Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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The Mark isn't just an economic passport, and it's not something somebody can get by accident. John describes it as the ultimate contract, taken willingly and in full knowledge, binding the recipient to worship of the Beast (and by very short extension, Satan). People who get the Mark will know exactly what they are doing, and people who boldly refuse the Mark will know exactly what their refusal will cost.
Great paragraph right here. A lot of people worry about whether this or that is the mark of the beast. It won't be something you do by accident. Everyone who takes it will know what they're committing to. They will be deceived about the anti-christ and who he is, but they won't be deceived in that they're committing to this guy as their savior, not the savior from scripture.

I've often thought - and I know this line of thinking doesn't originate with me - that pop culture, the entertainment industry, is the devil's bible. He tells us what his plan is through movies, books, television. What dominates pop culture? The idea of a superman or superwoman. The old gods returning to save us, or perhaps aliens appearing to save us, or a new superman saving us from aliens. Was Ronald Reagan unwittingly uttering a prophecy when he said, "Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world"?

The notion of a superman fits perfectly with the religion of the elite, Luciferianism. Marvel movies, Netflix shows about Norse gods returning, X Men, etc are preparing the world for the real thing. Slipping transtesticles/gays/lesbians into every movie or tv show is part of hollywood's agenda to destroy the nuclear family, and whether they realize it or not, the idea of a superman is part of their agenda as well.
Depends what one considers "sound money".

If someone has a problem with the dollar, which is pretty stable all things considered, they certainly should have a melt down over the idea of calling Bitcoin "currency" (let alone the idea of switching to it or transacting in it).

"Sound currency", based on whatever definition someone wants to use whether it's purchasing power or value against other currencies, certainly doesn't lose 35% of it's value in a week like Bitcoin just did a few days ago. If the dollar inflating 4-5% over a year (in a once in a decade sorta year) is bad then the above should make folk's skin crawl.

That's not even mentioning the fact that Bitcoin is deflationary which would cause an economic collapse because of the supposed limited supply and or inability to create more. Economies have to be able to print more money because when they don't or there is a shortage of cash you get The Great Depression (deflationary spiral). Any reasonable person can see that if an economy expands by 2-3% every year than the amount of currency available in the economy has to increase as well by a similar rate or you get a deflationary spiral.

So it really boils down to national defense. If you want a strong nation defense, via an email expanding economy, and military then you want nations, especially the US, to have it's own currency to print a reasonable amount of dollars. Giving up that power, let alone the reserve currency status the US dollar has, makes us all less secure and makes us economically unsound and vulnerable in ways people can't even imagine. Folks need to not let their hate for the central bank or government cloud your judgment; cutting of your arm to fix a broken finger isn't sound logic.

I hate the dirty central bankers and unelected swamp creatures as much as the next patriot and would love to do away with that private entity victimizing our society and country but switching to something like Bitcoin is insanely short sighted.


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P.S. I trust BDD when he calls it a scam besides the above

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Yep, great post my friend, hope your wife is doing well 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I clicked on the link, tell me more about this please!
Ivermectin is both a treatment and a prophylactic. There are numerous studies showing this to be the case, included addressing covid problems in most of India. Go check out Dark Horse, Brett Weinstein on YouTube for some in depth discussions on it. It is being suppressed because they can’t approve vaccines under emergency use authorization if there is an effective treatment.

If you don’t want to go the Dr route at least get some Ivermectin horse paste from Amazon before they ban it like they just did over the counter NAC.
View attachment 29353Digging his new digs. The other one won’t get out of the woods. Almost moved in. Got fishing to do. SKOL!
If we ever beat the deep state or even bring them out to the city folks I’m in for an Alaskan July fraqqle rock party. Fish, fish, fish. Campsite dinners and talking about what we all did To bring the Cabal down.Disclaimer…if I’m still alive. Maybe our Grandkids can have the party.
So I should be buying 50 acres and become a farmer? That's what it sounds like. Hopefully stay out of the technocrats way.

Yes and no. Isolation and self-sufficiency will help avoid some of the one world system, but not all of it. In fact, that will only work until August, per today's announcement by Elon Musk. At that point, Starlink will be available worldwide, except for the North and South Poles. If you're tight with Santa, that's probably your best bet, because once there's blanket satellite internet coverage, there's nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide.

You will be expected to be findable at all times.


So now, as of August, the network will be in place to distribute whatever digital surveillance and control systems you might imagine.

I'm telling you, it's coming much faster than you think, and it's only going to accelerate.

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