Might be? Poe Ave is on East side of interstate and hotel is on West side. Close to I 75 and I 70 intersection.Yes. It's a little better Fridays. It's decent, but not great. Good bar, though.
Are you up by Fairfield?
You was the leader and I joined 2 years go as old farts. We thought we had it figured out until the cheating. Now we need to teach/guide more young people to see the light before all is lost.
Yep. You are. Up a bit, but not too far. About 10 minutes down 675.Might be? Poe Ave is on East side of interstate and hotel is on West side. Close to I 75 and I 70 intersectio.
Yeah, I’m still over on TMB fighting the good fight.I particularly liked that hurricaneshaun or whatever his handle is tried to call me out for cutting and running when I shut his ass down with facts. (Suburban white women did not 'lose' the election for Trump.) I asked when exactly did that happen? My subscription is still good and I still post there...I never disappeared. No reply from the little boy who thinks he's a big man.
'Nuf said.
Tiny testicals meets big ovaries. I win. Bitch.
This. 100% this.
I can, have, do and will gracefully accept defeat in a fair, honest contest.
This is nothing of the sort and it's devastating to our country and the world.
And it's exactly what they want.
I'm seriously scared for the immediate future and what comes in the next years for my children. And it's not just the USA. This a global fight. You think the Cuba protests, France, SA all just spontaneously erupted with no common enemy?
I'm scared... but I'm also heartened that so many are actively fighting back.
So much truth in this. Fox was in on it. And I haven’t seen 60 seconds of it since.
I hope they put Macron on a pike.There are going to be mass riot and deaths in France.
They’ve actually already been death.How are they going to prison? Via jury trials or plea bargains? Let's get this show on the road.
I was just tagging you.Not @tgsio but can answer….it fits those two/three requirements.
Up in my neck of the woods…recommend the BBQ place on Miller Lane (Smoky Bones) or Litte York Tavern for wings/pizza.Might be? Poe Ave is on East side of interstate and hotel is on West side. Close to I 75 and I 70 intersection.
Yu misspelt gramaticalness.My grammar performance is that of a 3rd grader, but I am a little drunk so its ok
Walking and beer. Ok well there will be a Iowa boy with me so good steak or BBQ in driving distance will Work. Just next Monday and Tuesday night.Not @tgsio but can answer….it fits those two/three requirements.
Walking and beer. Ok well there will be a Iowa boy with be so good steal of BBQ in driving distance will Work. Just next Monday and Tuesday night.
Ginger phobia
I’m not old enough for bingoJust FYI… Little York Tavern has bar bingo on Monday nights starting at 6:30pm. Great if you want to pass the time while eating/drinking….bad if you want quick service.
I’m younger and I like Bingo when I win LOL.I’m not old enough for bingoyet. I’m a get a beer and food out in an hour kind of guy. Only exception is a business dinner or dining with the better half my wife.
Fuck That Let Him PostI see George Marsh has made his way over here. Prepare to be bombarded with 100-500 posts a day. Truth Wrangler just start your own thread to post in please.
That’s mostly correct except for the top right corner needs to say man
Not exactly the namedrop we want to show the light to the normiesWtf is wrong with Robert E Lee?