Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Quantum computers can’t see into the future. They can run all sorts of simulations and run a different scenario for every action, but the simulation is only as good as the person who wrote the formula. This guys is getting more nuts as he goes. His update on the 10th seemed pretty believable, but his stuff about China and the Three Gorges Dam and now today’s update have gone past believable into crazy town. I know something is coming, I can feel it in my gut. Simon is a larp.

I honestly don't know much about him but after his recent updates seems like he's just muddying the waters. He could be unknowingly receiving dis-information.
Quantum computers can’t see into the future. They can run all sorts of simulations and run a different scenario for every action, but the simulation is only as good as the person who wrote the formula. This guys is getting more nuts as he goes. His update on the 10th seemed pretty believable, but his stuff about China and the Three Gorges Dam and now today’s update have gone past believable into crazy town. I know something is coming, I can feel it in my gut. Simon is a larp.
I think Simon has delusions of grandeur. I was skeptical when he said he would be one of four people that would be used to release information and explain it to the world.
Thought this was a pretty good lesson on propoganda... (2 posts)

The Most Successful Propaganda Techniques
A list of the most common, and successful, propaganda techniques currently in use. If you spend any time at all consuming mass media, you will find these techniques familiar.

# 1. Guilt By Association: This is used to damage someone's reputation by associating them with an unattractive person or organization. It doesn't matter if there is an actual association or not.

# 2. Backstroke: Systematically belittling the goals of the subject of the article as the goals are being listed. For every step forward for the subject, the propagandist pulls the reader back.

Example: This year the political party's stated goal is to give the rally a warm atmosphere. We walked into the cave-like coliseum as the preparations for the rally were taking place. "We're trying to create a family atmosphere" said one representative of the party as he squinted into the harsh lights. "There are the children's rides" he said happily pointing to where union workmen smashed open wooden crates with iron crowbars.
# 3. Misinformation: This is a subtle technique, it involves reporting information in such a way that the final message of the story is not true, it's what the propagandist wants you to believe.

# 4. Over Humanization: It is a perfectly valid technique to tell a story by focusing on the real people who the story impacts. However, this is also an easy technique for manipulation when a propagandist tries to mask an issue by making anyone who has a valid disagreement look evil due to all the human suffering talked about in the story.

# 5. Name Calling: This is officially the oldest trick in the book. It is cheap and easy.

# 6. He Said, She Said: This is a technique whereby the author can say something they know isn't true, or isn't fair, but they want to say it anyway. Example: Project USA is a group which claims to support reasonable levels of immigration. They've put up billboards with Department of Statistics information which states that the US population will double within 50 years. The billboards have pictures of children of different races with the words "The population of the US will double within this child's lifetime. Stop it congress". Some people say this is hate speech. Note: a statistic (the fact that the US population will double at current levels of immigration) cannot be hateful. This is just a numerical fact, like saying water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. The author knows this is an unfair statement, but wants to say it anyway. That's why she says "some people say", rather than "I say".

# 7. Unproven "Facts" This is when a (usually immature) "writer" is frantically trying to "prove" a position and they begin to quote "studies", "reports", and "experts" as "proving" this or that, but they never mention the study's name, location, where copies can be found, or the conditions specific to the experiments. Example: Recent studies show that the media is right 99% of the time. Also, an expert from the University of Happiness was quoted as saying "People in the media work harder than anyone who thinks they have a real job".

# 8. Lying Sometimes complete lies are told. Example: An author in Arizona writes a report which states that the reason that a local mayor decided not to use the police to enforce immigration law was because protests by a certain ethnic group scared him away from it. In actual fact, as stated by the mayor himself, the reason the police weren't used was because no training program had been set up between the police and the INS. Any person who was a member of said ethnic group would gain from a report like this because, if people begin to hear that "that group is really aggressive and authorities do what they say" then the power of that group is enhanced, and everyone reading the "news" will begin thinking they should always let that group have what it wants. The fact that our police need special permission to enforce some laws and not others is a topic for another discussion.

# 9. Telling the Truth, For a While To throw people off the track, biased news services will give good accurate reporting for a while, usually when it no longer matters, then they will stick it to you the next time your guard is down. The best way to recognize this technique is to simply remember who the biggest transgressors are. You must understand that if someone lies or tries to manipulate a story once, they will do so again. They will never be non-biased. They will, however, say something fair from time to time. This is due to the fact that if they were biased every time they spoke, they would soon run out of credibility. Do not trust them twice. Would you buy a car from someone who cheated you on a previous purchase just because they say something you want to hear later?

# 10. Not Talking at all about Something Of course the biggest recent example of this are the Moslem riots in France. The fact that the rioters were still burning more than one hundred cars EACH NIGHT was suppressed and avoided, rather we were fed the line that the riots were over. The media went days and days not reporting on the riots which were revealing the complete failure of French social, economic, and immigration policy. However, France, being a socialist country, is favored by the socialist media, so the country's failings were not reported. When you're aware of a major issue underway, but see no coverage on it, then you can be sure the media is against the ideas which discussing that topic would raise.

# 11. Subtle Inaccuracies/Dismissive Tone Misstating a topic, often a serious one, and pretending any objecting or concerned view is silly, unrealistic, or just not necessary, you should be aware that in all probability the author doesn't fail to understand the seriousness of the issue, rather they may be trying to further an opposing agenda.

Good post and list^^^

I wanted to add one and it may just be an extension or a combo of a few of the things u listed above.

Where the news reports a factual statistic or narrative, but then spins it Into a negative or a positive w no frame of reference to compare it to.

This is a personal example:
Not long after DTs state of the union address it was the next night or shortly thereafter, I just happened to turn on CNN while I was looking up on the net what else was on on various movie channels I have to watch.

CNN peeps were blasting DT because "only 60% of the workforce had 401k plans" at that time.

So just for fun I decided to look up what those numbers were under Obamas when he handed the keys over to DT.

It was 49% of the people had 401ks when he handed the keys to DT, yet we never once heard a bad comment from the media about it. Now fast forward DT has raised that number 11% qlwhich meant 15mikkion more people had 401k plans then when Obama handed the economy over. Lol

As u can see sure they reported factual data of what the 401k % was, but they spun it into a negative and gave no frame of reference to compare it to.

This was just a random time I decided to fact check the news which is pretty scary to think just jow much they lie and spin stuff.
We can all speculate as can others. None of us know what, when or where anything will happen or if it does until it happens or not. I can only control my little corner of the world and even then could be overwhelmed and amazed. We trust that a lot of the stuff being tweeted/posted is from people with knowledge but they can be full of shit just like anyone else. Either some of the stuff being speculated will happen or it won't. 9 days to watch and see...hope and pray.
you might be right but we cant stop or we will lose this country
That’s the kicker right there. How many people feel the same way. I just can’t see Trump not burning DC down on his way out of town. Maybe that will be the catalyst to fully wake the masses and we will be able to save this country. If not, I seriously fear what the future will entail for all of us, especially the ones who have supported Trump.
Flynn, Bannon, Powell, Lin Wood, Simon Parkes etc have all made convincing predictions and all fallen flat. I dont understand their motive. Do they enjoy trolling us? Flynn in an interviews said on a scale of 1-10 of chances Trump remains in office he said 11 or 12...How can they be this wrong yet continue to claim they are so close to the situation. Every lie will be revealed???? Whos..their own?
We hear negative things about Pence but then there's reports Pence and Trump walking out of the oval office laughing together. I hate to think Trump leaves the nation in chaos as he leaves office but I'm beginning to think its going to be a very anticlimactic ending to this "movie"


I keep telling folks who are somewhat ok or not saying anything against this censorship, they better be full on in lockstep with the left, there is no 90%, they will be marginalized or censored. Okay with abortion but not partial birth abortion, not good enough. Pick any talking point, all in or you are out. Actually had some Dems agree with me, with consternation, but see it coming
We can all speculate as can others. None of us know what, when or where anything will happen or if it does until it happens or not. I can only control my little corner of the world and even then could be overwhelmed and amazed. We trust that a lot of the stuff being tweeted/posted is from people with knowledge but they can be full of shit just like anyone else. Either some of the stuff being speculated will happen or it won't. 9 days to watch and see...hope and pray.
I think that quite a bit of what we are seeing and reading from most people right now is just pure bullshit. There is so much of it that I think it is part of the lefts propaganda plan. That’s not saying that there is not truth out there being told, but we are having to wade through the shit to get to the facts, and I think that is confusing to most of the masses.
Starting to wonder if Simon Parkes is a larp. He said in the last video that he spoke to Q. He also said POTUS is in TX. Jack Poso tweeted earlier that a WH source told him POTUS and Pence came out of the Oval laughing about the 25th Amendment ordeal today.

Is Monkey Werx legit? I noticed Flynn follows him. He also stated IA had been signed, per a military source.

I never considered that all those military resources were in DC in anticipation of insurrection once POTUS remains in office post 1/20, which also aligns with the Emergency Act he signed today.

Oh, and sending a pic of my butthole to the poster who put his email address on here. I'll try to get you a good shot of the crowning.

Addendum: Am disappoint that I don't have flair after donating @Croot_Lord
If someone starts talking about Aliens and Reptillians, I automatically get skeptical.

Nobody who actually has studied the science and understands statistics, believes Aliens (beings from other planets) actually exist.
Flynn, Bannon, Powell, Lin Wood, Simon Parkes etc have all made convincing predictions and all fallen flat. I dont understand their motive. Do they enjoy trolling us? Flynn in an interviews said on a scale of 1-10 of chances Trump remains in office he said 11 or 12...How can they be this wrong yet continue to claim they are so close to the situation. Every lie will be revealed???? Whos..their own?
We hear negative things about Pence but then there's reports Pence and Trump walking out of the oval office laughing together. I hate to think Trump leaves the nation in chaos as he leaves office but I'm beginning to think its going to be a very anticlimactic ending to this "movie"
I think that some of the optimism was that they were see the shit we were regarding the cheating and thought like a lot of us that there was no way the supremes would knock it down like they did.
The only way to turn it around is by force. How many Americans value what we have now enough to lay down their life for it? That’s the 80 million dollar question. They think they will win a war or they wouldn’t be so brazen about what they are doing. I truly believe that if enough of us are truly pissed and don’t want socialism/communism that they will regret what they have brought to their doorstep.
Approx 10% of colonist fought in the American Revolution. Pretty confident more than 20% of the population would fight against tyranny if it comes to that
Yes, and they will all be blamed on angry Trump supporters. It’s so predictable.
What I want to know, if the capitol siege was planned by the Dems, why would Pelosi be “freaking out” about her laptop being stolen? Why would she leave it in her office if she knew what was going to happen?

This is a good point. She may not have anticipated they would go into her office as that might not have been a part of their plan. If the white hats knew of this siege it could be plausible that they would seize the opportunity to gather "things" of importance.

I cannot believe they do not know who took the laptop. They likely do but cannot say because it would totally disprove the left's narrative that they didn't plan this whole charade. She sure pressed hard immediately after for Pence to act on the 25th and, if he didn't, immediately begin the impeachment process all for a president that will be gone within 2 weeks.
This Simon Parkes dude saying he talked to Q tells me he’s FOS.

Let’s assume Q is real. He is someone extremely close to the president. Like a Scavino type.

And this Simon Parkes who I think it had posted earlier itt says he has had alien interactions or some shit, is claiming to have access to someone like that. Not only access like that but they would tell him hey I’m Q?

Yeah dude ruined any chance I would believe anything he says with that one.

of course he is full of shit. None of these internet weirdos know anything at all.
Quantum computers can’t see into the future. They can run all sorts of simulations and run a different scenario for every action, but the simulation is only as good as the person who wrote the formula. This guys is getting more nuts as he goes. His update on the 10th seemed pretty believable, but his stuff about China and the Three Gorges Dam and now today’s update have gone past believable into crazy town. I know something is coming, I can feel it in my gut. Simon is a larp.

He is 100% full of shit. He just gets off on trolling desperate, low IQ people. It’s sad all the way around.
This is a good point. She may not have anticipated they would go into her office as that might not have been a part of their plan. If the white hats knew of this siege it could be plausible that they would seize the opportunity to gather "things" of importance.

I cannot believe they do not know who took the laptop. They likely do but cannot say because it would totally disprove the left's narrative that they didn't plan this whole charade. She sure pressed hard immediately after for Pence to act on the 25th and, if he didn't, immediately begin the impeachment process all for a president that will be gone within 2 weeks.

again, all you will see is mugshots of the most ardent Trump MAGA supporters, even though we all see the footage and know there were ton's of antifa folks instigating the deal. I have not seen or heard near as much on a formal investigation and pubs should be demanding it instead of cowering like little girls. Make sure everyone understands the facts (if they will be given), before jumping to conclusions.
I think the dem’s want a civil war. They think they can win. I have my moments where I think that if war breaks out, that they will win. I know that we should be able to handle the left without breaking a sweat, but I fear that we have a bunch of people who would rather live under socialism/communism than die trying to defend what we have now. There are going to be people who just lay down and give up but the ultimate question is, how many?
I disagree. I believe they want us to think it will take a civil war to stop them and they're calling our bluff that we won't go there. Essentially, they're in a Prius playing a desperate game of chicken with our Mack truck. Make no mistake, our Mack truck will be badly damaged, perhaps even totaled. But the Prius would be destroyed. They're betting that we'll swerve first.
of course he is full of shit. None of these internet weirdos know anything at all.

He is 100% full of shit. He just gets off on trolling desperate, low IQ people. It’s sad all the way around.
I think he had some truth from the 10th, and I think to keep the people coming back, he had to keep giving more. Then yesterday he brought on 2 more people to keep it going. All the true intel he had was given in his update on the 10th.
Finally caught up so, 1.13 still the day?
That truck stop video is crazy, I don’t recall military vehicles being armed to the tilt when I’ve seen them time to time being transported on the hwy....

oh then there’s this :
View attachment 1013
Let's be careful about personal info and doxxing - at some point I'm gonna get some legal counsel - but for now prob best to refrain if they didn't disclose the info themselves
Thought this was a pretty good lesson on propoganda... (2 posts)

The Most Successful Propaganda Techniques
A list of the most common, and successful, propaganda techniques currently in use. If you spend any time at all consuming mass media, you will find these techniques familiar.

# 1. Guilt By Association: This is used to damage someone's reputation by associating them with an unattractive person or organization. It doesn't matter if there is an actual association or not.

# 2. Backstroke: Systematically belittling the goals of the subject of the article as the goals are being listed. For every step forward for the subject, the propagandist pulls the reader back.

Example: This year the political party's stated goal is to give the rally a warm atmosphere. We walked into the cave-like coliseum as the preparations for the rally were taking place. "We're trying to create a family atmosphere" said one representative of the party as he squinted into the harsh lights. "There are the children's rides" he said happily pointing to where union workmen smashed open wooden crates with iron crowbars.
# 3. Misinformation: This is a subtle technique, it involves reporting information in such a way that the final message of the story is not true, it's what the propagandist wants you to believe.

# 4. Over Humanization: It is a perfectly valid technique to tell a story by focusing on the real people who the story impacts. However, this is also an easy technique for manipulation when a propagandist tries to mask an issue by making anyone who has a valid disagreement look evil due to all the human suffering talked about in the story.

# 5. Name Calling: This is officially the oldest trick in the book. It is cheap and easy.

# 6. He Said, She Said: This is a technique whereby the author can say something they know isn't true, or isn't fair, but they want to say it anyway. Example: Project USA is a group which claims to support reasonable levels of immigration. They've put up billboards with Department of Statistics information which states that the US population will double within 50 years. The billboards have pictures of children of different races with the words "The population of the US will double within this child's lifetime. Stop it congress". Some people say this is hate speech. Note: a statistic (the fact that the US population will double at current levels of immigration) cannot be hateful. This is just a numerical fact, like saying water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. The author knows this is an unfair statement, but wants to say it anyway. That's why she says "some people say", rather than "I say".

# 7. Unproven "Facts" This is when a (usually immature) "writer" is frantically trying to "prove" a position and they begin to quote "studies", "reports", and "experts" as "proving" this or that, but they never mention the study's name, location, where copies can be found, or the conditions specific to the experiments. Example: Recent studies show that the media is right 99% of the time. Also, an expert from the University of Happiness was quoted as saying "People in the media work harder than anyone who thinks they have a real job".

# 8. Lying Sometimes complete lies are told. Example: An author in Arizona writes a report which states that the reason that a local mayor decided not to use the police to enforce immigration law was because protests by a certain ethnic group scared him away from it. In actual fact, as stated by the mayor himself, the reason the police weren't used was because no training program had been set up between the police and the INS. Any person who was a member of said ethnic group would gain from a report like this because, if people begin to hear that "that group is really aggressive and authorities do what they say" then the power of that group is enhanced, and everyone reading the "news" will begin thinking they should always let that group have what it wants. The fact that our police need special permission to enforce some laws and not others is a topic for another discussion.

# 9. Telling the Truth, For a While To throw people off the track, biased news services will give good accurate reporting for a while, usually when it no longer matters, then they will stick it to you the next time your guard is down. The best way to recognize this technique is to simply remember who the biggest transgressors are. You must understand that if someone lies or tries to manipulate a story once, they will do so again. They will never be non-biased. They will, however, say something fair from time to time. This is due to the fact that if they were biased every time they spoke, they would soon run out of credibility. Do not trust them twice. Would you buy a car from someone who cheated you on a previous purchase just because they say something you want to hear later?

# 10. Not Talking at all about Something Of course the biggest recent example of this are the Moslem riots in France. The fact that the rioters were still burning more than one hundred cars EACH NIGHT was suppressed and avoided, rather we were fed the line that the riots were over. The media went days and days not reporting on the riots which were revealing the complete failure of French social, economic, and immigration policy. However, France, being a socialist country, is favored by the socialist media, so the country's failings were not reported. When you're aware of a major issue underway, but see no coverage on it, then you can be sure the media is against the ideas which discussing that topic would raise.

# 11. Subtle Inaccuracies/Dismissive Tone Misstating a topic, often a serious one, and pretending any objecting or concerned view is silly, unrealistic, or just not necessary, you should be aware that in all probability the author doesn't fail to understand the seriousness of the issue, rather they may be trying to further an opposing agenda.
I think #1 is the straw man.
So as far as my ramblings about Head of the Press for Crootn, that is a position we need filled.

Once we migrate the forum to a new server, we are going to repurpose this server as a news site that is populated by this community, but everything will need to go through the Head of the Press.

We will pay members for content that gets published. Individual threads on this forum and the main forum can be great foundations for articles. Politics, Sports, General Interest Articles, etc.

We can make threads on here focused on specific topics and do our own investigation and collaborate an article.

I want our political articles to be truthful, accurate, but would like some to have very subtly hyperbole like you would expect from the MB. I imagine the sports articles being open letters to the athletic departments of various universities.

It's going to be a special artform that we improve over time, but we will not be on any side of the political spectrum.

Some investigative articles (that will not be hyperbolic) I am interested in: Modern mass brainwashing techniques and EM effects on biological systems (I have a very rare book on this topic)
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I keep telling folks who are somewhat ok or not saying anything against this censorship, they better be full on in lockstep with the left, there is no 90%, they will be marginalized or censored. Okay with abortion but not partial birth abortion, not good enough. Pick any talking point, all in or you are out. Actually had some Dems agree with me, with consternation, but see it coming
It's for this reason I expect I'll only be allowed to remain in the work force another decade or so.

Being white means I'll be the other. Being a man... Hahahahahah

I'm trying very hard to secure enough funds that I can hopefully run a couple small businesses (some real estate, maybe own some servers now the crootn_overlord has shown me the value, ect.)

Things aren't looking good tho fam even if DJT gets another 4 years.
They want a civil war because they control all 3 - Prez, house and Senate. Plus they have the media and social media as well so they control messaging. They used their power to rig the election against Trump despite his winning every bellweather state and county and huge turnout. If they control the votes what chance do we have to turn it around?
They do NOT control all 3 yet.
What if the white hats are already very much in control and these last few days have been a plan to punish the left and show the normies how bad it is. Maybe we have control of the social media sites and we are forcing them to commit financial suicide as a punishment for them. Forcing them to “censor” in a bigger way to “show” the world what they really are? “You have to show them...” It could also serve as a way to protect the Patriots. IF there is a massive military op going on we would be sharing nonstop videos on Twitter and getting in their way. There are plenty of Patriots that would run out and try to “help”. So maybe this protects people and makes the military’s job easier.

With all fo the CEO resignations over the last three years, maybe we are forcing some of these big corporations to take stands that are offensive to Patriots to hurt the corporations as punishment. Similar to the way they are forcing the tech companies to hurt themselves.

Probably none of those things. In fact, as I re-read that I’m sure I’ve gone crazy. My brain is a gotdamn pretzel at this point.
So as far as my ramblings about Head of the Press for Crootn, that is a position we need filled.

Once we migrate the forum to a new server, we are going to repurpose this server as a news site that is populated by this community, but everything will need to go through the Head of the Press.

We will pay members for content that gets published. Individual threads on this forum and the main forum can be great foundations for articles. Politics, Sports, General Interest Articles, etc.

We can make threads on here focused on specific topics and do our own investigation and collaborate an article.

I want our political articles to be truthful, accurate, but have some very subtly hyperbole like you would expect from the MB. I imagine the sports articles being open letters to the athletic departments of various universities.

It's going to be a special artform that we improve over time, but we will not be on any side of the political spectrum.

Some investigative articles I am interested in: Modern mass brainwashing techniques and EM effects on biological systems (I have a very rare book on this topic)
I like the way you play offense. SKOL!

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