Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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This Jan 6th sh*t is being used to justify more arrests and rounding up more freedom loving Patriots.

I get the feeling they are going to allow UN troops to basically invade us, round up Patriots involved and call them terrorists and demonize them to justify their actions.

After that I wouldn’t doubt they continue their “purge”. Going after anyone who posts “extremist” type things on social media. Probably also round up the unvaxxed.

Disband the police so they can insert their global police, aka the UN.
Everyone should sit tight and wait for Durham!!! He's going to blow the lid off this thing!
Few days out from taking the Ivermectin horse paste. All is well. Good to know that Im covered better than jabbed people. Dont know if its placebo but it did seem like I had more mental clarity today. I heard that covid could kinda leave brain fog so not sure if I cleaned that up or its just placebo but I felt pretty clear headed all day at work and no headache for the first time I can remember in a while.
This seems more plausible now than any military “saving the day”.

When the election was allowed to be stolen it was the nail in the coffin.
Keep in mind, the globalists are openly referring to what they're doing as "The Great Reset". If anyone takes them seriously, one would have to come to the conclusion that simply a 2 year span where the left implements some liberal policies only to have them restrained or revoked after midterms as they've done in the past is not what they have in mind. They have a gigantic restructuring of this world and of this country in store. They had to get Trump out in 2020, they couldn't wait.

Whether it's untold millions of Americans dropping dead through the vax, some new, deadlier virus, war, emp, whatever, something big is planned for America (and other parts of the world), and they intend for it to happen soon.
Few days out from taking the Ivermectin horse paste. All is well. Good to know that Im covered better than jabbed people. Dont know if its placebo but it did seem like I had more mental clarity today. I heard that covid could kinda leave brain fog so not sure if I cleaned that up or its just placebo but I felt pretty clear headed all day at work and no headache for the first time I can remember in a while.
It's great for killing parasites, some of which can cause brain fog and headaches. I've heard that some farmers take it themselves annually for this purpose.
Few days out from taking the Ivermectin horse paste. All is well. Good to know that Im covered better than jabbed people. Dont know if its placebo but it did seem like I had more mental clarity today. I heard that covid could kinda leave brain fog so not sure if I cleaned that up or its just placebo but I felt pretty clear headed all day at work and no headache for the first time I can remember in a while.
Awesome news. This right here is proof this whole thing was BS. This country had a collective panic attack and half the country lost their minds forever.
My New Shower Curtain Came In


Something fishy went on last year with the flu, for sure, but I'm almost positive flus weren't just being counted as covids.

As I have mentioned, I do lab work in a hospital laboratory. I run many tests, including flu and covid tests every shift. Until last fall, I usually would see a few positive flu tests every shift during flu season. This year, I think I saw two the entire winter...BUT...Our doctors & NPs order covids AND flu tests on almost every patient with those type of symptoms. So if you get a flu test, you likely also get a covid test, and vice versa. Those tests are run on different swabs, and different analyzers, with different methodologies. If the positive flu tests were showing up as positive covid tests, they would also still pop positive for the flu...again, I saw 2 positive flus all winter, amongst countless positive covids. That doesn't jibe.
Something fishy went on last year with the flu, for sure, but I'm almost positive flus weren't just being counted as covids.

As I have mentioned, I do lab work in a hospital laboratory. I run many tests, including flu and covid tests every shift. Until last fall, I usually would see a few positive flu tests every shift during flu season. This year, I think I saw two the entire winter...BUT...Our doctors & NPs order covids AND flu tests on almost every patient with those type of symptoms. So if you get a flu test, you likely also get a covid test, and vice versa. Those tests are run on different swabs, and different analyzers, with different methodologies. If the positive flu tests were showing up as positive covid tests, they would also still pop positive for the flu...again, I saw 2 positive flus all winter, amongst countless positive covids. That doesn't jibe.

watch the video directly above your post and your exact question is answered… I don’t have a time stamp, but the 75 minute video is worth it.
watch the video directly above your post and your exact question is answered… I don’t have a time stamp, but the 75 minute video is worth it.

I watched the entire thing. Very interesting, but still don't know what happened to the flu. He said about 1 or 2 sentences about it at the 1h10m mark, but it wasn't clear. He said the flu didn't leave the human population, and then said influenza was a failed decade long paninfluenza vaccine mandate. Wtf does that mean?

Sure doesn't explain how flu cases nearly disappeared this year, while covid cases soared. It certainly wasn't because the covid tests were just set up to come up positive if the patient had the flu, but that's what people keep claiming.
They paid the flu to go away? Seriously though, it is beyond weird that the flu basically didn't exist this year. I have not heard a reasonable explaination, other than all the social distancing. I'm inclined to agree with @Phillip McKraken on that one.
They were getting paid lavish amounts for anything Wuhan and nothing for flu. The flu was there it was just called Wuhan Charlie and accompanied with $$$$.

My Aunt spent 5 days on the Wuhan ward at a local hospital and never tested positive for Wuhan. She had the "symptoms" and off she went long enough to count as a statistic and for the hospital to get paid. After 5 days and repeated negative tests (each with $$ to the hospital) they decided she had pneumonia which is what she complained about on arrival at the ER.
They were getting paid lavish amounts for anything Wuhan and nothing for flu. The flu was there it was just called Wuhan Charlie and accompanied with $$$$.

My Aunt spent 5 days on the Wuhan ward at a local hospital and never tested positive for Wuhan. She had the "symptoms" and off she went long enough to count as a statistic and for the hospital to get paid. After 5 days and repeated negative tests (each with $$ to the hospital) they decided she had pneumonia which is what she complained about on arrival at the ER.

I understand they were getting paid big money for covid patients. I am telling you that I personally was running flu tests all year long, and they were all coming back negative. There were not masses of people with the flu being diagnosed with covid. The flu disappeared this winter.
I really would like to know, just how many of the folks pounding the tables, demanding vaccines, are actually vaccinated with the real stuff.

And they will go door to door in the burbs, I doubt you will see them in the more urban area's, where people are most closely packed, and where I bet the greater percentage aren't vaccinated
If there’s a plan, someone ought to go ahead and speed it up. Otherwise we have to believe that this was the plan all along, Trump included.
I understand they were getting paid big money for covid patients. I am telling you that I personally was running flu tests all year long, and they were all coming back negative. There were not masses of people with the flu being diagnosed with covid. The flu disappeared this winter.
Maybe they altered the tests ahead of time to come come back negative since covid was planned in advance.
I understand they were getting paid big money for covid patients. I am telling you that I personally was running flu tests all year long, and they were all coming back negative. There were not masses of people with the flu being diagnosed with covid. The flu disappeared this winter.
A prevailing theory, that sometimes makes sense in my mind, is that when you have two competing "wild type" viral infections the more virulent can out compete the other for hosts. Eventually, that competition will result in the the weaker virus not being able to find enough hosts to infect, replicate, and transmit to the next.
A prevailing theory, that sometimes makes sense in my mind, is that when you have two competing "wild type" viral infections the more virulent can out compete the other for hosts. Eventually, that competition will result in the the weaker virus not being able to find enough hosts to infect, replicate, and transmit to the next.

This certainly happens...very common with bacteria, and why yeast infections often follow antibiotics. This may be at play, but I don't think it would cause flu cases to drop to basically zero. Maybe that, social distancing, and some other things are all factoring in. Who knows, but it is very strange.
Yes it's Slate, but good reading

Libs will say we don’t have enough government to run these programs. But also the government probably has some weird govt ownership provision if you receive money via their repayment scheme. That’s what they tried to do with venture backed startups.
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