Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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"No lead based paint but here shoot this graphine in your arm. Yes, the very same graphine that we said wasn't in the shot but actually is. It will give you better 5G reception.
This is their first step in embedding cell phones in your teeth so they can harvest everything you say. Jeffrey Toobin will whip off while listening to your romantic interludes.
So whats the dosage schedule on ivermectin?
This is what I was prescribed by a doctor:

Prophylaxis dosage for Covid19 in for high risk individuals 0.2 mg/kg* — one dose on day 1 and day 3, then take one dose weekly for 10 weeks, followed by one dose every 2 weeks**

This is info I found on their website:
Post COVID-19 exposure prophylaxis*** 0.2 mg/kg* — one dose on day 1 and day 3 Vitamin D3 1,000–3,000 IU/day Vitamin C 1,000mg twice a day Quercetin 250mg/day Zinc 50mg/day Melatonin 6mg before bedtime (causes drowsiness)

EARLY OUTPATIENT PROTOCOL**** lvermectin 0.2 mg/kg* — one dose on day 1 and day 3 Vitamin D3 4,000 IU/day Vitamin C 2,000 mg 2–3 times daily Quercetin 250mg twice a day Zinc 100mg/day Melatonin 10mg before bedtime (causes drowsiness) Aspirin 325mg/day (unless contraindicated

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copied from previous poster
So whats the dosage schedule on ivermectin?

Just picked up my prescription. Not taking it as a prophylaxes - just wanted it on hand if I got the Rona. It's based on weight. At 195 lbs - my dosage is 15 mg a day for 5 days. Gave me 3mg tablets.

Side note - supposed to be a cheap drug. But King Soopers (Kroger in CO) got me for $98 through my insurance - would have been $112 through the kroger rx card. Was surprised - pharmacist practically apologized for the price but told me unsolicited she'll be taking ivermectin if she get infected.
Just picked up my prescription. Not taking it as a prophylaxes - just wanted it on hand if I got the Rona. It's based on weight. At 195 lbs - my dosage is 15 mg a day for 5 days. Gave me 3mg tablets.

Side note - supposed to be a cheap drug. But King Soopers (Kroger in CO) got me for $98 through my insurance - would have been $112 through the kroger rx card. Was surprised - pharmacist practically apologized for the price but told me unsolicited she'll be taking ivermectin if she get infected.
Try GoodRx next time. I got it for $49.

I’m on the same side as you, but we can’t be illogical in our retorts. Vaccines never have been perfect and people can still get sick and even spread disease with vaccines in the past. It is supposed to reduce your chances of getting sick and reduce chances of serious complications if you still catch it. This in turn reduces spread.
Just picked up my prescription. Not taking it as a prophylaxes - just wanted it on hand if I got the Rona. It's based on weight. At 195 lbs - my dosage is 15 mg a day for 5 days. Gave me 3mg tablets.

Side note - supposed to be a cheap drug. But King Soopers (Kroger in CO) got me for $98 through my insurance - would have been $112 through the kroger rx card. Was surprised - pharmacist practically apologized for the price but told me unsolicited she'll be taking ivermectin if she get infected.

where did you get your prescription
Firearm Proficiency - As a USCP Officer, you must be willing to carry and maintain proficiency in the use of a firearm. Training will be provided as part of the mandatory basic training for police officers.

Uniform and Grooming Standards- You will be required to wear a USCP-issued uniform while in duty status. Males must be clean shaven. Hair of male and female officers must be neatly groomed and be able to be worn off the uniform collar and tucked under the USCP-issued uniform hat.
Yeah but he was undercover as an insurgent all while being scared to death.
Just picked up my prescription. Not taking it as a prophylaxes - just wanted it on hand if I got the Rona. It's based on weight. At 195 lbs - my dosage is 15 mg a day for 5 days. Gave me 3mg tablets.

Side note - supposed to be a cheap drug. But King Soopers (Kroger in CO) got me for $98 through my insurance - would have been $112 through the kroger rx card. Was surprised - pharmacist practically apologized for the price but told me unsolicited she'll be taking ivermectin if she get infected.
How many pills are they giving with the prescription?
I tried to engage with some facts but they are too entrenched. It's a WWI trench warfare now. I know where I stand. I just wish they would respect my right to do as I see fit. They counter it's for the common good. I can't see that group think as logical. But every damn CDC or WHO study is thrown in your face as proof of their view. I can't even get them to realize the basics of big government lies. It's as if 2,000 years of tyranny and oppression has been forgotten or went unlearned. These are degreed people, the supposed educated. The same haughty, high and mighty who know what's best for everybody. Hard to sway such indoctrination and egos backed by sometimes worthless university degrees. I just disengaged and went back to minding my own business.
"consult" was $65. Some RN sent me a message telling me prescription was sent. Picked it up. They only ask for medication you want and why you want it. Only said Ivermectin - in case I become infected.
Gotcha. I got a prescription earlier this month for a prophylactic dose of ivermectin. Ideally I'd like to get another prescription to have on hand in case they shut down ivermectin prescriptions.
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