25,000 (!!) Nat'l Guard are being brought into DC to "protect the Biden inauguration". BWHAHAH! They are literally walking into the trap! Interestingly, Nazi Pelosi backed off the fast track of the impeachment which is now set for Wednesday. This is all the proof you need showing they are in full PANIC mode. Wednesday is a week before Trump leaves office right? They're going to impeach him NOW after they have "won" the election? Assume for a second they actually DID win the election. After you suppress the urge to vomit, why would they impeach Trump? Bitterness, hate, vengeance? I wouldn't put it past them because they are that evil, BUT they do try to protect their image when they are actually in control, and they know this would look petty. That means their motivations are to remove Trump because they know they are about to head to Gitmo or the gallows. Nazi Pelosi actually approached the military asking them to give HER the launch codes and they told her hell no. IF she has gotten them, I absolutely believe they would have been used on whatever city they thought Trump was in, blamed it on Russia then declared war. They are that desperate and evil. The panic and desperation is absolutely everywhere. There are already plans for ARMED protests in all 50 state capitols. What are they protesting their own "victory"? Because they KNOW they lost and Trump will take over. They are about to get gaping chest wounds put there by our military which is already in place. Spec ops has already infiltrated Pantifa so I think there will be less resistance than we think. Twitter is banning ALL questions challenging the election integrity. GoDaddy is dumping gun companies and shops from their web hosting services. FakeBook is banning "Stop the steal". Bill Belichek turned down the presidential Medal of Freedom because Pantifa took selfies in the capitol. Deutsche Bank cut all ties with Trump personally and professionally. Dems are calling for Hawley and Cruz to be removed from the Senate for not putting their names into the traitor box and questioning the election. I am REALLY down on police as yet AGAIN they stood by and did nothing as Pantifa marched in NYC and attacked bystanders in FULL VIEW of the cops who did nothing. ABSOLUTELY defund them if they won't do their most basic job in protecting citizens. How about this? Dems are now trying to classify Trump rallies as domestic terrorism, and trying to find a way to not let him run again in 2024. After FIVE YEARS of calling Trump a Nazi, they have literally gone FULL Nazi completely oblivious to the irony. Do you understand the level of Schadenfreude that is about to be unleashed? How many companies will end up bankrupt, closed, and maybe served with criminal charges based on their actions from just the past two weeks alone? The newly elected republicans are actually thinking about voting for the impeachment. CIA controlled and Bezos owned Wash Post is calling for the deprogramming of Trump supporters. This is how the Jews were treated in Germany in the 30's. The UN said they could rebuild the world post covid which was their intent all along. Remember when the guys warning us about the NWO were considered conspiracy lunatics? NJ is talking about disbarring Giuliani. Stripe stopped taking transactions for Trump trying to cut off his donations. Pompeo said all of this is authoritarianism cloaked as moral righteousness. ABSOLUTELY! Look at those actions! Are those the actions of people whose candidate received the most votes in history, are about to celebrate his inauguration, and are wanting to "heal" the country? No, these are the actions of criminals caught in the act of committing the crime knowing they face a firing squad. One aside. They COULD set up the firing squad so the guns are remotely controlled, and they could run an auction and let people bid to be the one to remotely pull the trigger. On pay per view. Just sayin'. Meanwhile, they are doing this to their OWN detriment. No hyperbole. FakeBook lost $34 BILLION! Twitter lost $5 BILLION. Cryptocurrency has lost $150 BILLION since the betrayal. The main internet service provider of Idaho blocked Twitter and FakeBook after petitions to do so. Simon and Schuster will be perma-boycotted by MAGA nation after they dropped Hawley's book. Elon Musk said a lot of people are going to be very unhappy about what is about to happen to them, then he attacked Amazon. His post had a double meaning, because if what we heard is true, he is an integral part of Project Odin, the quantum protected unhackable, uncensorable new internet set to be released as part of the new America. Let's discuss that for a second, because I actually think that is the biggest reason things are being delayed. We are going to have a new internet. We are going to be put on the gold standard with a new currency wiping out ALL debt. We are likely going to NESARA wiping out income taxes. The corporation of the US was dissolved, and people KEEP talking about this being huge. It would mean that Trump would actually be the 19th president of the US of A instead of the corporation of America, and it might mean he gets inaugurated on March 4th like they did for the first 150 years of our country. Michael Jaco said that 90% of cryptocurrency is owned by the deep state and to expect it to get hammered. The China EO that went into effect yesterday will decimate it as well. I found this relatively innocuous story interesting. The Washington Monument is closed until the 24th. Is that when we can expect a return to normal? One thing NO ONE is discussing is after all of this goes down, you know what will seem trivial? CV-19. I expect ALL of that garbage to go away soon after. A study showed 24 separate negative impacts masks have on kids physically, behaviorally and psychologically. Misc items. Not only did they delete Parler, they released the user information. This is CRIMINAL activity. Cuba was named a state sponsor of terrorism. Small business optimism has plummeted. Any surprise? Liberal states are threatening forever lockdowns. Trump HAS to end these immediately as the structural economic damage is already huge. Furthermore, if he wants anyone to attend another rally, he HAS to prosecute every last business that fired people for expressing the first amendment right. Chicago teachers are fighting having to go back to school to teach. Simple fix. STOP paying them to sit at home posting Trump hate to social media while not doing their job. Even better, fire them ALL. Mexifornia is going to force insurance companies to pay for permanent surgical genital mutilation for teens with mental illness and gender dysphoria. The woman Pedo Joe picked to be the head of the Dept of Injustice said melanin gives blacks greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities. It went from equality to superiority. Alex Jones went on a rant attacking Q. Some of you asked me about this. I put very little faith into anything Alex Jones says. His web site has some decent info, but Alex himself is a huge fan of Alex Jones and self promotion. He routinely interrupts people he interviews who are giving amazing info to promote his own opinion which no one cares about. He has irrationally attacked Q for three years now, and yet every day Q is being proven right. Finally, that video we saw with the angry mob yelling at Lindsey Graham was analyzed by Michael Jaco. He said he used to be on protective guard duty for high level politicians, and the police around him were violating all the rules but were instead acting like they would with someone they had just taken into custody, so he thinks that was Lindsey's perp walk, So awesome. Might be more tonight depending upon what I learn as I expect tomorrow to be the day something big happens so I might not be able to post then. Images: 2021, Twitter, Dominion, big tech, media, come back, guns, Congress, modern Ann Frank, tips, two kinds, separate rules, media, truthful, libs, unity