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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 9, 2021



Jan 9, 2021
Breitbart doesn't have a single word up about it. Nor Townhall. Redstate has a single article, but it's also their most viewed. Nothing on Daily Caller. Blaze looks like it has one article, thought their website is a jumbled mess in the best of times. Daily Wire, zip. Newsmax, not a word, though they have room for articles on the WWE. PJ Media has one bit, buried under 100 other things. Washington Examiner, nada, though they do have a big piece up about orange man must be defeated. The Federalist doesn't appear to have any AZ up, but does have multiple pieces up on what's going on in GA. FoxNews has touched on it, likely because Hannity and Tucker give them no choice, but they showed their allegiance on Nov. 3rd, 'round about midnight.

Much of "conservative" media is in on the ruse. And many of those who aren't look at the election challenges and Trump's movement as an embarrassment that they hope will fade away. The Chinese, the Euro bankers and the American oligarchs don't have to buy everyone, but it appears they did buy or coerce the most popular and influential.
Hannity had Alan Dershowitz and Greg Jarrett on last week and this was how it went:

“Was there cheating in Georgia last election - yes; was it enough to overturn the election no.

The Supreme Court won’t touch this - we must understand what happened and move on Joe Biden will be President for four years.”

It enrages me when they try to tell people what to think. I do not watch FOX except for Tucker occasionally - heard it on XM driving home from work. And when I do happen to listen it is with a critical ear.

PS - Breitbart comes on Patriot radio XM & their hosts like Alex Marlow would do better listening to the people that call in rather than constantly cutting them off & telling them why nothing will work.


Dec 1, 2020

Bret Weinstein on Tucker. I missed this live but watch it before it gets deleted. Bret drops some covid/vax truth bombs.

It’s not like people were warned but a little common fuckin’ sense. I mean the name Fauci should have most running for the cabin in the mountains. That evil prick has blood on his hands and he is still spouting his BS. Who listens to this clown now? Who regrets listening to this clown in the past? Crazy times. SKOL!


Dec 1, 2020
The boomarang is coming brother. Vegas still lives.

This eagle is still in the tree by my sight. Badass is eyeballing me.
1626506133178.jpeg But I bow and pay homage to our American icon! He is Atleast 3 feet tall probably morewith a massive wingspan. A bird like this dove at me while I was backing the maiden into a camping spot 4 years ago. I had a Clemson hat with a white paw on it and this massive bird of prey dove at my head. The maidens face gave it away before I heard this ten foot wingspan bird cam inches from ripping me apart. I’m drunk and high as shit. Gonna be burgers at midnight at this rate.

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Dec 1, 2020
The boomarang is coming brother. Vegas still lives.

This eagle is still in the tree by my sight. Badass is eyeballing me. But I bow and pay homage to our American icon! He is Atleast 3 feet tall probably morewith a massive wingspan. A bird like this dove at me while I was backing the maiden into a camping spot 4 years ago. I had a Clemson hat with a white paw on it and this massive bird of prey dove at my head. The maidens face gave it away before I heard this ten foot wingspan bird cam inches from ripping me apart. I’m drunk and high as shit. Gonna be burgers at midnight at this rate.

This is all I got this late.


Jan 8, 2021
I am in the same boat being in the entertainment business. Was told today it’s mandatory I be vaccinated if I want to work. It’s fucking bullshit.
Seems to me that anyone who is forced to get vaccinated by their employer would have a cause of action against the employer if something bad happens to them as a consequence of being forced to take the Jab. The company does not have immunity like Big Pharma.

I'd make sure they didn't give me any document to sign with some hidden clause allowing them no liability for forcing the Jab on me.
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Jan 8, 2021
Chase Bank - Bullshit Episode 402.

Mom is 96. She banks at Chase. My brother took her to have his name added to the signature card so he could write checks on her accounts since he will be her executor at the appropriate time and he lives the closest to her. My sister and I are already on her account as signers.

Chase told them they couldn't add his name because her Photo ID DL had expired. She has no car and doesn't drive. Brother told them in Texas for anyone over age 70, an expired DL is legally deemed a valid Photo ID. Chase relented.

They then said that both my sister and I have to be present for them to add my brother to the signer's card. WTF? Both my sister and I live almost 100 miles round trip away. Neither of us were present when each was added to her signer's card.

I will talk with my Chase branch to clarify this bullshit. If I get the same answer, Chase will lose a substantial amount of money when she changes banks. And Jamie Dimon will get another letter from me.

Oh, in the middle of the Wuhan lock down last year her Chase branch shut down their 9 drive-in lanes and cut the tubes. Their reasoning was they didn't want anyone sending them an explosive device. How many instances of this happening has anyone heard? Chase is shutting down drive-in lanes at most branches in this area and reducing staff significantly. They are forcing people to stand in long lines inside so as to get more people to use their ATMs for every transaction.

Thank you for indulging. It's coming to a bank near you if not already.


Jan 8, 2021
No. But how do they get definitive proof? That’s the problem. The message is controlled by the left. Most of the military can be convinced they are in the right against a certain group of citizens. This is how they use the military against citizens.

The military is only given the info that favors the narrative they (the elite) want. They feed propaganda and the military feels they are upholding the constitution and doing the right thing. They are pawns in a greater game of chess. All of you that think the military never would do anything against citizens are living in a lala land.

they most certainly will. And they will think they are defending liberty. It’s a sad truth. The military can’t be trusted. It pains me to say so but I personally know dudes that have bought into Biden.

This is also why they dehumanize us. Makes us easier to kill. It’s how we operated in Iraq/Afghanistan. It’s easier to pull the trigger on an animal than a human. It was a tactic used for the SKT’s.

How much easier is it to shoot a dog than a person?

If you say it’s easier to kill a person. You. Are part of the problem.
You’ve never met my ex wife, ex mother in law or my dogs or you’d take that statement back.


Jan 9, 2021
Seems to me that anyone who is forced to get vaccinated by their employer would have a cause of action against the employer if something bad happens to them as a consequence of being forced to take the Jab. The company does not have immunity like Big Pharma.

I'd make sure they didn't give me any document to sign with some hidden clause allowing them no liability for forcing the Jab on me.
I’d send a letter (preferably from a lawyer) requiring them to accept any and all responsibility and liability from negative effects of the experimental vaccine, in writing.
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