Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

Revolver Exclusive: For The First Time Ever, Gen. Flynn Reveals High-Ranking GOP Were Behind Plot to Silence Him

The military always has jurisdiction over treason.

And, yes, I’m still alive.
Perhaps in dreamland, but in Realville, our generals are on twitter making woke rebuttals to anyone who dares challenge the military's faggotry run amok, indoctrinating soldiers to believe the white man is their true enemy, organizing drag queen pageants, or letting us all know orange man is still bad.
Perhaps in dreamland, but in Realville, our generals are on twitter making woke rebuttals to anyone who dares challenge the military's faggotry run amok, indoctrinating soldiers to believe the white man is their true enemy, organizing drag queen pageants, or letting us all know orange man is still bad.
But the military is going to reinstall Trump. Lol.
My wife and I are fighting almost daily over this shit. We had a knock down, drag out last night over the fucking Rona. "You won't social distance, you won't get the jab, you won't wear a mask" I try to explain to her that the reason I don't think those things work is that I don't trust the source of the info her and the medical community rely on so much. I told her about the Israeli study that said the Pfizer jab was only 39% effective against the Rona, and she blew it off because it wasn't a CDC study.

I'm not living my life in a GD bubble. I had the Rona back in October, and it was less than the common cold. Of course, she caught it from me and now she has everything from gout to Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever because of the Rona (and me by default).

Those Chinese fuckers have sure made it hard to stay married.

Let it out, big fella, let it out.
This alternate reality we have slipped into is really truly starting to get to me. Feel like I'm losing my damn mind. Nothing is making sense. Taking L after L after L after L.
I believe it was Glenn Beck that called it 10 or so years ago. He said good will be bad and bad will be good. Up will be down and down/up. Lies will be truth and vise versa, and so on and so forth. Correct me if I’m wrong.
It becomes more and more obvious every single day that we live in the most corrupt country on this planet. Yes, the inmates are running this show.
What if in a cruel turn the military isn’t waiting for the perfect time to take out the deep state.

What if the deep state is putting on a show to slowly reveal we are already a totalitarian communist country and there is nothing that can be done about it?
What if in a cruel turn the military isn’t waiting for the perfect time to take out the deep state.

What if the deep state is putting on a show to slowly reveal we are already a totalitarian communist country and there is nothing that can be done about it?

This seems more plausible now than any military “saving the day”.

When the election was allowed to be stolen it was the nail in the coffin.
What if in a cruel turn the military isn’t waiting for the perfect time to take out the deep state.

What if the deep state is putting on a show to slowly reveal we are already a totalitarian communist country and there is nothing that can be done about it?

This is my biggest worry. Everything gets revealed and nothing happens, except then they start rounding us up
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