Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Thank you sir! They do want him dead… they also know that his base will start world war three should anything happen other than death by natural cause. Which has also been attempted.. Boss was intentionally infected.. Covid had several intentions.
They can never seem to get him and it's not like he hides from possible contact. It's like he knows the outcome of this long drawn out play as if he has seen it already. haha SKOL!
It's going to take more and more people standing up to this bullshit. We've seen where parents have become engaged across the nation. It has to continue and become more widespread.
Part of this painful lesson is getting the walking dead engaged in life again. More specifically in their local elections from mayor to school boards. While they were sleeping the enemy walked right in the front fucking door. It's time to wakey-wakey and they are, slowly but surely.
They can never seem to get him and it's not like he hides from possible contact. It's like he knows the outcome of this long drawn out play as if he has seen it already. haha SKOL!
The moves made within the last few months of Boss’s official presidency were to reward loyalty and support. Many heads up were given as well as code breakers collecting game chat.. putting our SS a step or two ahead.
Part of this painful lesson is getting the walking dead engaged in life again. More specifically in their local elections from mayor to school boards. While we werer sleeping the enemy walked right in the front fucking door. It's time to wakey-wakey and they are, slowly but surely.
I've seen it first hand in my local ISD and city government. The overt racism in my city used to be just below the surface. It's in the open now and it's not white supremacists.
Kemp is Dirty.
In October 2015, the Georgia Secretary of State's office, under Kemp's leadership, erroneously distributed personal data (including Social Security numbers and dates of birth) of 6.2 million registered Georgia voters. This data breach occurred when the office sent out a CD with this information to 12 organizations that purchase monthly voter lists from the office. The office was not aware of the breach until the following month and did not publicly acknowledge the mishap until The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported the class action lawsuit against the office as a result of the data breach.[30] Within a month of the breach becoming publicly known, it had cost taxpayers $1.2 million in credit monitoring services for those whose data had been compromised, and $395,000 for an audit into Kemp's handling of the unauthorized data disclosure.[31]

>Kemp drew criticism again in 2017 when it was revealed that a flaw in the State voting system exposed the personal information of all of Georgia's 6.7 million voters, as well as passwords used by county election officials to access voter files, and went unfixed for 6 months after it was reported.[32][33] After a lawsuit was filed, a server at the center of the controversy was wiped, preventing officials from determining the scope of the breach.[34] Kemp denied responsibility, instead saying researchers at Kennesaw State University, who managed the system, had acted "in accordance with standard IT procedures" in deleting the data.[35]
The moves made within the last few months of Boss’s official presidency were to reward loyalty and support. Many heads up were given as well as code breakers collecting game chat.. putting our SS a step or two ahead.
When he says they have it all I guess he really means it. Down to the chat in Soldiers of Fortune and even what they wrote on the walls in the video game bathroom. For a good time call Huma, 1-800-bunghoe. SKOL!
Kemp is Dirty.
In October 2015, the Georgia Secretary of State's office, under Kemp's leadership, erroneously distributed personal data (including Social Security numbers and dates of birth) of 6.2 million registered Georgia voters. This data breach occurred when the office sent out a CD with this information to 12 organizations that purchase monthly voter lists from the office. The office was not aware of the breach until the following month and did not publicly acknowledge the mishap until The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported the class action lawsuit against the office as a result of the data breach.[30] Within a month of the breach becoming publicly known, it had cost taxpayers $1.2 million in credit monitoring services for those whose data had been compromised, and $395,000 for an audit into Kemp's handling of the unauthorized data disclosure.[31]

>Kemp drew criticism again in 2017 when it was revealed that a flaw in the State voting system exposed the personal information of all of Georgia's 6.7 million voters, as well as passwords used by county election officials to access voter files, and went unfixed for 6 months after it was reported.[32][33] After a lawsuit was filed, a server at the center of the controversy was wiped, preventing officials from determining the scope of the breach.[34] Kemp denied responsibility, instead saying researchers at Kennesaw State University, who managed the system, had acted "in accordance with standard IT procedures" in deleting the data.[35]
Which is why this is so important below
Kemp is Dirty.
In October 2015, the Georgia Secretary of State's office, under Kemp's leadership, erroneously distributed personal data (including Social Security numbers and dates of birth) of 6.2 million registered Georgia voters. This data breach occurred when the office sent out a CD with this information to 12 organizations that purchase monthly voter lists from the office. The office was not aware of the breach until the following month and did not publicly acknowledge the mishap until The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported the class action lawsuit against the office as a result of the data breach.[30] Within a month of the breach becoming publicly known, it had cost taxpayers $1.2 million in credit monitoring services for those whose data had been compromised, and $395,000 for an audit into Kemp's handling of the unauthorized data disclosure.[31]

>Kemp drew criticism again in 2017 when it was revealed that a flaw in the State voting system exposed the personal information of all of Georgia's 6.7 million voters, as well as passwords used by county election officials to access voter files, and went unfixed for 6 months after it was reported.[32][33] After a lawsuit was filed, a server at the center of the controversy was wiped, preventing officials from determining the scope of the breach.[34] Kemp denied responsibility, instead saying researchers at Kennesaw State University, who managed the system, had acted "in accordance with standard IT procedures" in deleting the data.[35]
Butt covering time.
Not breaking but worth posting again

Tim Pools podcast last night had some good stuff last night, including names. all with the hints of more names to drop. Not so much those who were arrested, but those who weren't, especially "leaders" of the named Conservative groups. Good stuff, I find myself switching to his podcast after Tucker's monologue.
It's going to take more and more people standing up to this bullshit. We've seen where parents have become engaged across the nation. It has to continue and become more widespread.
I have little faith that too many parents will step up after many of them didn't vote for a president that didn't coddle to their sensitivities. I do think you are correct here and this is yet another great opportunity for parents to keep these school boards in check.
Meh, Hannity is a fading voice for me. It’s just the same bullshit night after night from him. He’s an anti-catalyst to change. Bloviating but nothing ever really comes from his leadership. Even in this clip he reminds us how “important” DHS is… And to remember the “Islamic terrorists” that carried out “9/11”… Controlled opposition. I was so in love with Sean for over a decade I should have had his American Dad - looking grill tattied on my dick… But, he’s lost my ear. He’s a fag. Fuck him and fuck Fox News. Stop posting Fox News shit in here. It’s lazy and wastes our time. And this is coming from one of yore biggest fans… Keep your cred intact and keep this bullshit propaganda out of here…
I haven’t been able to watch him for years. I can’t stand his bullshit.
I haven’t been able to watch him for years. I can’t stand his bullshit.
A few weeks ago he said on his radio show that we need to move on from election fraud talk and focus on the 2022 and 2024 elections. That pissed me off and I can’t listen to him anymore. If you truly pay attention to the guy, he isn’t very smart and can’t come up with an original idea on his own. I can’t believe he’s gotten to where he is based on being a low IQ individual.
I think he would've had to declare an emergency to force the use of NG. In any event, via the appointees who crippled him, Barr, Milley, etc, the DS usually got what it wanted from MAGA, they weren't going to let the NG disrupt their 1/6 op.
They were daring him to declare an emergency and bring in the military. They just wanted it to all be Trump’s doing and he decided not to take it that far.
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