In my defense, it was a rather elaborate pointYou missed his entire point. But that’s OK.
Nobody wants this to be true more than me, but wasn't Podesta just in the news? Doubt he would be making any sudden appearances if he were tried for treason, found guilty and sentenced to death which the article seems to mention also already took place.99.99% this is BS but we share most everything here.
On June 21 the Office of Military Commissions convicted former Attorney General William Barr on charges of treason
John, writing in ~90 AD foretold the establishment of a wicked worldwide government at the end of days. If you're reading this thread, 1087 pages in, you're clearly at least open to the idea that such a government is coming. Talks of a "great reset" over the past year have raised plenty of eyebrows. We'll see where it goes.
John also wrote about a worldwide religion. In our days of heightened religious tension, that might be harder to envision. How on earth could you get disparate faiths to come together?
Well, in 2019, a Pope and an imam walk into a room and sign a document to start a movement to begin "leading a global platform for peace and harmony," as The Higher Committee of Human Fraternity says.
Under their guidance and blessing, they are now building the "Abrahamic Family House," which is a single site that will house a mosque, a synagogue, and a Catholic church in the UAE. It is under construction now and will open in 2022.
Y'all, I said it before, and I'll say it again - the Bible is batting 1.000 with prophecy, and what's coming next ain't pretty. I urge you to take some time to consider the Bible's claims. Here's a little food for thought - a >1950 year old book has a more accurate take on the current direction of world affairs than CNN.
It is? What budget does a REAL investigation need? Versus a rigged, bullshit investigation?
Fox was bought by the cabal. They made that plain on Nov. 3rd.
As for Tucker himself, my take is I don't think he's compromised. I think he's just self-centered and has no principles.
John, writing in ~90 AD foretold the establishment of a wicked worldwide government at the end of days. If you're reading this thread, 1087 pages in, you're clearly at least open to the idea that such a government is coming. Talks of a "great reset" over the past year have raised plenty of eyebrows. We'll see where it goes.
John also wrote about a worldwide religion. In our days of heightened religious tension, that might be harder to envision. How on earth could you get disparate faiths to come together?
Well, in 2019, a Pope and an imam walk into a room and sign a document to start a movement to begin "leading a global platform for peace and harmony," as The Higher Committee of Human Fraternity says.
Under their guidance and blessing, they are now building the "Abrahamic Family House," which is a single site that will house a mosque, a synagogue, and a Catholic church in the UAE. It is under construction now and will open in 2022.
Y'all, I said it before, and I'll say it again - the Bible is batting 1.000 with prophecy, and what's coming next ain't pretty. I urge you to take some time to consider the Bible's claims. Here's a little food for thought - a >1950 year old book has a more accurate take on the current direction of world affairs than CNN.
I disagree about Tucker. Even if it’s an act (which I don’t believe) he has been the most vocal on our side.Tucker is a wealthy individual who has been on TV for a long time. He has done fairly well playing a libertarian leaning pundit. The republican part has swung in his direction over the last few years (He has taken advantage). That being said I think he couldn't care less about the majority of his audience.
Isn't this going to end up being AI?
I disagree about Tucker. Even if it’s an act (which I don’t believe) he has been the most vocal on our side.
I don't disagree that T levels are down but if 2500 was natural we would have seen a bunch of jacked dudes in the 40's. In fact men where pretty diminutive back then. You can build a lot of muscle over 1500.Dr. Don Colbert:
- The men back in the 40’s had testosterone high normal was 2,500. And today most men are around 500.
- Shampoos, conditioners and skin lotions contain plasticizers called phthalates which lower testosterone and raise estrogen.
- Paraben in deodorant adds fragrance and also lowers testosterone.
- Women are placing excessive lotions on their skin with these contents which causes excess fat.
- The soft plastics in the water bottles we drink in are not good.
- Experts continue to lower the range of what is considered healthy testosterone thus telling young men they are in a healthy range when they aren’t even close
- Soy raises estrogen and lowers testosterone the most
- Stay away from flax seeds. They are a plant estrogen.
- Marijuana and alcohol lower testosterone.
- Drink filtered water …there is a weed killer in our water.
- Hormones are injected into our meats.
- High cortisol levels in men come from stress, anxiety and depression and also lowers testosterone.
- Decreased exercise and activity add to low testosterone.
- Get the body moving and exercise.
- Squats are the best exercise to grow testosterone
- Testosterone is the best anti depressant on the planet.
- Don’t watch cable news. It raises stress. And it is fake
Are you heading to the ocean to cool off? We are heading to the mountains Thursday morning to get relief.John, writing in ~90 AD foretold the establishment of a wicked worldwide government at the end of days. If you're reading this thread, 1087 pages in, you're clearly at least open to the idea that such a government is coming. Talks of a "great reset" over the past year have raised plenty of eyebrows. We'll see where it goes.
John also wrote about a worldwide religion. In our days of heightened religious tension, that might be harder to envision. How on earth could you get disparate faiths to come together?
Well, in 2019, a Pope and an imam walk into a room and sign a document to start a movement to begin "leading a global platform for peace and harmony," as The Higher Committee of Human Fraternity says.
Under their guidance and blessing, they are now building the "Abrahamic Family House," which is a single site that will house a mosque, a synagogue, and a Catholic church in the UAE. It is under construction now and will open in 2022.
Y'all, I said it before, and I'll say it again - the Bible is batting 1.000 with prophecy, and what's coming next ain't pretty. I urge you to take some time to consider the Bible's claims. Here's a little food for thought - a >1950 year old book has a more accurate take on the current direction of world affairs than CNN.
I was just watching this movie (Blazing Saddles) the other day and was thinking "No way could Mel Brooks get away with making this movie today." People would be absolutely livid. Amazing that half the population nowadays has no sense of humor whatsoever. This movie is a classic!
I was just watching this movie (Blazing Saddles) the other day and was thinking "No way could Mel Brooks get away with making this movie today." People would be absolutely livid. Amazing that half the population nowadays has no sense of humor whatsoever. This movie is a classic!
Mel Brooks sat down next to a friend at a bar in Vegas. They talked for an hour or so. Brooks told her he could never make Blazing Saddles in Hollywood nowadays.I was just watching this movie (Blazing Saddles) the other day and was thinking "No way could Mel Brooks get away with making this movie today." People would be absolutely livid. Amazing that half the population nowadays has no sense of humor whatsoever. This movie is a classic!
John, writing in ~90 AD foretold the establishment of a wicked worldwide government at the end of days. If you're reading this thread, 1087 pages in, you're clearly at least open to the idea that such a government is coming. Talks of a "great reset" over the past year have raised plenty of eyebrows. We'll see where it goes.
John also wrote about a worldwide religion. In our days of heightened religious tension, that might be harder to envision. How on earth could you get disparate faiths to come together?
Well, in 2019, a Pope and an imam walk into a room and sign a document to start a movement to begin "leading a global platform for peace and harmony," as The Higher Committee of Human Fraternity says.
Under their guidance and blessing, they are now building the "Abrahamic Family House," which is a single site that will house a mosque, a synagogue, and a Catholic church in the UAE. It is under construction now and will open in 2022.
Y'all, I said it before, and I'll say it again - the Bible is batting 1.000 with prophecy, and what's coming next ain't pretty. I urge you to take some time to consider the Bible's claims. Here's a little food for thought - a >1950 year old book has a more accurate take on the current direction of world affairs than CNN.
Are you heading to the ocean to cool off? We are heading to the mountains Thursday morning to get relief.
Libs ain't gonna like that. I see some BS legislation from them to prevent this.
Homeschool for the Homeland*
You’re right. Their agenda sucks so they run on the emotion of hate the other party.The American people don’t like the progressive agenda. Like all politicians, they want to keep getting re-elected.
Far past time for reasonable teachers to cut the cord with public school systems (and a great deal of private ones as well) and do their own thing privately.
Keep going . . .That's salaries and everything for two years. The Mueller investigation spent 32 million over a similar period of time.
32 million vs 1.5 for two years.
Look who’s finally catching on.
I disagree about Tucker. Even if it’s an act (which I don’t believe) he has been the most vocal on our side.