DK if true but there aren’t many things that could bring the country (somewhat) closer together than if there were a convincing way to prove, even to leftists, that Covid was by design (globalist warfare) AND they intentionally lied about masks and shutdown to cripple US, knowing Dems would be gullible followers.
And finally, that the real Covid is just a flu, nothing more. Even lefties don’t like being overtly duped!
If Trump and Pompeo had the most complete evidence possible, the left and globalist republicans won't accept it. Just as they ignored the election theft. They aren't going to expose the Chinese, they're allied with or owned by them. The part of the country that's now awake already knows that the Chinese purposely did this.
IMO, the only thing that might truly move the needle is what some here are dreaming of. An EBS broadcast of all the deepstate crimes, plainly presented for all to see. I don't believe it will happen, but putting the worst out there on a loop, with no opportunity for the deep state to spin it as something else, is probably the only thing that would bring massive change, obviously, other than a third Great Awakening.