Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

Still see them everywhere in York/Chester/Lancaster counties I'm South Carolina and Union County in North Carolina. I live and work in these areas. Don't see many Biden/Harris signs anywhere, nor did I really ever see them prior to the election.
I live in Clayton, just southeast of Raleigh. I counted one Biden sign in our area the whole time...Trump signs and flags still up everywhere in Johnston and Wake counties. No way Trump won the election in NC and Roy Cooper won down freaking way.
Yeah dude we are done waiting on someone else to save us. If for some reason I go off the grid hopefully you folks see the path emerging.

I'm not doing this for any other reason than I think it would be hilarious if coomer saved the republic.

I will keep leading us until I can get enough folks in the right position.

@Croot_Lord knows how to stand up servers and websites for anything we can imagine. We can make our own internet from scratch and even our own search engine.

Financial resources are not an issue anymore - I think we've got some serious investors interested
This is exciting as shit
For now, I'm going to assume Parkes is full of shit, and I'm casting some doubt on Monkey Werx since he walked back his IA statement. Need to focus on the facts.

What we know:
  • Scavino posted a series of messages that read "GAME ON"
  • Coincidentally, Q also said "SHALL WE PLAY A GAME"
  • Pompeo is uncharacteristically tweeting up a storm and it's a suspicious pattern, going country to country. Will Israel be last, as Q stated?
  • Pompeo commented that POTUS would have a smooth transition into his next term
  • There's a very heavy military presence in DC, even though Biden is having a virtual inauguration
  • Kamala Harris still hasn't resigned her Senate seat
  • POTUS declared a state of emergency in DC through 1/24, but why?
  • Mike Lindell and Lin Wood remain "100% confident that POTUS will remain in office". Lindell is over the top about the evidence.
  • Blackouts in the Vatican after it was determined Italy were involved in vote swapping via Leonardo
  • Blackouts in Pakistan where Georgia votes were routed
  • Q delta for 1.13 is "Checkmate"

Please add to the list or edit as needed.
Yeah dude we are done waiting on someone else to save us. If for some reason I go off the grid hopefully you folks see the path emerging.

I'm not doing this for any other reason than I think it would be hilarious if coomer saved the republic.

I will keep leading us until I can get enough folks in the right position.

@Croot_Lord knows how to stand up servers and websites for anything we can imagine. We can make our own internet from scratch and even our own search engine.

Financial resources are not an issue anymore - I think we've got some serious investors interested
Holy shit. And I haven't even signed up for the Non-Poor tier yet. (which I feel bad about...I'll go try to find a link now to do so)
All of that pales in comparison to your media guy. Matt Jones is a bigger douche than Herbstreit, and that's saying something.
He's a yuge fagit. I used to be a regular listener of KSR until he incorporated politics into the show. I became so disgusted with him that I blocked him entirely on Twitter so I wouldn't even see ppl retweeting him.

I'm fairly certain they would gladly toss each others salads if the opportunity presented.
What if the white hats are already very much in control and these last few days have been a plan to punish the left and show the normies how bad it is. Maybe we have control of the social media sites and we are forcing them to commit financial suicide as a punishment for them. Forcing them to “censor” in a bigger way to “show” the world what they really are? “You have to show them...” It could also serve as a way to protect the Patriots. IF there is a massive military op going on we would be sharing nonstop videos on Twitter and getting in their way. There are plenty of Patriots that would run out and try to “help”. So maybe this protects people and makes the military’s job easier.

With all fo the CEO resignations over the last three years, maybe we are forcing some of these big corporations to take stands that are offensive to Patriots to hurt the corporations as punishment. Similar to the way they are forcing the tech companies to hurt themselves.

Probably none of those things. In fact, as I re-read that I’m sure I’ve gone crazy. My brain is a gotdamn pretzel at this point.
I’m liking the angle here that the 10 Days of Darkness is the censorship by the Tech Companies that might be forced by the good guys and intended to stifle broad discussion that might hamper the military op. It would also drive Sec. 230 reform once the dust settles.
For now, I'm going to assume Parkes is full of shit, and I'm casting some doubt on Monkey Werx since he walked back his IA statement. Need to focus on the facts.

What we know:
  • Scavino posted a series of messages that read "GAME ON"
  • Coincidentally, Q also said "SHALL WE PLAY A GAME"
  • Pompeo is uncharacteristically tweeting up a storm and it's a suspicious pattern, going country to country. Will Israel be last, as Q stated?
  • Pompeo commented that POTUS would have a smooth transition into his next term
  • There's a very heavy military presence in DC, even though Biden is having a virtual inauguration
  • Kamala Harris still hasn't resigned her Senate seat
  • POTUS declared a state of emergency in DC through 1/24, but why?
  • Mike Lindell and Lin Wood remain "100% confident that POTUS will remain in office". Lindell is over the top about the evidence.
  • Blackouts in the Vatican after it was determined Italy were involved in vote swapping via Leonardo
  • Blackouts in Pakistan where Georgia votes were routed
  • Q delta for 1.13 is "Checkmate"

Please add to the list or edit as needed.

What does Israel have to do with it? Is there something sketchy going on there I must of missed?
Fully expecting things to get weird and potentially dangerous soon.

Be careful Patriots!

call me crazy, but I’m excited. For too long, (dating back to being a child), I’ve felt that the majority of population was disconnected with what really matters (family, religion, happiness) and focused on unimportant things like materials, status, The kardashians, etc.

im ready for this nation to get back to its roots.
Sorry if already discussed ITT, how many of you all have had your Twitter account zapped? Right after the new year they asked and I verified my phone number. Then on January 7th they suspended me with no reason given except that I was in violation of community standards lol.

These Fvckers need to pay!
So those white
For now, I'm going to assume Parkes is full of shit, and I'm casting some doubt on Monkey Werx since he walked back his IA statement. Need to focus on the facts.
Concerning MonkeyWerx... I assume we are referring to his 1.11 Youtube show. Upon re-listening to the show, he walks back the POTUS flying out but he does not walk back the IA statement. He does mention looking for further confirm though. At least that’s how I took it.
He never said the quantum computer could see the future.
Didn't he say it could see into the future in like the first 3 minutes? Maybe I misheard, but he definitely mentioned quantum computer that can calculate at light speed and yadda yadda. I just don't see it being possible from my understanding of quantum computers. Bascially quantum computers can calculate differently than computers because regular computers have to use 1's and 0's at different instances and quantum computers can calculate with both at any given position.
So as far as my ramblings about Head of the Press for Crootn, that is a position we need filled.

Once we migrate the forum to a new server, we are going to repurpose this server as a news site that is populated by this community, but everything will need to go through the Head of the Press.

We will pay members for content that gets published. Individual threads on this forum and the main forum can be great foundations for articles. Politics, Sports, General Interest Articles, etc.

We can make threads on here focused on specific topics and do our own investigation and collaborate an article.

I want our political articles to be truthful, accurate, but would like some to have very subtly hyperbole like you would expect from the MB. I imagine the sports articles being open letters to the athletic departments of various universities.

It's going to be a special artform that we improve over time, but we will not be on any side of the political spectrum.

Some investigative articles (that will not be hyperbolic) I am interested in: Modern mass brainwashing techniques and EM effects on biological systems (I have a very rare book on this topic)
Yeah dude we are done waiting on someone else to save us. If for some reason I go off the grid hopefully you folks see the path emerging.

I'm not doing this for any other reason than I think it would be hilarious if coomer saved the republic.

I will keep leading us until I can get enough folks in the right position.

@Croot_Lord knows how to stand up servers and websites for anything we can imagine. We can make our own internet from scratch and even our own search engine.

Financial resources are not an issue anymore - I think we've got some serious investors interested
@Oklahoma @MegaPoke @AmericanViking
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This is wrong. President Trump likes to let people believe he is a moron. It's part of his strategy. He and his military handlers know this plan inside and out. Don't let president Trump fool you. The guy didn't beat them all for 4 years because of his 'blind' luck. Patriots are in control.
I hope I AM wrong.
While I agree with his message, keep in mind that this is the same guy who blocked UCF from receiving a $35M stadium sponsorship deal from because he has ties to the insurance companies. This happened right before Covid which made matters that much worse financially for the school, its staff and students.

To be fair, that's an open air stadium, right? Naming it after roof guys is like Bud Light becoming the official sponsor of AA.

I live in Clayton, just southeast of Raleigh. I counted one Biden sign in our area the whole time...Trump signs and flags still up everywhere in Johnston and Wake counties. No way Trump won the election in NC and Roy Cooper won down freaking way.
JoCo native here. In Wake Forest now but JoCo is God’s country!
The only way to turn it around is by force. How many Americans value what we have now enough to lay down their life for it? That’s the 80 million dollar question. They think they will win a war or they wouldn’t be so brazen about what they are doing. I truly believe that if enough of us are truly pissed and don’t want socialism/communism that they will regret what they have brought to their doorstep.

agreed. I think the event last week was staged to help them going forward with stopping conservatives with having rallies and groups. We saw the left do this for 4 years and no repercussions - light cities up, tear things down, assault the police... crickets. With last week in DC the elected leaders will frame a narrative like they are now concerning domestic terrorists and not allow demonstrations, impose curfews, limit 2A rights.... all with the help of the media and big tech.
Flynn, Bannon, Powell, Lin Wood, Simon Parkes etc have all made convincing predictions and all fallen flat. I dont understand their motive. Do they enjoy trolling us? Flynn in an interviews said on a scale of 1-10 of chances Trump remains in office he said 11 or 12...How can they be this wrong yet continue to claim they are so close to the situation. Every lie will be revealed???? Whos..their own?
We hear negative things about Pence but then there's reports Pence and Trump walking out of the oval office laughing together. I hate to think Trump leaves the nation in chaos as he leaves office but I'm beginning to think its going to be a very anticlimactic ending to this "movie"
That's one of my concerns too. Are the world powers using our government and media companies against the people to create a divide in our country? It sure seems that way. What is the next step after that? My guess would be that they'll continue to neuter the military as they did under O, take away civilian right to bear arms, and continue to broadcast the evils of conservatives. I hope that it's not allowed to happen.
It's coming. We are all going to be labeled that soon.

We're going to be framed by ANTIFA.

in order for them to take it that far there will have to be a major false flag event. Like you say, a staged assasination attempt on Biden or Camela.

One thing is for sure, the left is going to continue to ramp up rhetoric. They see the finish line. Let’s hope they over play their hand. At this point the only thing that can stop them is themselves.

Or by a miracle the military I just don’t see that as a possibility at all.

Welcome the new Head of Press: @Cincinattus91
It's the fourth turning boys. We are the plan

There is no need for melodrama, but this is the critical hour

I am in a position to dedicate alot of time to this effort and intuitively believe this site can serve as a digital fortress in operation red pill

No value in fear or fatalism, to fight is to win

To a higher patriotism: deep, abiding, informed and unabashed

If this is so obvious to all of us here, how do we change the narrative? Is this the confrontation that will spark a Civil War?

The intent is to take away any barrier protecting the 2A.

Look at how many "Republicans" caved on election fraud because of mild fuckery at the Capitol.

If the fuckery is wide spread and the "insurrectionists" are armed, you will see all sorts of politicians caving on gun control both at the Federal and State level.
The intent is to take away any barrier protecting the 2A.

Look at how many "Republicans" caved on election fraud because of mild fuckery at the Capitol.

If the fuckery is wide spread and the "insurrectionists" are armed, you will see all sorts of politicians caving on gun control both at the Federal and State level.

That is what I thought when I saw that "flier" yesterday that called for armed protest.
Didn't he say it could see into the future in like the first 3 minutes? Maybe I misheard, but he definitely mentioned quantum computer that can calculate at light speed and yadda yadda. I just don't see it being possible from my understanding of quantum computers. Bascially quantum computers can calculate differently than computers because regular computers have to use 1's and 0's at different instances and quantum computers can calculate with both at any given position.
Maybe i misheard, but I never took it any other way than him describing it as a predictor of future events. Not that it could “see” the future. Maybe was sloppy, but I didn’t think he claimed it was a time machine of sorts.
I think that quite a bit of what we are seeing and reading from most people right now is just pure bullshit. There is so much of it that I think it is part of the lefts propaganda plan. That’s not saying that there is not truth out there being told, but we are having to wade through the shit to get to the facts, and I think that is confusing to most of the masses.

I think what we are seeing is just good old fashioned human nature. Folks who have followed this, believe it, and jumping in front of some massive event to look like a genius and receive accolades on the other side of said event. Hell, I have to watch myself with friends and family. I have lived this for so long, taken ridicule, hurt relationships, etc. I'm not going to lie that I haven't gotten excited to be able to have scoreboard the rest of my life and tell my kids and grand kids that I was part of one of the greatest movements in the history of the world!
So as far as my ramblings about Head of the Press for Crootn, that is a position we need filled.

Once we migrate the forum to a new server, we are going to repurpose this server as a news site that is populated by this community, but everything will need to go through the Head of the Press.

We will pay members for content that gets published. Individual threads on this forum and the main forum can be great foundations for articles. Politics, Sports, General Interest Articles, etc.

We can make threads on here focused on specific topics and do our own investigation and collaborate an article.

I want our political articles to be truthful, accurate, but would like some to have very subtly hyperbole like you would expect from the MB. I imagine the sports articles being open letters to the athletic departments of various universities.

It's going to be a special artform that we improve over time, but we will not be on any side of the political spectrum.

Some investigative articles (that will not be hyperbolic) I am interested in: Modern mass brainwashing techniques and EM effects on biological systems (I have a very rare book on this topic)
I am certainly not the authority on cyber security, and I'm sure you're much more in the know than I am, but if this is the path that we go down, how does this site plan to fend off attacks and breaches like those that have occurred on Gab and Parler, as well as many other places? The more interest there is in this site, and any news being put out, the more the site is going to be attacked. They'll also be looking to expose people and doxx them. What about the ability to fend off the bot attacks? I believe that 4 chan and 8 chan both experienced this, to the put they had to shut down (I don't remember the specific details)

To me, these are huge items that needs to be resolved internally before trying to expand exponentially. Maybe you've already got these bases covered, but if not, it's definitely worth trying to get some High end IT guys, to test the servers and site in terms of hardness prior to growing. Maybe cyberty from tMB, but I don't know too much about him. Again, not my area of expertise, just some thoughts based on my observations of other boards.

I believe that if JB gets into the white house, and with control of the senate and house too, the gov't and media will not stop until they can expose all Trump supporters. To what end? I don't know. But let's get our ducks in a row before getting too far ahead of ourselves.

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