Roger that.
There are many topics worth covering, and we'll get to all of them that we can, though it will take some time.
Even a casual observer of the book of Revelation will tell you that there are three components to the end of the world global system. I've mentioned two of them already - the global religion, and the global government. Those, of course, are tied to the third part of the system, a global economy.
Think of each of those three as legs that support and brace one another. The global economic system funds the government and religion, the religion provides "spiritual" validity for the government and the economy, and the government provides muscle to mandate the religion and control the economy.
These systems are able to take hold due to a period of unprecedented chaos in the world, and the emergence of two incredibly talented and charismatic leaders who claim to have the solutions to all of our problems. They are the Antichrist (also referred to in Revelation as "The Beast") and his hype man, the False Prophet. They show up and get tremendous buy-in on the world stage. These two are the front men for this project, though its real leader, and the real leader behind every other despot from ancient times till now is one and the same - Satan.
We'll get into all of that in more detail in future posts over time. We just needed that quick initial introduction for some critical context as we talk about the global economy during this 7 year period. I hesitate to use the term "one world currency," because that might be too simplistic. What we see described in Revelation, however, is an interwoven economy that can be tightly regulated by the government. It is regulated so well, in fact, that access can be granted or denied incredibly granularly, down to the level of an individual person.
A precursor of this economic control system already exists and has been deployed in China. If you're not familiar with the Chinese Social Credit System, get familiar with it. Even now, in its infancy, it is being used to restrict movement, purchases, and life decisions for Chinese who "break trust" with the Chinese social contract. This isn't conspiracy - Google will readily share countless articles in mainstream publications that openly discuss the program.
This translation of a 2014 document from the Chinese government outlines the program at a high level. Of note, the word "punish" appears 39 times, just so we're clear on the intent here.
The authors of that CCP document also note that the Party's intent with this program goes beyond China.
"Perfecting the social credit system is a necessary condition to deepen international cooperation and exchange... and is an urgent requirement to promote the establishment of an objective, fair, reasonable and balanced international credit rating system, to adapt to the new circumstances of globalization, and master new globalized structures."
They want you to be a part of this system as well; that is, they want your government to make you subject to this system. Read the document. It's coming.
Like I said, the end of the world will be characterized by a tightly controlled, performance-based economy. If you perform, you get economy. No perform, no economy. This system reaches its pinnacle with the [in]famous Mark of the Beast, which is the personal identification an individual chooses to make in joining the one world government/religion/economic system.
The Mark, which will be administered either on the forehead or the right hand, will allow the carrier to buy and sell. All who refuse the Mark will be excluded from the economy. The COVID vaccine is not the Mark of the Beast, but see how readily and rapidly much of our society eagerly has accepted the idea that economic activity could and
should be limited based on compliance. This is a foreshadowing. It's not so far-fetched anymore, though it certainly would have seemed that way 18 months ago.... but here we are.
The Mark isn't just an economic passport, and it's not something somebody can get by accident. John describes it as the ultimate contract, taken willingly and in full knowledge, binding the recipient to worship of the Beast (and by very short extension, Satan). People who get the Mark will know exactly what they are doing, and people who boldly refuse the Mark will know exactly what their refusal will cost.
What gets us from where we are today to this coming point in economic future history? We're not that far off. Cryptocurrency, or something like it, will likely be the mechanism of exchange in this economy. It can be deployed internationally across all borders without anybody stopping it, and will simply render all other fiat forms of exchange worthless. He who controls the quantum computers first will control all of the world's digital wealth.
This hyper-controlled global economy, just like the one-world government and the one-world religion, seemed allegorical or mystical for generations, but now, it's not hard to foresee. This is the way we're headed, and we're moving fast.
I'd like to wrap this up by giving you a foreshadowing example of how this integrated system, foretold almost 2000 years ago, will likely be introduced. Here's a screenshot I took about 15 minutes ago from The Great Reset, the new project headed by the World Economic Forum (link to live site
Does that not sound remarkably familiar? On the left, the chaos and turmoil of COVID, "
and the political, economic and social disruptions it has caused," and on the right, well, read it for yourself. Sounds like someone in Davos has in mind a solution to all our political, economic, and social woes. I wonder what on earth something like that might look like?