t even wait for the inauguration to fortify Capital Hill. They know it, we know it, and they know we know it.. Just like we know they know, a lot of our family members are still asleep, or two comfortable to jump out of the boiling pot of water.

Think of how many dildos still have smart phones and Alexa.
More anecdotal ivermectin news:

My secretary's grandson in law was hospitalized with covid on Friday, and he was very sick. Never met him, but she said he's a heavy smoker. 36 hours of ivermectin and she said he's out and feels like he was never sick.

I'd wager that if the truth of chinaflu ever finds daylight in this world, almost everyone who died could've been saved with a regimen that costs a few dollars a day. It's hard to imagine the truth is going to be penned up much longer, too many people are finding out. If it gets to the point that the deep state and their media have to flip the narrative, their crosshairs will be 100% on DJT for his fast-tracking the vaccine and 15 days to slow the spread.
More anecdotal ivermectin news:

My secretary's grandson in law was hospitalized with covid on Friday, and he was very sick. Never met him, but she said he's a heavy smoker. 36 hours of ivermectin and she said he's out and feels like he was never sick.

I'd wager that if the truth of chinaflu ever finds daylight in this world, almost everyone who died could've been saved with a regimen that costs a few dollars a day. It's hard to imagine the truth is going to be penned up much longer, too many people are finding out. If it gets to the point that the deep state and their media have to flip the narrative, their crosshairs will be 100% on DJT for his fast-tracking the vaccine and 15 days to slow the spread.
This is why Trump needs to shut up about the vaccine. Let them continue to double and triple down on it.

Every person who gets well by using Ivermectin will pass that story on to multiple other people. It will spread by word of mouth. It's why you are starting to see a push back against Ivermectin as they did with HCQ.
This is why Trump needs to shut up about the vaccine. Let them continue to double and triple down on it.

Every person who gets well by using Ivermectin will pass that story on to multiple other people. It will spread by word of mouth. It's why you are starting to see a push back against Ivermectin as they did with HCQ.
He's walking right into their trap. If the media has to pivot, they'll turn his direction. He was foolishly claiming he saved 100 million lives with the vaccine yesterday. Rather, I suspect that he's sent many people needlessly to an early grave.

Some clown will try to claim he's using "disinformation" or some such, but he's encouraging people to endanger their lives for something that can be combatted with a few simple, cheap pills. There's no walking back the vaccine and his part in it. He and many of his followers don't realize it, but he's greatly damaging the movement right now, and sadly, other than a few congressmen, the only major political figure raising hell about all this is Rand Paul. The rest are either silent or on board with the DS.
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50/50 at this point. The lie that its 100% safe is gone. Its just a tossup at this point and we probably won't know until fall of 2022 if worse case is reality... which is that this vaccine selects for more virulent forms of the virus to spread and makes those who are vaccinated super spreaders... add in that some birth defects, miscarriages and body damage may also occur from the jab itself.
You need to keep pushing this Idealogue. Ask him why he allows his political ideology to make him ignore basic health and perpetuate these lies. Ask him how a cloth mask stops an airborne virus when said virus is 100x smaller than the holes in these mask. Or if these masks are so effective at stopping the virus, why are places like Thailand where masks are over 90% used skyrocketed 900K % in cases? Or why there are no biohazard waste disposals since these used masks SHOULD be COVERED with this incredibly dangerous virus?

What a fucking CRIME that these idiot "Doctors" are committing when they put their politics before actual treating of patients.
He's walking right into their trap. If the media has to pivot, they'll turn his direction. He was foolishly claiming he saved 100 million lives with the vaccine yesterday. Rather, I suspect that he's sent many people needlessly to an early grave.

Some clown will try to claim he's using "disinformation" or some such, but he's encouraging people to endanger their lives for something that can be combatted with a few simple, cheap pills. There's no walking back the vaccine and his part in it. He and many of his followers don't realize it, but he's greatly damaging the movement right now, and sadly, other than a few congressmen, the only major political figure raising hell about all this is Rand Paul. The rest are either silent or on board with the DS.
His actions make more sense as controlled opposition

Hope I'm wrong and fog of war is thick
For those in FL and specifically the Panhandle. Friend is a supervisor at Sacred Heart Hospital and sat in a meeting last week with all the mucky mucks where it was stated they expect an exponential decrease in China Flu cases starting very soon (like next week).

TIFWIW but it is what is being discussed in the board room of a major Florida hospital.
You need to keep pushing this Idealogue. Ask him why he allows his political ideology to make him ignore basic health and perpetuate these lies. Ask him how a cloth mask stops an airborne virus when said virus is 100x smaller than the holes in these mask. Or if these masks are so effective at stopping the virus, why are places like Thailand where masks are over 90% used skyrocketed 900K % in cases? Or why there are no biohazard waste disposals since these used masks SHOULD be COVERED with this incredibly dangerous virus?

What a fucking CRIME that these idiot "Doctors" are committing when they put their politics before actual treating of patients.

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