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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021
Here are my rules for mail in voting- none except for military and traditional absentee vote by request with ID. With early voting so prevalent I see extremely limited need even for traditional absentee.
You will probably get your reform and it won't matter

Bolsheviks don't lose based on electoral reform, it's way more fundamental than that


Dec 9, 2020
She must be russian
The Americans stars Keri Russell and Matthew Rhys pose in the February issue of GQ.

Detective John Kimble

Stop whining!
Dec 1, 2020
My daughter has been dating a guy from London for several years. I tried as hard as possible to dislike the guy. He’s got boarding school manners like he’s in the 1950s. Despite not knowing how to hunt, fish or jack shit about baseball or football, he’s probably the nicest guy I know. Dude walked away from a high end job and risked it all to move to Houston to be near her. The company followed suite and decided he could work remote in Houston rather than lose him. Mad props and respect for following his heart and making it work (so far at least). He literally bought a ticket last flight out before London went on lock down. It’s weird having to explain shit during games but he’d probably agree if we were watching cricket. Long story short, some of those London guys are alright.
There are actually plenty of conservative leaning Brits. Definitely different culture but not a bad one necessarily. I mean, our culture is most like theirs.

Detective John Kimble

Stop whining!
Dec 1, 2020
The vaccine goes through out the entire body. The spike proteins in the vaccine kill cells and it rips through the blood brain barrier. This has all come out recently through studies.

This has the potential to kill everyone who took it.

Vaccines are not supposed to go through your body but die in your arm. Having spike proteins break through the blood brain barrier is very bad. We are now in a waiting game of how bad
My wife got the damn vaccine too. I told her not to. I hope she’s ok. She’s on board with me that no way in hell the kids get it.


Jan 8, 2021
My wife got the damn vaccine too. I told her not to. I hope she’s ok. She’s on board with me that no way in hell the kids get it.

I told so many people just to wait a couple months and see, it's experimental.

Hopefully she's ok. Way too many people just didn't use their brain on this one.

I have a hard time believing so many people would have signed up for an experimental vaccine for a disease that kills near zero healthy people pre Trump. The msm just broke everyone's brain.

Detective John Kimble

Stop whining!
Dec 1, 2020
At what point will the federal government use force to ensure the entire US population is vaccinated? At what point do we stand up and say no? I wouldn’t put it past this administration.


Detective John Kimble

Stop whining!
Dec 1, 2020
I told so many people just to wait a couple months and see, it's experimental.

Hopefully she's ok. Way too many people just didn't use there brain on this one.

I have a hard time believing so many people would have signed up for an experimental vaccine for a disease that kills near zero healthy people pre Trump. The msm just broke everyone's brain.
Sadly, her reasoning isn’t even due to fear of getting the virus. She doesn’t want to wear the mask at work, but doesn’t want to lie and say she’s been vaccinated. Therefore, she can now tell the truth and not wear a mask. Trust me, it’s insane. She’s a big girl and makes her own decisions. I hope she’s ok. I don’t buy into the scare on either side. I don’t buy the guy who says everyone with the vaccine will be dead in two years, but I also don’t buy that it’s proven safe. My concern is the unknown long term effects.


Jan 8, 2021
At what point will the federal government use force to ensure the entire US population is vaccinated? At what point do we stand up and say no? I wouldn’t put it past this administration.

They'll probably spin the pcr tests up again to create a shit load of false positives, but most people are done locking down.

They can try to mandate vaccines but people like me will just ignore them or fake a card. Not to mention within a month normies are going to start finding out this vaccine is dangerous.


Dec 1, 2020
Nearly half the country has taken the two doses. Can you imagine the consequences if even 1/5 of those people end up with neurological disorders? Our country would collapse almost immediately. What if the number is half of the vaccinated? Everyone would be responsible for taking care of someone with serious brain issues all at one time. Literally china could walk into our country and take it over without firing a shot.

If I ever end up special needs brain damaged please have the guts to finish the job and not keep me around for feelings and such.

Detective John Kimble

Stop whining!
Dec 1, 2020

Here’s Liddle Marco telling people how to live their lives. Let’s be clear, I totally agree that I’d be concerned if I lived in the “twin” building. At the same time, why can’t the residents make their own decision? Chances are this other building is not going to collapse. Let people be responsible for themselves.

Here’s my favorite two comments:



Dec 1, 2020

Detective John Kimble

Stop whining!
Dec 1, 2020
Glad to know we watch none of those stations. I don’t have cable TV. We do have some of the woke streaming services. Disney+, Amazon Prime and Netflix. I know, it’s hard to be perfect, and by no means am I. As bad as Disney is, the LGBT shit hasn’t been noticed by me yet. Yes, some of their newer movies have hints of it (like the Beauty and the Beast remake), but it’s not as in your face and obvious to a child like that Nickelodeon crap is.


Dec 9, 2020
My daughter has been dating a guy from London for several years. I tried as hard as possible to dislike the guy. He’s got boarding school manners like he’s in the 1950s. Despite not knowing how to hunt, fish or jack shit about baseball or football, he’s probably the nicest guy I know. Dude walked away from a high end job and risked it all to move to Houston to be near her. The company followed suite and decided he could work remote in Houston rather than lose him. Mad props and respect for following his heart and making it work (so far at least). He literally bought a ticket last flight out before London went on lock down. It’s weird having to explain shit during games but he’d probably agree if we were watching cricket. Long story short, some of those London guys are alright.
Gentlemanly manners are a HUGE plus in my and my girls' book. Huge.

Here's the most important thing... he loves and respects your daughter and she loves and respects him. And he'll obviously never hesitate to sacrifice for her.

He's a man you should be proud to call friend. After all, he's the man who almost loves your girl as much as you do.


Dec 1, 2020
Lee Smith: Newly released affidavits suggest FBI WROTE the Steele dossier.
Affidavits filed in a federal court on June 21 raise crucial questions about the FBI’s role in the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign’s efforts to vilify her opponent, Donald Trump, as a Russian agent. The FBI obtained a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to spy on the Trump team based on a dossier of memos alleging Trump’s ties to Russia that was filed by Clinton campaign contractor Christopher Steele.

But the newly released court documents suggest the FBI may have helped shape the anti-Trump plot at its origins.

oh my Link

The article is fairly long and complicated story

but the gist:

One of the affidavits says the FBI was asking about a Steele dossier source...BEFORE Steele even went to the FBI in the first place.

How would FBI even know about Steele's "sources" if Steele hadn't told them yet?

Lee Smith has an answer:

From May 20 to June 20, 2016, the subject morphed from organized crime to intelligence matters regarding foreign officials, in other words, a subject tailored to win the FBI a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump team. Did the FBI receive Steele’s fraudulent intelligence reports or did it help create them?

The five affidavits give more evidence that the dossier operation relied on sources upon sources—that is, cut-outs—in part to avoid the legal jeopardy that Danchenko now faces. Steele couldn’t be held accountable if he was just relaying what he heard from Danchenko, who couldn’t be blamed if his information came from other sources. The five affidavits have left Danchenko alone and exposed. And so, one important question is, if Steele hid behind Danchenko, who was hiding behind Steele?



Jan 8, 2021
No one knows what’s going to happen, good or bad. That’s my opinion of course. The people that are for the Vax will say no harm, others that are against will say everyone is going to die.
Ignore the "science" or lack thereof for a minute and consider that the social media giants, the billionaires that run this world, the entirety of the leftist political machine, the whole of the entertainment industry, etc are begging and in some cases demanding that you be vaxxed. You don't really need to know anything else to know that it's a bad idea.


Jan 9, 2021
I don't watch any of the cartoon shows or networks like Nickelodeon et al but I'm overwhelmed with commercials spewing this LGBTQXYZ shit all the time.
I'm going through remote batteries like mad. The 2nd I see this shit on a commercial I go to the next channel. It's nauseating the shit they're spewing. I had to quit watching the PGA today because of all the woke commercials they're coming up with.


Jan 8, 2021
The vaccine goes through out the entire body. The spike proteins in the vaccine kill cells and it rips through the blood brain barrier. This has all come out recently through studies.

This has the potential to kill everyone who took it.

Vaccines are not supposed to go through your body but die in your arm. Having spike proteins break through the blood brain barrier is very bad. We are now in a waiting game of how bad
Heard a commercial from NIH on the radio about an hour ago aimed at teenagers to get the jab.


May 27, 2021
Need help folks. Can anyone send a link to the official reports on how the Capitol Cop died?

trying to red pill the wife and she’s quoting a bunch of NY Times crap.
Thanks in advance.
Right wing propaganda Outlet NBC

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