Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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These bastards will not quit. They are in full panic mode. Now that the vice president has turned them down they are trying again to impeach Donald Trump
I hate to link Fox News. But I cannot find a better link at the moment. Anyways fuck fox and fuck Congress
Also have we established that Mitch McConnell is an absolute shit weasel

I pray to God that Trump has one more Trump caught up his sleeve. If not this will be the end of America as we know it. And I am terrified for my children.

Fuck the Democrats, fuck Congress fuck the mainstream media fuck social media and fuck to sell out Republicans. I am as discussed it as I have ever been with this country. Or I should say the evil that is dictating what is happening in this country.
Unless we see some type of miracle I think we’re going to see Armageddon or some type of Civil War in this country. Malicious etc.
May God bless America in these dark times

This truly is a battle between good and evil
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Also have we established that Mitch McConnell is an absolute shit weasel

I pray to God that Trump has one more Trump caught up his sleeve. If not this will be the end of America as we know it. And I am terrified for my children.

Fuck the Democrats, fuck Congress fuck the mainstream media fuck social media and fuck to sell out Republicans. I am as discussed it as I have ever been with this country. Or I should say the evil that is dictating what is happening in this country.
Unless we see some type of miracle I think we’re going to see Armageddon or some type of Civil War in this country. Malicious etc.
May God bless America in these dark times
Frog men are gonna have to unite.

I'm mentally prepared for the coming struggle. The war of separation lasted nearly four decades from 1776- 1815.

This ain't over by a long shot 🐸 🇺🇸🦅
Frog men are gonna have to unite.

I'm mentally prepared for the coming struggle. The war of separation lasted nearly four decades from 1776- 1815.

This ain't over by a long shot 🐸 🇺🇸🦅
I agree. I am ready willing and able to do whatever it takes to fight for my family and fight for this country and every patriot living in it

I think today is the lowest point I have ever seen America in my 41 years of living. These bastards cannot get away with this. God bless everybody and good night
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OK somebody break this down for me
My interpretation is we all misread this wildly by assuming 45 was gonna drain the swamp in his time in office.

I now believe more strongly than ever that WE ARE DRAINING the swamp. They aren't attacking him; they're attacking us. 45 told us this many times after he initiated The Awakening. This wasn't nearly personal enough before and Overlord is exactly right about it being time to play offense.

They have a slimmer margin than 45 did when the GOP controlled all three and look at what got accomplished then. With Manchin already against court packing and statehood for PR and DC we have them right where we want them IMO. We can bring the whole corrupt and disease ridden temple down on their collective heads over the next two years. It's gonna be a biblical reckoning 🐸
Love this article!

Corporate "warfare" is only one angle we need to develop.

I believe we could spin the education angle on them completely by going to colleges and universities and bringing up all things China. Anything we want to go after we tie to China and their regime being comparable to the Nazis (for effect).
Not upholding law with regards to illegal aliens is without a doubt and impeachable offense. It's inhumane and destabilizes the government while obstructing The People's business.


"American manufacturing is vital to the U.S. economy, as every one manufacturing job supports an additional 7.4 American jobs in other industries."

This is the only argument needed when they talk about minority small businesses, defense spending, ect.

Bring it all home. Remove China from the developing nation's list while pushing to end all trade with the communists. Mexico is the alternative and it would be racist against brown and latinx (oh yeah I went there) to suggest otherwise.
Funny they think we would forget. Trumps Inauguration.

NEW VIDEO: Dramatic new video showing the destruction from last year's rioting during Inauguration Day in Washington D.C. has been released. The footage was used in the trial of six protesters facing charges related to the rioting, but they were later acquitted in the case. STORY:

Crazy how little we heard about all of this...
Hello Patriots-

I just wanted to thank you all for your hard work. I’m a long time lurker on tmb thread. I might be the youngest one on here at 25 but you geriatric fvcks have opened my eyes to the true reality we find ourselves in today. Glad I remembered this site when I couldn’t find the OG thread.

Appreciate you all
Rep our generation appropriately by getting and avatar.

Also pumped to have you. People our age need to be reached out to whenever the opportunity presents itself.
If they go through with impeachment at this late in a term with zero crime, it will have ruined the process and if the Rs get back the house they should just impeach Biden. I am tired of the pussy ass republicans not playing by the same rules as the democrats. Need to fight fire with fire.

EDIT: Damn site is fast now. Great job with upgrades!
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