Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
My mom and Dad both got the J&J vaccine. Mom tested positive a week ago, she had a rough couple days but once she got her treatment she was good. Dad came back negative.

All my girls got it except for the baby. Only one had a fever for a night. Tylenol and zarbys took care of it.

The Kung Flu was no match for any of my Dongs.
hey ChingChong you dingdong it ain't a vax. I think your mother can verify that. haha SKOL!
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View attachment 33909
TORONTO (CTV Network) -- A Chinese man has died after he contracted an extremely rare infectious disease known as Monkey B virus from primates, according to health officials who say it’s the first documented human case in China.
The 53-year-old veterinary surgeon worked in an institute specializing in nonhuman primate breeding and experimental research in Beijing, according to the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
In a report, the China CDC said the man had dissected two dead monkeys on March 4 and 6. A month later, he experienced “nausea and vomiting followed by fever with neurological symptoms.” After visiting several hospitals, the surgeon eventually died on May 27.
Related story
What we are seeing from the FBI over the last couple of years tells me "the 99% of the rank and file agents are good people" is more like 70%. Like most in government service integrity and backbones are inferior to salary and pension preservation.
I doubt it's even close to 70%. I'd guess 15% are good people and I still feel like I"m being generous.
I doubt it's even close to 70%. I'd guess 15% are good people and I still feel like I"m being generous.

So many of them only think of their career path. Shut up and play ball and move up. Speak out and they will have a scarlet letter. Think if you oppose all the stuff going on you'll get on the networks or into academia? Local cop maybe or small time lawyer.

Their wagons have been hitched, good intentions be damned
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I can confirm My Free Doctor works great. I downloaded the app, filled out some basic medical information, and then a doctor sent an electronic prescription for Ivermectin (with 2 refills) to the pharmacy of my choice. Spread the word to family and friends.

See below for additional info from the doctor.

Also take these purchased over the counter:
Zinc 50mg daily
VitaminC 1000mg twice a day
Vitamin D 2000 IU each day
Quercetin 250 mg daily
I would recommend doing this daily or atleast during the cold and flu season. Been doing this for years and I have only been sick once. It was back in Feb. of 2020 when I had three days of pure fatigue. Could have been Wuhan Charlie but I never got tested. I am thinking it could have been a whole lot worse but I shrugged in of by day 4. My house does not have colds for more than a couple of days now. Sometimes it's gone in 24 hours. This has been posted ad nauseam in this thread since the outbreak. SKOL!
Also take these purchased over the counter:
Zinc 50mg daily
VitaminC 1000mg twice a day
Vitamin D 2000 IU each day
Quercetin 250 mg daily
heres a 5 min vid on pegasus

heres a 5 min vid on pegasus

I wonder if the other Maxwell girls are involved. For those who don't know it's not just about Gizzy and her clown father but also his two other daughters. Here is a quick snippet on these clown sisters. How deep is the rabbit hole? Pretty fucking deep! haha SKOL!
I posted these in the wrong thread earlier. This is the Alaska Dept. of Fish and Games fish wheel on the Kasilof River. They count Salmon moving upstream by sonar, a weir, and this fish wheel. This state does not play when it comes to managing its abundant natural resources. To date 244,000 socketed have past the weir where this fish wheel is located. Averaging 8-10k per day. All swimming to certain death. So abundant they allow residence to dipnet for up to 15-20 fish per family member per day as a lot of people here live subsistent life style relying on wild meat to offset the cost of grocery store bought food. Tomorrow the shield maiden, my 23 year old daughter, her boyfriend , and I will float it all day to try and catch the elusive and powerful chinook salmon or also known as the king salmon. This river produces hatchery and native with some native kings reaching 70 pounds. Not as big as a Kenai kings but it promises to be an awsome float. SKOL!
View attachment 33360

View attachment 33361
Looks like a broken down Universal Ride
Nothing to see here.


At least five counties in Michigan are reportedly moving ahead with the destruction of data from the 2020 Election on the voting equipment they used in the election. The problem with this is that the procedure that the vendor is performing reportedly removes all data from the machines but federal law states that information related to the 2020 Election is to be maintained in safekeeping for 22 months after the election.

I can confirm My Free Doctor works great. I downloaded the app, filled out some basic medical information, and then a doctor sent an electronic prescription for Ivermectin (with 2 refills) to the pharmacy of my choice. Spread the word to family and friends.

See below for additional info from the doctor.

Also take these purchased over the counter:
Zinc 50mg daily
VitaminC 1000mg twice a day
Vitamin D 2000 IU each day
Quercetin 250 mg daily
I would recommend doing this daily or atleast during the cold and flu season. Been doing this for years and I have only been sick once. It was back in Feb. of 2020 when I had three days of pure fatigue. Could have been Wuhan Charlie but I never got tested. I am thinking it could have been a whole lot worse but I shrugged in of by day 4. My house does not have colds for more than a couple of days now. Sometimes it's gone in 24 hours. This has been posted ad nauseam in this thread since the outbreak. SKOL!
Also take these purchased over the counter:
Zinc 50mg daily
VitaminC 1000mg twice a day
Vitamin D 2000 IU each day
Quercetin 250 mg daily
I've done this for almost 40 years. Last flu was in 1985. No respiratory issues. My bout with Wuhan Charlie was mild which I attribute to having this stuff in my system waiting when Wuhan arrived. It's been the same for all my immediate family except none of them got Wuhan. I load up on Zinc whenever I feel a cold coming on. Usually makes a 3 day issue into a 1 day issue.

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