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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


GIF specialist
Dec 9, 2020
...oh, and y'all out west... stay cool and drink ALL the water.

My daughter said it was 118° today. They're currently dining outside because it feels good at 109°.

I've been there when it was 118 more than once. I'm a slow learner. My flip flops melted on my piggies. I like hot. I'm a Dallas girl, born and bred, with a 10 year stint (give or take) in NC.

^^^But that's another level of hot. That's the first level of Dante's hell. You can't drink enough water. And no, at 118, it's a dry heat is not a reasonable response. It's akin to the surface of the sun. 118 air temp doesn't take into account surface temp which is all sand and concrete and just that much hotter.

118 is a lie, realistically speaking. 🤣
Yeah, it's been brutally hot out here recently. The good thing though is we don't have to deal with hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc...just surfaces around the pool that can melt your skin ;)

Detective John Kimble

Stop whining!
Dec 1, 2020
I need legal expertise when it comes to employers forcing employees to disclose their vaccine status and if they eventually attempt to make vaccination mandatory for employment. Heard something about the 14th amendment and privacy and personal bodily autonomy protections, but I believe "Scholars" are already fucking with it in the interpretation on Cornell Law.
You mean lawyers. The scum of the earth. Not all, but most.


Jan 9, 2021
No way no one died. That was at night and it’s a residential condo. Most people in the part that collapsed would be dead.

I’m guessing the 35 pulled from the rubble, if survivors, were either lucky or mostly outside the collapsed section.
Like everything else the media loves a death count. I have heard nothing about nothing on this.


Jan 8, 2021
So was the whole bit about the 2nd amendment has always had limits... you couldn't own a canon way back when.

Uh, Potatus, they certainly could and did. Still can and some do.

Guess what? The musket was not the only 'weapon of war', either. Gasp! They... they even had assault weapons!!!🥺

Frigging tool. 🤡
The argument is dead upon inspection. You could own dynamite, nitroglycerin, duck foot pistols (their version of extended magazines) and a Puckle Gun! End of story.




Dec 1, 2020
Yeah, it's been brutally hot out here recently. The good thing though is we don't have to deal with hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc...just surfaces around the pool that can melt your skin ;)

Sunny, low humidity, 80 degrees here today, perfect with a light breeze. Don't have Canes/Quakes- just a yearly snow dump or 2. Except for November, and April, the weather is generally really good


Jan 8, 2021
From One of My Patriot Friends That I've Known Since College

His View on the Biden Speech

And ridiculous. Over 14 million licensed hunters in US. People who have killed. Probably way less than 800,000 military troops in US. More than half would defect. More than half vets would join opposition forces. 5% of colonist took up arms against the Brits in revolutionary war. That equals about 15 million nowadays. They want our guns because they know they cant control us without them. The difference is gun owners are willing to die to keep them, gun grabbers are not willing to die to take them. So it ends there.
Gun grabbers want someone else to go grab the guns. You would never see Beta going to someone's door to grab their guns. He would immediately become Beta-dig-a-grave.


GIF specialist
Dec 9, 2020
My wife is like yours. Which begs the question for folks that “just want to get along”, when is the fight or flee moment.
Everyone gets there at different times. Obvious those in this thread are ready to fight. My wife is going to have to experience personal hardship before she even considers it.
She‘ll gladly sit on the sidelines and let others do the research and fighting. Drives me nuts. She’d rather be blissfully ignorant. Too many of us have been and this is where we are.
My wife used to be like this, and she isn't one to really follow the news. However, I know that she has a desire for good, and for truth, so over the years, I have been showing her the truth about much of what the media says being a lie, and sharing stories about the direction that we're heading. She didn't like Trump either, but voted for him as a lesser of two evils. Unfortunately, in NV, there was a lot of voting ..ahh.. abnormalities. Hopefully after the AZ audit results come out, other states will be forced to audit their systems as well.

Cliffs: Slow walk your wife and discuss the future. What are our kids and grand kids going to inherit if we allow the media agenda (or other agendas) to destroy our country. Provide stories and plan to have the website and story available upon request. Be kind and loving, whether or not she agrees.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
My new homes first addition.
View attachment 27890
Skol Patriots!! God BlessAmerica and her ever loyal Patriots!

let me add my maiden knows her man!! Next a barrel sauna and a billiard room.
When I bought my new place I bought a flag and installed it before I bought anything else. Great job Patriot. SKOL


Made the run from Texarkana to Atlanta
Jan 8, 2021
Robots and drones will be sent to disarm us.
…so portable emp devices, and how to build them, will be a necessity.


SCAR Cawk Connoisseur
Apr 13, 2021
Dude, throw some cliffs on a 44minute video. Ain't no one got time to watch everything posted. I used to be on the first page all the time. Now bc my shop is busy im always 20-60 behind. If it has cliffs it sure helps douchebags like me. Thanks
It was live when I posted it. I then followed it up with cliffs a couple posts later


Dec 9, 2020
Not sure if this sort of thing is allowed but...

Does anyone here have a WSJ subscription, and if so could you paste the text for this article in a spoiler?

One remarkable aspect of the Covid-19 pandemic has been how often unpopular scientific ideas, from the lab-leak theory to the efficacy of masks, were initially dismissed, even ridiculed, only to resurface later in mainstream thinking. Differences of opinion have sometimes been rooted in disagreement over the underlying science. But the more common motivation has been political.

Another reversal in thinking may be imminent. Some scientists have raised concerns that the safety risks of Covid-19 vaccines have been underestimated. But the politics of vaccination has relegated their concerns to the outskirts of scientific thinking—for now.

Historically, the safety of medications—including vaccines—is often not fully understood until they are deployed in large populations. Examples include rofecoxib (Vioxx), a pain reliever that increased the risk of heart attack and stroke; antidepressants that appeared to increase suicide attempts among young adults; and an influenza vaccine used in the 2009-10 swine flu epidemic that was suspected of causing febrile convulsions and narcolepsy in children. Evidence from the real world is valuable, as clinical trials often enroll patients who aren’t representative of the general population. We learn more about drug safety from real-world evidence and can adjust clinical recommendations to balance risk and benefits.

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or Vaers, which is administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration, is a database that allows Americans to document adverse events that happen after receiving a vaccine. The FDA and CDC state that the database isn’t designed to determine whether the events were caused by a vaccine. This is true. But the data can nonetheless be evaluated, accounting for its strengths and weaknesses, and that is what the CDC and FDA say they do.

The Vaers data for Covid-19 vaccines show an interesting pattern. Among the 310 million Covid-19 vaccines given, several adverse events are reported at high rates in the days immediately after vaccination, and then fall precipitously afterward. Some of these adverse events might have occurred anyway. The pattern may be partly attributable to the tendency to report more events that happen soon after vaccination.

The database can’t say what would have happened in the absence of vaccination. Nonetheless, the large clustering of certain adverse events immediately after vaccination is concerning, and the silence around these potential signals of harm reflects the politics surrounding Covid-19 vaccines. Stigmatizing such concerns is bad for scientific integrity and could harm patients.

Four serious adverse events follow this arc, according to data taken directly from Vaers: low platelets (thrombocytopenia); noninfectious myocarditis, or heart inflammation, especially for those under 30; deep-vein thrombosis; and death. Vaers records 321 cases of myocarditis within five days of receiving a vaccination, falling to almost zero by 10 days. Prior research has shown that only a fraction of adverse events are reported, so the true number of cases is almost certainly higher. This tendency of underreporting is consistent with our clinical experience.

Analyses to confirm or dismiss these findings should be performed using large data sets of health-insurance companies and healthcare organizations. The CDC and FDA are surely aware of these data patterns, yet neither agency has acknowledged the trend.

The implication is that the risks of a Covid-19 vaccine may outweigh the benefits for certain low-risk populations, such as children, young adults and people who have recovered from Covid-19. This is especially true in regions with low levels of community spread, since the likelihood of illness depends on exposure risk.

And while you would never know it from listening to public-health officials, not a single published study has demonstrated that patients with a prior infection benefit from Covid-19 vaccination. That this isn’t readily acknowledged by the CDC or Anthony Fauci is an indication of how deeply entangled pandemic politics is in science.

There are, however, signs of life for scientific honesty. In May, the Norwegian Medicines Agency reviewed case files for the first 100 reported deaths of nursing-home residents who received the Pfizer vaccine. The agency concluded that the vaccine “likely” contributed to the deaths of 10 of these residents through side effects such as fever and diarrhea, and “possibly” contributed to the deaths of an additional 26. But this type of honesty is rare. And it is rare for any vaccine to be linked to deaths, so this unusual development for mRNA vaccines merits further investigation.

The battle to recover scientific honesty will be an uphill one in the U.S. Anti-Trump politics in the spring of 2020 mushroomed into social-media censorship. News reporting often lacked intellectual curiosity about the appropriateness of public-health guidelines—or why a vocal minority of scientists strongly disagreed with prevailing opinions. Scientists have advocated for or against Covid-19 therapies while having financial relationships with product manufacturers and their foundation benefactors.

Public-health authorities are making a mistake and risking the public’s trust by not being forthcoming about the possibility of harm from certain vaccine side effects. There will be lasting consequences from mingling political partisanship and science during the management of a public-health crisis.

Dr. Ladapo is an associate professor of medicine at UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine. Dr. Risch is a professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health.


Feb 4, 2021
I need legal expertise when it comes to employers forcing employees to disclose their vaccine status and if they eventually attempt to make vaccination mandatory for employment. Heard something about the 14th amendment and privacy and personal bodily autonomy protections, but I believe "Scholars" are already fucking with it in the interpretation on Cornell Law.
Nurses aren't allowed to know if a patient has AIDS. They are told "treat this patient as if they had AIDS." Throw that up to them if they push.
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