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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Dec 1, 2020
My interpretation is we all misread this wildly by assuming 45 was gonna drain the swamp in his time in office.

I now believe more strongly than ever that WE ARE DRAINING the swamp. They aren't attacking him; they're attacking us. 45 told us this many times after he initiated The Awakening. This wasn't nearly personal enough before and Overlord is exactly right about it being time to play offense.

They have a slimmer margin than 45 did when the GOP controlled all three and look at what got accomplished then. With Manchin already against court packing and statehood for PR and DC we have them right where we want them IMO. We can bring the whole corrupt and disease ridden temple down on their collective heads over the next two years. It's gonna be a biblical reckoning 🐸

So you trust Reek, Collins, Murkowski and others to hold the line. I'd be surprised if they need Manchin's vote, and I think he knows that. You should know better. Heck, you trust McConnell and fagboy to be on your side??


Jan 8, 2021
We should never let them live it down.

Someone who can video edit should take the video of San Fran Nan and edit it in with everything from 45's time in office.

Maybe start a hashtag about how she is a domestic terrorist...

when they go through the impeachment, if Pubs had any hair on their ass, they would compile all the stuff we have seen and has been captured and shared here around inciting violence across the nation leading to this culmination. When you "normalize" this behavior, and anyone involved gets let out of jail, not prosecuted, where did they think this would go?

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
So you trust Reek, Collins, Murkowski and others to hold the line. I'd be surprised if they need Manchin's vote, and I think he knows that. You should know better. Heck, you trust McConnell and fagboy to be on your side??
Trust them? No.

But they won't court pack or do the statehood shit willingly.

Senators quietly like to keep the Senate the same to retain more power. Also senators can be recalled by their state legs and filled by the governor is that same state.
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Luchador Campeon
Dec 9, 2020
DK if true but there aren’t many things that could bring the country (somewhat) closer together than if there were a convincing way to prove, even to leftists, that Covid was by design (globalist warfare) AND they intentionally lied about masks and shutdown to cripple US, knowing Dems would be gullible followers.

And finally, that the real Covid is just a flu, nothing more. Even lefties don’t like being overtly duped!


Jan 8, 2021
Hello Patriots-

I just wanted to thank you all for your hard work. I’m a long time lurker on tmb thread. I might be the youngest one on here at 25 but you geriatric fvcks have opened my eyes to the true reality we find ourselves in today. Glad I remembered this site when I couldn’t find the OG thread.

Appreciate you all

Young grasshoppa yore ass will be geriatric sooner than you think.....it fookin' flies !
Welcome aboard Jr. and participate often, just don't expect us to change yore diaper or wipe yore ass.


Jan 8, 2021
Good morning fellow patriots,

Now is the time to petition to the only courts that matter. The courts of heaven! Intercede on behalf of this country ask our Father to allow Righteousness to prevail. Let every wicked deed come to light!

Father we need you, do not allow us to fall into the grip of the enemy, if I have made Trump or any other man an idol before you I ask for forgiveness by the blood of Jesus. Thank you for redemption Father I love you. In Jesus name I pray. Amen!

“Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:17-19‬ ‭

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021


Jan 11, 2021
Young grasshoppa yore ass will be geriatric sooner than you think.....it fookin' flies !
Welcome aboard Jr. and participate often, just don't expect us to change yore diaper or wipe yore ass.



Jan 8, 2021
DK if true but there aren’t many things that could bring the country (somewhat) closer together than if there were a convincing way to prove, even to leftists, that Covid was by design (globalist warfare) AND they intentionally lied about masks and shutdown to cripple US, knowing Dems would be gullible followers.

And finally, that the real Covid is just a flu, nothing more. Even lefties don’t like being overtly duped!

Anyone with a brain would know Wuhan didn't come from wet markets. The Chinese have been eating from wet markets for centuries. Had there been any viruses transmittable from animals to humans they would have been transmitted long ago. Immunity would have been conferred in the Chinese population throughout their dining experience.


Jan 8, 2021
This is 1000% correct. Anyone who is clamoring for a civil war has no idea what he is talking about.
I disagree. And I don't say that as someone who is glamorizing war, and certainly not as someone who has nothing to lose. The globalists mean to make slaves of us, and sooner rather than later. I suspect that tough-talkers like the one in the post you responded to will have let their window of opportunity close as of next Wednesday.

Biden gets those codes, we're going to run out of options.


Jan 8, 2021
The download of this is really long, but the summary and key findings is fantastic. Essentially, the left wins by information warfare and subversive tactics which are designed to mentally incapacitate conservatives, who don't even know it's happening.

"The dominant cultural narratives of our time can best be summarized by the saying; “Political correctness is the enforcement mechanism of the multicultural narrative that implements Neo-Marxist objectives.” It is through these narratives that the left drives policy."

Narratives that conservative leaders neither control nor understand drive national policy. When Republican leaders shrink from Constitutional principles for fear of being accused of racism, sexism, homophobia, etc., they are subordinating those principles to neo-Marxist narratives designed for that purpose. Though these narratives may have been initially imposed, Republicans will adopt them over time through usage. Subjective awareness of the role one plays in such a process is neither necessary nor require.
  • By submitting to these narratives, establishment Republicans first become pliant, and then obedient to the Left, accommodating it through “words that work” that create the illusion of opposition while actually signaling surrender in the information battle space. In that role, regardless of the mandates that got them elected, establishment Republicans will defend the issues that got them elected in deliberately under-inclusive manners that conditions those issues for dialectical negation while demoralizing their base.



Dec 1, 2020
DK if true but there aren’t many things that could bring the country (somewhat) closer together than if there were a convincing way to prove, even to leftists, that Covid was by design (globalist warfare) AND they intentionally lied about masks and shutdown to cripple US, knowing Dems would be gullible followers.

And finally, that the real Covid is just a flu, nothing more. Even lefties don’t like being overtly duped!

At this point I’m not sure there is any evidence of any kind about any subject that will change minds on the left. Their ability to completely ignore evidence that comes from anyone they perceive is on the “other team” is mind bottling. Show them evidence and they say “as if you can believe anything from Pompeo...” Show them video or pictures and they will call them deep fakes. Hell, even if they believe what they are seeing they will say “But that only happened because Trump did ______.”

pretty sure we are just going to have to kick their ass.

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