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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021
Only reason I got the jab. Was told it would be mandatory for my job. Wish I never got it but alas here we are. Will never get a booster or allow my kids to get it.
I am in the same boat being in the entertainment business. Was told today it’s mandatory I be vaccinated if I want to work. It’s fucking bullshit.


Jan 8, 2021
I had thought we had a couple of years before the shit truly hits the fan but now I am not so sure.

The Leftists, scared by the audit results coming in, seem to be accelerating America's descent into a socialist dictatorship. They fear a Patriot resurgence so they are cracking down on us a thousand different ways.

So many events happening at once it is hard to keep track of them all.

Whatever happens, stay strong friends. Never forget you aren't alone and have millions by your side. I still believe we are the majority. Don't let the media convince you otherwise.

Josey Wales: Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is.
Appears almost certain that whatever their big move is, it involves the "vaccine".


Jan 8, 2021
China is already in charge. Look at the door to door vaccination BS, surveillance nation, corrupt National police, the censoring, the now de-platforming from all sites if they disagree with what you post on one.

All that is towards "social credits" The slowly boiling frogs until it's too late. Some normal folks saying each one is not so bad or makes sense. It will be too late when things dawn on them. And of course they will blame everyone who has been pointing this out to them for years
If you own a home, google your address and within the first 10 results you’ll find someone giving you a social score already. Guys this shit is already happening.


Apr 14, 2021
>We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
>That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed

"deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

The audit in Arizona proves beyond any reasonable doubt that the election was stolen by Biden and Harris and the Democrat party. As Biden and Harris did not legitimately win the election, they do not possess the consent of the people they govern and, according to the sentiments articulated in the U.S. Declaration of Independence, their government is therefore illegitimate.

U.S. soldiers swear an oath to protect the U.S. constitution, not to follow any particular political leader or party. If the Biden government is illegitimate, as the audit has proven, are U.S. soldiers under any obligation to follow his orders and decrees?


Jan 8, 2021

I’ll probably feel most betrayed by the governor of Georgia and the former vice president of the United States. I thought those two guys were good guys and they ended up being scumbags

I hope the secretary of state of Georgia is hung for treason.

I also think Burt Jones will be the next lieutenant governor of Georgia. He is a good guy
Vernon and Kemp should be a close race in the primaries. There are still a lot of people backing Kemp surprisingly in the state. I will be voting for Vernon and I hope he pulls it out. I actually think it will help him if Stacey Abrams runs. I’ve heard a lot of people saying they think she will not run because the establishment in DC has other plans for her. We shall see

Also hearing Herschel Walker is still leaning toward running for senator in 2022 in the state of Georgia. I think he would have a great shot at winning and would love to see him do that


Jan 8, 2021
>We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
>That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed

"deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

The audit in Arizona proves beyond any reasonable doubt that the election was stolen by Biden and Harris and the Democrat party. As Biden and Harris did not legitimately win the election, they do not possess the consent of the people they govern and, according to the sentiments articulated in the U.S. Declaration of Independence, their government is therefore illegitimate.

U.S. soldiers swear an oath to protect the U.S. constitution, not to follow any particular political leader or party. If the Biden government is illegitimate, as the audit has proven, are U.S. soldiers under any obligation to follow his orders and decrees?

No. But how do they get definitive proof? That’s the problem. The message is controlled by the left. Most of the military can be convinced they are in the right against a certain group of citizens. This is how they use the military against citizens.

The military is only given the info that favors the narrative they (the elite) want. They feed propaganda and the military feels they are upholding the constitution and doing the right thing. They are pawns in a greater game of chess. All of you that think the military never would do anything against citizens are living in a lala land.

they most certainly will. And they will think they are defending liberty. It’s a sad truth. The military can’t be trusted. It pains me to say so but I personally know dudes that have bought into Biden.

This is also why they dehumanize us. Makes us easier to kill. It’s how we operated in Iraq/Afghanistan. It’s easier to pull the trigger on an animal than a human. It was a tactic used for the SKT’s.

How much easier is it to shoot a dog than a person?

If you say it’s easier to kill a person. You. Are part of the problem.


Jan 9, 2021
Itll come to a head.

Gen Flynn still commands enormous respect in the rank and file of the military.

The woke brigade has caused an antiwoke backlash bigger than they ever expected.

Now, the economy might be fucked. Not sure theres a way around the debt crisis looming at this point. However these Marxists are going to be run out of town. No doubt in my mind.

A reckoning is coming.
Shut up. General Flynn isn’t doing a good damn thing.


Jan 15, 2021
No. But how do they get definitive proof? That’s the problem. The message is controlled by the left. Most of the military can be convinced they are in the right against a certain group of citizens. This is how they use the military against citizens.

The military is only given the info that favors the narrative they (the elite) want. They feed propaganda and the military feels they are upholding the constitution and doing the right thing. They are pawns in a greater game of chess. All of you that think the military never would do anything against citizens are living in a lala land.

they most certainly will. And they will think they are defending liberty. It’s a sad truth. The military can’t be trusted. It pains me to say so but I personally know dudes that have bought into Biden.

This is also why they dehumanize us. Makes us easier to kill. It’s how we operated in Iraq/Afghanistan. It’s easier to pull the trigger on an animal than a human. It was a tactic used for the SKT’s.

How much easier is it to shoot a dog than a person?

If you say it’s easier to kill a person. You. Are part of the problem.

No comment.


Jan 8, 2021
>We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
>That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed

"deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

The audit in Arizona proves beyond any reasonable doubt that the election was stolen by Biden and Harris and the Democrat party. As Biden and Harris did not legitimately win the election, they do not possess the consent of the people they govern and, according to the sentiments articulated in the U.S. Declaration of Independence, their government is therefore illegitimate.

U.S. soldiers swear an oath to protect the U.S. constitution, not to follow any particular political leader or party. If the Biden government is illegitimate, as the audit has proven, are U.S. soldiers under any obligation to follow his orders and decrees?
We only follow lawful orders..


Jan 8, 2021
No. But how do they get definitive proof? That’s the problem. The message is controlled by the left. Most of the military can be convinced they are in the right against a certain group of citizens. This is how they use the military against citizens.

The military is only given the info that favors the narrative they (the elite) want. They feed propaganda and the military feels they are upholding the constitution and doing the right thing. They are pawns in a greater game of chess. All of you that think the military never would do anything against citizens are living in a lala land.

they most certainly will. And they will think they are defending liberty. It’s a sad truth. The military can’t be trusted. It pains me to say so but I personally know dudes that have bought into Biden.

This is also why they dehumanize us. Makes us easier to kill. It’s how we operated in Iraq/Afghanistan. It’s easier to pull the trigger on an animal than a human. It was a tactic used for the SKT’s.

How much easier is it to shoot a dog than a person?

If you say it’s easier to kill a person. You. Are part of the problem.
You have no idea how fed up the military is about this woke bullshit going on. Were creating divisions that were never present..and its crushing morale/retention
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Finer Things Club President
Dec 9, 2020
People need to look at what happened on Nov. 3rd for what it was. It was an act of war. An act of war can't be dealt with in a courtroom. It can't be dealt with at the ballot box.

I agree with like half your shit. This is in the half I agree with… This comment is exactly how I feel. And it has me perplexed on a daily basis that more do not see it this way.


Jan 8, 2021
I am in the same boat being in the entertainment business. Was told today it’s mandatory I be vaccinated if I want to work. It’s fucking bullshit.
Get a card and write some numbers. No way they can confirm it. Plenty of pics online. Be prepared to catch it if you didn’t already have it, since the vax don’t actually do anything to reduce transmission, and all your coworkers will be spreading it. Take ivermectin if needed.
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