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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Dec 1, 2020
Remember back a few post when I mentioned SS forwards used social media to search for targets?...

NY Post... Facebook fired 52 employees for abusing their access to the social network’s user data — including creepy men who obtained location data on women they were romantically interested in, according to a new report.

Using their access to troves of user data through Facebook’s internal systems, male engineers were able to view women’s locations, private messages, deleted photos and more
Then beat off before continuing the search for Law Abiding Citizens to turn over to the 4th branch of government. Whew, long winded sentence. SKOL!


Jan 8, 2021
Remember back a few post when I mentioned SS forwards used social media to search for targets?...

NY Post... Facebook fired 52 employees for abusing their access to the social network’s user data — including creepy men who obtained location data on women they were romantically interested in, according to a new report.

Using their access to troves of user data through Facebook’s internal systems, male engineers were able to view women’s locations, private messages, deleted photos and more.

This all stems from Panic.. Hurry up and clean as much house a possible before company comes over. Boss's lawsuit is doing exactly what they wanted.
FB should be sued for billions by each of those women. Zuckerberg too as well.


Jan 8, 2021
Apparently, Beta O'Rourke arranged for this private charter to send the demwits to DC. They are going to have to come back soon since this is a redistricting year. If no quorum is present, state law says redistricting goes to a 5 person panel led by the Lt Gov and 4 others, all of whom are GOP. Time to play hardball.


Jan 8, 2021

I'm thinking it's about time for me to start my in-depth biblical prophecy thread. I dropped a little in here about 100 pages back, but didn't want to take this thread over.

Maybe now's the time for the standalone thread.

If you think Q had some wild things to say, just wait until you see things happening thousands of years after they were foretold.


May 28, 2021
I'm thinking it's about time for me to start my in-depth biblical prophecy thread. I dropped a little in here about 100 pages back, but didn't want to take this thread over.

Maybe now's the time for the standalone thread.

If you think Q had some wild things to say, just wait until you see things happening thousands of years after they were foretold.
Bring it!


Jan 8, 2021
I gave some.. I am blessed by God that I didn't give all... Although my crazy ass tried way too many times. I have way too many friends that did give all, most without any public recognition of what mission we were asked to perform. I have protected men, most would not. My life as well as all those others were given to bless yours with the ability to not only have an opinion but express that opinion.
In the context of the discussion, that's a load of nonsense. Your service and the service of a million other good men has jack squat to do with the military intervening in domestic politics. The military is largely controlled by people who hate your guts and mine, you're a fool to put any confidence in them whatsoever.

The Air Force is having drag queen beauty pageants. The Air Force is trimming down physical requirements so eventually any fatty with a pulse can make it. The Secretary of the Defense is recommending all soldiers read books that condemn the country and calls every white person a racist. The CJCS said the #1 global threat facing the military is white supremacy, in America. Rep. Tom Massie said that the Pentagon is going to force vaccinate all troops in a few months, or they face discharge. Many have said ITT and elsewhere that if you aren't a left-wing activist, it's almost impossible to advance as an officer now.

The pentagon is dominated by left-wing globalists, and they've made it obvious their mission is now to weed out freedom-loving patriots from their ranks.

So take your post and your insinuation that I'm ungrateful to people who've served and shove it up your ass.


Jan 8, 2021
House Oversight Committee is going to investigate the Arizona Audit. You knew it was coming.

Aren't elections a state matter? Merrick Garland has been quiet since he was told he would be tossed into an AZ jail if he decided to mingle in the process. The same should be told to the House committee and refuse to give them any records.


Jan 8, 2021
In the context of the discussion, that's a load of nonsense. Your service and the service of a million other good men has jack squat to do with the military intervening in domestic politics. The military is largely controlled by people who hate your guts and mine, you're a fool to put any confidence in them whatsoever.

The Air Force is having drag queen beauty pageants. The Air Force is trimming down physical requirements so eventually any fatty with a pulse can make it. The Secretary of the Defense is recommending all soldiers read books that condemn the country and calls every white person a racist. The CJCS said the #1 global threat facing the military is white supremacy, in America. Rep. Tom Massie said that the Pentagon is going to force vaccinate all troops in a few months, or they face discharge. Many have said ITT and elsewhere that if you aren't a left-wing activist, it's almost impossible to advance as an officer now.

The pentagon is dominated by left-wing globalists, and they've made it obvious their mission is now to weed out freedom-loving patriots from their ranks.

So take your post and your insinuation that I'm ungrateful to people who've served and shove it up your ass.


Jan 8, 2021
Aren't elections a state matter? Merrick Garland has been quiet since he was told he would be tossed into an AZ jail if he decided to mingle in the process. The same should be told to the House committee and refuse to give them any records.
Of course they are. But they also were 25 years ago when congress passed Clinton's motor voter bill. State's rights only matter to leftists when they specifically want them to. The rest of the time, the federal gov't couldn't care less, including the scotus.


Jan 8, 2021
I'm thinking it's about time for me to start my in-depth biblical prophecy thread. I dropped a little in here about 100 pages back, but didn't want to take this thread over.

Maybe now's the time for the standalone thread.

If you think Q had some wild things to say, just wait until you see things happening thousands of years after they were foretold.
Yes! Would love to see a stand-alone thread on it


Jan 8, 2021
Of course they are. But they also were 25 years ago when congress passed Clinton's motor voter bill. State's rights only matter to leftists when they specifically want them to. The rest of the time, the federal gov't couldn't care less, including the scotus.
While this is aimed at AZ since they are the only ones to have completed an audit, it is also warning to PA, GA, MI, WI, NV and other states contemplating conducting an audit.


Dec 9, 2020
In the context of the discussion, that's a load of nonsense. Your service and the service of a million other good men has jack squat to do with the military intervening in domestic politics. The military is largely controlled by people who hate your guts and mine, you're a fool to put any confidence in them whatsoever.

The Air Force is having drag queen beauty pageants. The Air Force is trimming down physical requirements so eventually any fatty with a pulse can make it. The Secretary of the Defense is recommending all soldiers read books that condemn the country and calls every white person a racist. The CJCS said the #1 global threat facing the military is white supremacy, in America. Rep. Tom Massie said that the Pentagon is going to force vaccinate all troops in a few months, or they face discharge. Many have said ITT and elsewhere that if you aren't a left-wing activist, it's almost impossible to advance as an officer now.

The pentagon is dominated by left-wing globalists, and they've made it obvious their mission is now to weed out freedom-loving patriots from their ranks.

So take your post and your insinuation that I'm ungrateful to people who've served and shove it up your ass.
No sir I simply stated that all gave some and some gave all for you to have the ability to express your opinion.. although it differs from mine.. which I will be removing from my ass.
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