I have not even read this yet I told you they were long which is why it was so hard for me to summarize in the previous posts
I am apologizing in advance because I think most email topics in the next several weeks will have the word AWESOME in them going forward. As you know, the conservative purge is happening all over and continuing. Dems are speaking tough, making threats, and being the general totalitarians they are. Watch them and LAUGH because they are about to get absolutely obliterated. I am going to jump straight to the good stuff. As you know, I posted an URGENT email last night. That email showed two of the top three sources for information with the woman being the unknown. She said that things would happen in hours, and they didn't. Simon Parkes said he was told things would happen Wednesday. I trust his info over everyone else not named Charlie Ward. Those two have NEVER been wrong despite some jaw dropping claims that invariably end up being right. Plus Simon ALWAYS says the same thing I do. There is NO way to predict WHEN events will take place because plans change in a blink as new events unfold or new information is taken in. For some back history, Simon and Charlie Ward said we took the servers from the CIA in Frankfurt before most people had even heard of the word Dominion which is why I reported it one day after it happened. Why all the accolades? Because I am letting you know right now I am relying heavily on four sources who have NEVER been wrong to date, and in fact they are about to be HUGE in events going forward. Simon Parkes used to post about once a month. He has posted four times in the past 24 hours including one this morning that is AMAZING! What also lends credibility is his demeanor, and the fact he tells you he cannot disclose everything. He acts like a reporter calmly relaying news rather than an emotional person trying to convince you they are right. In fact, he says very candidly, you are free to doubt him, and we should do our own research. One quick side note since I have literally thousands of new people. I don not write this to make you feel better about coming events. The purpose has ALWAYS been to expose what is happening, and during the gruesome days under the Fuhrer (Obama), these emails could be VERY dark and gloomy, so much so my daughter would have to stop reading them, so when I say things are AWESOME it is because THEY ARE. Now that we cleared things up, here's the awesome. Simon spoke with Q himself yesterday for 1.5 hours. He dropped that bombshell as a small side note in a late post last night and just left it hanging there. The reason he didn't elaborate is because he had even BIGGER news. If you have been listening to the anons, they have been saying to watch Pompeo's tweets, not the content, but the timing. They acted as a count down. Last night the count down was complete, and the message was sent that all players are in place meaning the military ops OFFICIALLY began last night. DO NOT expect to see tanks rolling in the streets and public arrests yet. Simon keeps hammering this point home. This plan STARTED in 1963 with the death of JFK. The plan ISN'T the installation of Trump. They could have easily done that. The plan is the complete destruction of the entire deep state, its apparatus AND the installation of a NEW system. That last point is something we overlook, and he covers this with historical analysis showing us that during the French Rev'l, they killed off the bad guys then had no plan about what to do afterwards, went bankrupt and put the bad guys back in power meaning nothing changed. That is NOT going to happen. Today he was surprised that he received so many questions about our man Q. I am surprised he is surprised, but he gave more detail than we have EVER had. He said Q was four people and a quantum PC that has the power to accurately predict the future. I know most will think this stuff is crazy talk, but Q referenced Project Looking Glass which I have subsequently researched in depth and can absolutely verify exists and is in the hands of the good guys. Due to the length of this email, I won't cover it in depth today. I think the Q PC is separate from Project Looking Glass, but since I am not sure, I am mentioning it. He said the Q movement is based in Scottsdale AZ. What I found very encouraging for my own credibility is that Q told Simon that after everything goes down, they will have to educate the populace and that FOUR people have been invited to be part of the Great Awakening. Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward, Robert Steele and an unnamed fourth. Those are the THREE people I consider the best resources in the world. Robert Steele has an ENCYCLOPEDIC documentation of the deep state pedophilia with names, dates, etc. and his inclusion means they are going to reveal EVERYTHING. Not only that, Robert Steele has amazing ideas for the new re-structuring of the country. Here comes the real awesome. As you know, the gov't of Italy has ADMITTED to being involved in the election fraud. On video, on paper without any question. "No proof", right? But it gets WAY more serious than that because they not only admitted to it, they signed a sworn affidavit that was shown to EVERYONE in Congress BEFORE the betrayal on the 6th which means that they without a doubt KNOWINGLY certified a fraudulent election which is by DEFINITION high treason. They are DEAD! Remember my lingering questions about what happens when 93% of the Senate alone committed treason. Simon told us! He said they already have people in line and sworn in to be appointed to take over after 85% of Congress is arrested!!!! They anticipated EVERYTHING, set the trap along the way with full documentation, and let the events unfold. Even more. Why was the Vatican involved? Why the satellites? Apparently, using the satellites makes it much harder to track what is happening, but we did it anyway since we froze all their bank accounts. BUT, the Vatican apparently has its own banking system, and the wealth of the world's most powerful and evil leaders is stored there. The Italian gov't is BEGGING to keep their treason and violation of NATO and int'l law hidden, and in return, they turned over their PM, head general and get to claim their satellites were "hacked". Simon made a side comment that he would be involved in helping all the rescued victims of sex trafficking which are apparently primarily held in the deep underground military bunkers. He also said they have decoded Nazi Pelosi's laptop, but added one thing you MUST keep in mind. He said to expect things to LOOK worse as the ops begin before they get amazing. Expect the nuclear scare from China, the blackouts, and maybe even the impeachment of Trump. What is HILARIOUS is that people have pointed out that with the Insurrection Act, and presumably EO2018 in effect, the military is in COMPLETE control, and pretty much anything Congress does is theatrics for the media and sheeple on the left. We have a LOT of proof that ALL of this is true. Every day new videos are posted of troops with heavy military vehicles that are virtually tanks rolling into cities in the middle of the night. FULLY armed troops which is almost unheard of on US soil. The airspace from north NJ to SC was restricted yesterday. MonkeyWerx (MW) documented enormous air traffic over our AFB in Italy.