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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Neanderthal in Chief
Jan 8, 2021
How are leftists generally taking the news that the election clearly was fraudulent? I’m sure there is a solid percentage that simply refuses to believe it and views it as “the big lie”. But there have to be a few with a couple brain cells that see what is being released…right?
Well, my rivals homeboard lefties are all pretty quiet about the threads I've started about AZ and Georgia. Normally they're pretty quick to jump in with the typical rhetoric, but nothing lately. Although I see those threads have been viewed many, many times.....


Jan 8, 2021
Head in sand. Even most of the right wing sites like daily wire are ignoring it
Breitbart doesn't have a single word up about it. Nor Townhall. Redstate has a single article, but it's also their most viewed. Nothing on Daily Caller. Blaze looks like it has one article, thought their website is a jumbled mess in the best of times. Daily Wire, zip. Newsmax, not a word, though they have room for articles on the WWE. PJ Media has one bit, buried under 100 other things. Washington Examiner, nada, though they do have a big piece up about orange man must be defeated. The Federalist doesn't appear to have any AZ up, but does have multiple pieces up on what's going on in GA. FoxNews has touched on it, likely because Hannity and Tucker give them no choice, but they showed their allegiance on Nov. 3rd, 'round about midnight.

Much of "conservative" media is in on the ruse. And many of those who aren't look at the election challenges and Trump's movement as an embarrassment that they hope will fade away. The Chinese, the Euro bankers and the American oligarchs don't have to buy everyone, but it appears they did buy or coerce the most popular and influential.


Dec 1, 2020
How are leftists generally taking the news that the election clearly was fraudulent? I’m sure there is a solid percentage that simply refuses to believe it and views it as “the big lie”. But there have to be a few with a couple brain cells that see what is being released…right?

I've been monitoring all of the major outlets online to see how they want to spin it and they are completely ignoring it. The only mention I have found online is on MSNBC where Maddow dedicates her op ed to it and the title is Arizona Republican 'clown show audit' holds stunt hearing to feed Trump delusions.


Feb 1, 2021
Some of you had interest in hearing more about our response to the CRT curriculum at our private school. I also urge all of you who have kids in any school to be on high alert, not that you aren't already. The good news is we've made some progress.

For those with no or grown kids, even I didn't realize that this is a national emergency that is clearly part of the broader plan to destroy the fabric of this country from within by a takeover of our entire K-12 education. I'm sharing this mainly to give context on our experience and how this all plays out...few people truly understand what CRT is but more importantly, the long-term nefarious goals. I'll stick it in a spoiler cuz I'm considerate like that.

What we are finding is that it's likely a majority of public and private schools are in some phase of implementation, or have already been teaching it for some time. They don't inform parents implicitly, but the key words are diversity, equity and inclusion...if you see these words, it's CRT. They also have names or acronyms for programs that don't describe CRT, so it doesn't raise any red flags with parents. One example in our school is GULP (Guidance and Leadership Program) - who doesn't think guidance and leadership are a good thing?!

In addition to the rapid infestation in schools and the psychological harm to our kids, the byproducts are that many quality teachers forced into this curriculum against their will are berated and essentially encouraged to resign...this results in an overhaul of staff with eventually 100% CRT supporters...needless to say, you can guess on their political beliefs. Think about what that means to all schools here in just a year or two? In our school, we have had over 30% of our best teachers resign in the last year alone.

Since I first posted of our discovery (only a month ago) we've gathered over 100 parents and held a meeting to share how egregious this had already become in our school, with some examples of the curriculum...it's hard to find those because kids aren't allowed to take the materials home. We agreed at that meeting to all send individual letters rescinding/suspending all donations, outlining our lack of trust and confidence in the board/administration (and all details).

Since then, we have also requested a town hall with all board members and head of school. We received an email from the head of school pausing all GULP activities and stating there would be no critical race theory taught at St. Martins. I've pasted excerpt below, the bold print was in the email that way, clearly we've hit a nerve. We also heard back from the board that the town hall and potential date is under consideration (whatever that means). Bottom line, it takes a massive pushback but we're winning this small battle - the greater national war is hard to comprehend.

"St. Martin’s has decided to pause our middle school Guidance and Leadership Program (GULP) curriculum development around race to evaluate how we are engaging with our students on what we know are challenging, complex – and often uncomfortable – social and cultural issues. This pause is even more important given the concerns that many in our community expressed around the content, communication, and rollout of enhancements to the middle school GULP last fall. It is important to clarify that the academic concept of Critical Race Theory, which has been widely discussed in the news as of late, will not be part of the St. Martin’s curriculum in the future."
They say the “academic concept of critical race theory” will not be taught. But are they going to teach the assertions/claims/unsupported conclusions and ideas of critical race theory as in essence “the truth,” as opposed to a class on the “academic concept”? You can have a class on Marxism where you go through and learn what Marx said and try to understand his theories, but do so objectively. Or you can teach the conclusions that Marx drew without ever attributing them to Marx or acknowledging that they are a viewpoint with a certain intent and not necessarily true or accurate descriptions of the world. E.g., capitalism is inherently exploitative of workers and workers cannot have freedom until capitalism is abolished.
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Jan 8, 2021
Breitbart doesn't have a single word up about it. Nor Townhall. Redstate has a single article, but it's also their most viewed. Nothing on Daily Caller. Blaze looks like it has one article, thought their website is a jumbled mess in the best of times. Daily Wire, zip. Newsmax, not a word, though they have room for articles on the WWE. PJ Media has one bit, buried under 100 other things. Washington Examiner, nada, though they do have a big piece up about orange man must be defeated. The Federalist doesn't appear to have any AZ up, but does have multiple pieces up on what's going on in GA. FoxNews has touched on it, likely because Hannity and Tucker give them no choice, but they showed their allegiance on Nov. 3rd, 'round about midnight.

Much of "conservative" media is in on the ruse. And many of those who aren't look at the election challenges and Trump's movement as an embarrassment that they hope will fade away. The Chinese, the Euro bankers and the American oligarchs don't have to buy everyone, but it appears they did buy or coerce the most popular and influential.

I refresh The Gateway Pundit, Citizen Free Press, revolver News, banned.video (just type in banned.video), just the news throughout the day.
I'm really please with the gateway pundit and citizen free press.


May 27, 2021
Breitbart doesn't have a single word up about it. Nor Townhall. Redstate has a single article, but it's also their most viewed. Nothing on Daily Caller. Blaze looks like it has one article, thought their website is a jumbled mess in the best of times. Daily Wire, zip. Newsmax, not a word, though they have room for articles on the WWE. PJ Media has one bit, buried under 100 other things. Washington Examiner, nada, though they do have a big piece up about orange man must be defeated. The Federalist doesn't appear to have any AZ up, but does have multiple pieces up on what's going on in GA. FoxNews has touched on it, likely because Hannity and Tucker give them no choice, but they showed their allegiance on Nov. 3rd, 'round about midnight.

Much of "conservative" media is in on the ruse. And many of those who aren't look at the election challenges and Trump's movement as an embarrassment that they hope will fade away. The Chinese, the Euro bankers and the American oligarchs don't have to buy everyone, but it appears they did buy or coerce the most popular and influential.
On the bright side America's Joan of Arc Margarie Taylor Greene has raised 5.5 million to elect Republicans and "save America from socialism" lol

We have no allies in the institutions

Some just have us as their audience

Ultimately, AOC and MGT are the same show produced from a different angle for a certain audience

It's the people vs the puppets

Although the typical leftist is an insufferable dope they are not our enemy. They are the most ineffectual people in the history of our planet

Our enemy is the spirit of darkness, the principalities


Jan 8, 2021
Wikipedia can no longer be trusted as a source of unbiased information since the online encyclopedia’s left-leaning volunteers cut out any news that doesn’t fit their agenda, according to the site’s co-founder. Larry Sanger, 52, co-founded Wikipedia in 2001 alongside Jimmy Wales, said the crowdsourcing project has betrayed its original mission by reflecting the views of the ‘establishment.’ He said he agreed with the assessment that ‘teams of Democratic-leaning volunteers’ remove content that isn’t to their liking, including information about scandals linked to President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden.


SCAR Cawk Connoisseur
Apr 13, 2021
On the bright side America's Joan of Arc Margarie Taylor Greene has raised 5.5 million to elect Republicans and "save America from socialism" lol

We have no allies in the institutions

Some just have us as their audience

Ultimately, AOC and MGT are the same show produced from a different angle for a certain audience

It's the people vs the puppets

Although the typical leftist is an insufferable dope they are not our enemy. They are the most ineffectual people in the history of our planet

Our enemy is the spirit of darkness, the principalities
STFU dumb ass


Dec 9, 2020
Breitbart doesn't have a single word up about it. Nor Townhall. Redstate has a single article, but it's also their most viewed. Nothing on Daily Caller. Blaze looks like it has one article, thought their website is a jumbled mess in the best of times. Daily Wire, zip. Newsmax, not a word, though they have room for articles on the WWE. PJ Media has one bit, buried under 100 other things. Washington Examiner, nada, though they do have a big piece up about orange man must be defeated. The Federalist doesn't appear to have any AZ up, but does have multiple pieces up on what's going on in GA. FoxNews has touched on it, likely because Hannity and Tucker give them no choice, but they showed their allegiance on Nov. 3rd, 'round about midnight.

Much of "conservative" media is in on the ruse. And many of those who aren't look at the election challenges and Trump's movement as an embarrassment that they hope will fade away. The Chinese, the Euro bankers and the American oligarchs don't have to buy everyone, but it appears they did buy or coerce the most popular and influential.
That is a great post


Jan 8, 2021
Some of you had interest in hearing more about our response to the CRT curriculum at our private school. I also urge all of you who have kids in any school to be on high alert, not that you aren't already. The good news is we've made some progress.

For those with no or grown kids, even I didn't realize that this is a national emergency that is clearly part of the broader plan to destroy the fabric of this country from within by a takeover of our entire K-12 education. I'm sharing this mainly to give context on our experience and how this all plays out...few people truly understand what CRT is but more importantly, the long-term nefarious goals. I'll stick it in a spoiler cuz I'm considerate like that.

What we are finding is that it's likely a majority of public and private schools are in some phase of implementation, or have already been teaching it for some time. They don't inform parents implicitly, but the key words are diversity, equity and inclusion...if you see these words, it's CRT. They also have names or acronyms for programs that don't describe CRT, so it doesn't raise any red flags with parents. One example in our school is GULP (Guidance and Leadership Program) - who doesn't think guidance and leadership are a good thing?!

In addition to the rapid infestation in schools and the psychological harm to our kids, the byproducts are that many quality teachers forced into this curriculum against their will are berated and essentially encouraged to resign...this results in an overhaul of staff with eventually 100% CRT supporters...needless to say, you can guess on their political beliefs. Think about what that means to all schools here in just a year or two? In our school, we have had over 30% of our best teachers resign in the last year alone.

Since I first posted of our discovery (only a month ago) we've gathered over 100 parents and held a meeting to share how egregious this had already become in our school, with some examples of the curriculum...it's hard to find those because kids aren't allowed to take the materials home. We agreed at that meeting to all send individual letters rescinding/suspending all donations, outlining our lack of trust and confidence in the board/administration (and all details).

Since then, we have also requested a town hall with all board members and head of school. We received an email from the head of school pausing all GULP activities and stating there would be no critical race theory taught at St. Martins. I've pasted excerpt below, the bold print was in the email that way, clearly we've hit a nerve. We also heard back from the board that the town hall and potential date is under consideration (whatever that means). Bottom line, it takes a massive pushback but we're winning this small battle - the greater national war is hard to comprehend.

"St. Martin’s has decided to pause our middle school Guidance and Leadership Program (GULP) curriculum development around race to evaluate how we are engaging with our students on what we know are challenging, complex – and often uncomfortable – social and cultural issues. This pause is even more important given the concerns that many in our community expressed around the content, communication, and rollout of enhancements to the middle school GULP last fall. It is important to clarify that the academic concept of Critical Race Theory, which has been widely discussed in the news as of late, will not be part of the St. Martin’s curriculum in the future."
Great job. Sounds like you need to find out specifically who is creating pressure on the good teachers to resign. Also find out more about the interview process for new teachers to ensure that you clear out all of the Marxist scum and don’t allow them to hire more.
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Dec 1, 2020
I had thought we had a couple of years before the shit truly hits the fan but now I am not so sure.

The Leftists, scared by the audit results coming in, seem to be accelerating America's descent into a socialist dictatorship. They fear a Patriot resurgence so they are cracking down on us a thousand different ways.

So many events happening at once it is hard to keep track of them all.

Whatever happens, stay strong friends. Never forget you aren't alone and have millions by your side. I still believe we are the majority. Don't let the media convince you otherwise.

Josey Wales: Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is.
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