Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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DK if true but there aren’t many things that could bring the country (somewhat) closer together than if there were a convincing way to prove, even to leftists, that Covid was by design (globalist warfare) AND they intentionally lied about masks and shutdown to cripple US, knowing Dems would be gullible followers.

And finally, that the real Covid is just a flu, nothing more. Even lefties don’t like being overtly duped!

If Trump and Pompeo had the most complete evidence possible, the left and globalist republicans won't accept it. Just as they ignored the election theft. They aren't going to expose the Chinese, they're allied with or owned by them. The part of the country that's now awake already knows that the Chinese purposely did this.

IMO, the only thing that might truly move the needle is what some here are dreaming of. An EBS broadcast of all the deepstate crimes, plainly presented for all to see. I don't believe it will happen, but putting the worst out there on a loop, with no opportunity for the deep state to spin it as something else, is probably the only thing that would bring massive change, obviously, other than a third Great Awakening.
The download of this is really long, but the summary and key findings is fantastic. Essentially, the left wins by information warfare and subversive tactics which are designed to mentally incapacitate conservatives, who don't even know it's happening.

"The dominant cultural narratives of our time can best be summarized by the saying; “Political correctness is the enforcement mechanism of the multicultural narrative that implements Neo-Marxist objectives.” It is through these narratives that the left drives policy."

Narratives that conservative leaders neither control nor understand drive national policy. When Republican leaders shrink from Constitutional principles for fear of being accused of racism, sexism, homophobia, etc., they are subordinating those principles to neo-Marxist narratives designed for that purpose. Though these narratives may have been initially imposed, Republicans will adopt them over time through usage. Subjective awareness of the role one plays in such a process is neither necessary nor require.
  • By submitting to these narratives, establishment Republicans first become pliant, and then obedient to the Left, accommodating it through “words that work” that create the illusion of opposition while actually signaling surrender in the information battle space. In that role, regardless of the mandates that got them elected, establishment Republicans will defend the issues that got them elected in deliberately under-inclusive manners that conditions those issues for dialectical negation while demoralizing their base.

America First doesn't see color for this reason. SKOL! 🐸

DK if true but there aren’t many things that could bring the country (somewhat) closer together than if there were a convincing way to prove, even to leftists, that Covid was by design (globalist warfare) AND they intentionally lied about masks and shutdown to cripple US, knowing Dems would be gullible followers.

And finally, that the real Covid is just a flu, nothing more. Even lefties don’t like being overtly duped!

I saw the article the other day when they said that the WHO team wouldn't even go to Wuhan while they were doing research on origins while in China. How are people not absolutely crushing the WHO and China at this point?
At this point I’m not sure there is any evidence of any kind about any subject that will change minds on the left. Their ability to completely ignore evidence that comes from anyone they perceive is on the “other team” is mind bottling. Show them evidence and they say “as if you can believe anything from Pompeo...” Show them video or pictures and they will call them deep fakes. Hell, even if they believe what they are seeing they will say “But that only happened because Trump did ______.”

pretty sure we are just going to have to kick their ass.
The only thing they understand is racism and Nazis (at least in their minds).

Tie EVERYTHING they do to China's racism and how it's worse than the Nazis.
"Globalism favors developed nation's who benefit from colonialism" is a great start. Then show them how China fucks African nations and how they want to impoverish them all like the Uyghurs.

Show them images of Uyghurs picking cotton for full effect.
The download of this is really long, but the summary and key findings is fantastic. Essentially, the left wins by information warfare and subversive tactics which are designed to mentally incapacitate conservatives, who don't even know it's happening.

"The dominant cultural narratives of our time can best be summarized by the saying; “Political correctness is the enforcement mechanism of the multicultural narrative that implements Neo-Marxist objectives.” It is through these narratives that the left drives policy."

Narratives that conservative leaders neither control nor understand drive national policy. When Republican leaders shrink from Constitutional principles for fear of being accused of racism, sexism, homophobia, etc., they are subordinating those principles to neo-Marxist narratives designed for that purpose. Though these narratives may have been initially imposed, Republicans will adopt them over time through usage. Subjective awareness of the role one plays in such a process is neither necessary nor require.
  • By submitting to these narratives, establishment Republicans first become pliant, and then obedient to the Left, accommodating it through “words that work” that create the illusion of opposition while actually signaling surrender in the information battle space. In that role, regardless of the mandates that got them elected, establishment Republicans will defend the issues that got them elected in deliberately under-inclusive manners that conditions those issues for dialectical negation while demoralizing their base.

this is basically the Frankfurt school, which I’m sure everyone ITT has heard of/read about. Read about Herbert Marcuse - one of the academic leaders of the 60s movement (which is the basis for today’s progressive movement) - and Max Horkheimer.

This isn’t even a conspiracy - it’s fact. They all wrote how to “win” the Marxist war. The winning equation was domination in academia and in the media, to take the English language and change it fundamentally. To silence opposition by not allowing them to speak (via societal pressures).
Praying for something big to happen today. Knocked out as much work as I could yesterday so I can follow closely today.

Glad the update didn’t last long. I was confused on the discord site. Only 35 but technology has passed me by.
It's time for Martial Law to handle it from here. The corruption needs to be taken down and taken down from both sides of the fence.
Got to thinking very early this morning when I could not sleep. Pompeo twatting every 30 minutes since 1/1 has intrigued me to no end. He has taken days for Russia, Chyna, Iran, AND now it appears he is on to Israel. Trust Kansas? Save Israel for last? Today is the 13th and everyone has been pointing to today as a big day? Any of you Q experts care to chime in? I know enough to be dangerous

On that note: I cannot bring myself to say it is over. It has been said, darkest before the dawn, and things will seem almost hopeless and we are going down to the last minute. Well, here we are it seems. Q said something about NG deployment in the guise of riot control. 6500 NG troops in the Capital fencing off the Cap and SCOTUS. No coincidences. Our President has been thru hell for us over the last 5 years. Hold the line and wait and see what happens.
Got to thinking very early this morning when I could not sleep. Pompeo twatting every 30 minutes since 1/1 has intrigued me to no end. He has taken days for Russia, Chyna, Iran, AND now it appears he is on to Israel. Trust Kansas? Save Israel for last? Today is the 13th and everyone has been pointing to today as a big day? Any of you Q experts care to chime in? I know enough to be dangerous

On that note: I cannot bring myself to say it is over. It has been said, darkest before the dawn, and things will seem almost hopeless and we are going down to the last minute. Well, here we are it seems. Q said something about NG deployment in the guise of riot control. 6500 NG troops in the Capital fencing off the Cap and SCOTUS. No coincidences. Our President has been thru hell for us over the last 5 years. Hold the line and wait and see what happens.

Right there with you brother...
Got to thinking very early this morning when I could not sleep. Pompeo twatting every 30 minutes since 1/1 has intrigued me to no end. He has taken days for Russia, Chyna, Iran, AND now it appears he is on to Israel. Trust Kansas? Save Israel for last? Today is the 13th and everyone has been pointing to today as a big day? Any of you Q experts care to chime in? I know enough to be dangerous

On that note: I cannot bring myself to say it is over. It has been said, darkest before the dawn, and things will seem almost hopeless and we are going down to the last minute. Well, here we are it seems. Q said something about NG deployment in the guise of riot control. 6500 NG troops in the Capital fencing off the Cap and SCOTUS. No coincidences. Our President has been thru hell for us over the last 5 years. Hold the line and wait and see what happens.
To me "It's gonna be biblical" is either mass arrests and the rebirth of MAGA perhaps through Pompeo and America First, or the continued crucifixion of Trump and anyone who supported him. Today is "Checkmate" day, although the real last day is when/if Biden is inaugurated. This is exciting either way, although if the latter happens then it is RIP America.
Got to thinking very early this morning when I could not sleep. Pompeo twatting every 30 minutes since 1/1 has intrigued me to no end. He has taken days for Russia, Chyna, Iran, AND now it appears he is on to Israel. Trust Kansas? Save Israel for last? Today is the 13th and everyone has been pointing to today as a big day? Any of you Q experts care to chime in? I know enough to be dangerous

On that note: I cannot bring myself to say it is over. It has been said, darkest before the dawn, and things will seem almost hopeless and we are going down to the last minute. Well, here we are it seems. Q said something about NG deployment in the guise of riot control. 6500 NG troops in the Capital fencing off the Cap and SCOTUS. No coincidences. Our President has been thru hell for us over the last 5 years. Hold the line and wait and see what happens.

No choice but to hold the line. The alternative is unacceptable.
this is basically the Frankfurt school, which I’m sure everyone ITT has heard of/read about. Read about Herbert Marcuse - one of the academic leaders of the 60s movement (which is the basis for today’s progressive movement) - and Max Horkheimer.

This isn’t even a conspiracy - it’s fact. They all wrote how to “win” the Marxist war. The winning equation was domination in academia and in the media, to take the English language and change it fundamentally. To silence opposition by not allowing them to speak (via societal pressures).
Absolutely. It's great to see it written so analytically, though, perhaps as a presentation at War College. The authors have a few videos out, so I will spend some time watching them tonight.
Nobody wants a Civil War...but nobody wants to live under a tyrannical, suppressive regime. The freedom that we were given by those who have served, fought, bled, and died is a precious worth fighting for. We are no different or more special than those who gave all. Freedom is and has never been free...

I agree, but the issue becomes "how do you define a tyrannical, suppressive regime"?

The govt has been chipping away at our rights since 1789. What is different now, other than we have social media and message boards to give us a forum for our discontent?
Got to thinking very early this morning when I could not sleep. Pompeo twatting every 30 minutes since 1/1 has intrigued me to no end. He has taken days for Russia, Chyna, Iran, AND now it appears he is on to Israel. Trust Kansas? Save Israel for last? Today is the 13th and everyone has been pointing to today as a big day? Any of you Q experts care to chime in? I know enough to be dangerous

On that note: I cannot bring myself to say it is over. It has been said, darkest before the dawn, and things will seem almost hopeless and we are going down to the last minute. Well, here we are it seems. Q said something about NG deployment in the guise of riot control. 6500 NG troops in the Capital fencing off the Cap and SCOTUS. No coincidences. Our President has been thru hell for us over the last 5 years. Hold the line and wait and see what happens.
If you want to indulge that line of thought, see RED4 below...You Are Here. Patriots aren't going to riot and yet at last report there are 15,000 troops (armed) in DC alone along w/ other major cities - under the guise of citizen riot control? I don't buy it.

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 866b8a No.9473673 📁
Jun 4 2020 18:49:59 (EST)
RED1: POTUS twitter removal
RED2: Central communications blackout [continental US]
RED4: Movement of MIL assets [10th Mountain_1st Marine_CPSD_Marine_QVIR] to central locations under guise of citizen riot control.
RED6: SEC OF DEF _instruct1

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