Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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There are over 800,000 police officers in the US. 90-95% stand with you. I’m completely on your side when it comes to these few bad actors violating people’s rights. I would never. EVER do that. I also don’t know anyone that would. The cops in these videos should not be in LE.
Lol 95%? How'd you get that number?

Most are obedient rule enforcers

That's delusional, "Back the Blue" is suicidal. Blind worship of the police is repugnant in a free and open society

But we are neither free nor open, so this chant has appeal

It’s also a stupid statement. Revolutions don’t need to outgun their opponent. We’ve been in Afghanistan for 20 fucking years. Have we tamed that culture? Fuck no.

This is, of course, correct. Everyone knows it too, they just pretend they don't for the sake of arguing. Afghanistan & Vietnam are just 2 recent examples of what armed civilians can do to a superpower military trying to occupy their home soil. How the hell are you going to hold even a street corner with a nuke or F-15? Going to have to have soldiers with rifles doing that...good luck😁
Got food poisoning from Jimmy Dean sausage one time now I throw up a little every time I see it at the store ..... Wasn't Jimmy's fault was my in-laws who gave it to use without telling us it had been thawed and frozen twice. They bought it while down for a month when the baby was born. Still can't touch the stuff now. 24 hours of utter hell coming out both ends. Slept in the bathroom floor next to the shitter.

Has the same thing happen with a frozen dinner. In talking with other folks, lots of times people will put them in their cart, walk around for 40 minutes and put it back in the freezer at the store. Backed into an old wardrobe after that 36 hour excitement

Way off topic, but can you explain how thawing, then refreezing food makes you sick? I honestly have never heard of this.
Way off topic, but can you explain how thawing, then refreezing food makes you sick? I honestly have never heard of this.
Ever drank a beer that was cold, got warm, and then chilled again? Skunked.

Same concept, except in foods that should be kept frozen until prepared, the once frozen bacteria in said food (Ahem, sausage/eggs) can multiply like bunnies in the time the food is thawed/warm. So, now, when you go to cook the frozen/thawed/frozen food,, it's absolutely loaded with pathogens. So much so, that cooking it doesn't kill off enough of it to keep you from getting sick.

Another food safety tip: do not rinse your chicken or turkey. It just spreads bacteria all over your kitchen, making it more opportune to contract salmonella because you have more opportunities to get it on your hands, thus a higher risk of ingesting it.
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Ever drank a beer that was cold, got warm, and then chilled again? Skunked.

Same concept, except in foods that should be kept frozen until prepared, the once frozen bacteria in said food (Ahem, sausage/eggs) can multiply like bunnies in the time the food is thawed/warm. So, now, when you go to cook the frozen/thawed/frozen food,, it's absolutely loaded with pathogens. So much so, that cooking it doesn't kill off enough of it to keep you from getting sick.

That all makes sense, I'm just surprised that can happen in such a short time. Would have assumed many hours, not just a few minutes.

I know in the grand scheme of the current state of affairs, this might seem trivial, but it's not.

This disgusting excuse for parents pimped their girls out for money and fame. Oh wait.... you think Jamie Lynn got knocked up by her teenage boyfriend? Not a frigging chance. Dan Schneider, of Nickelodeon $7 million payout to go away abused and preyed on all of those kids. (Might also want to check in on Amanda Bynes).

What Brittney Spears has been subjected to by those who should be the first ones to love and protect her is pure T evil. Never mind that her father makes $16,000/ month while she's 'allowed' $8,000/ month allowance (that Jamie Spears can and has withheld as he sees fit). ALL of these bills for her father, doctors, lawyers (including her father's. He's skimming there, too), EVERYBODY, are paid by Brittney Spears.

Further, the forced IUD (sterilization)... just a minor human rights violation.

Notice her voice didn't sound all spun sugar baby voice in court today? Guess what? Her dad wasn't on the zoom call for the proceeding, so she wasn't cowed by her trafficker and abuser. And she didn't drop 'trafficking' by accident. It wasn't just about her being forced to work to support their sick little empire. I guarantee you that she was passed around.... And her father was, at the least, getting a cut.

Oh, and Brittney's attorney might have a little legal heat coming his way, as well.
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It takes more than a few minutes for frozen sausage/meat to thaw unless you throw it in the microwave.

It's gonna be fine if it's only left out for 20 minutes or so.

I always thaw meat in the sink, just sitting out or maybe in cool water for awhile. Never worried, but it's always beef, chicken, or maybe pork tendeloin or some shrimp, & never have refrozen anything. Note to self on the refreeze and the sausage though.
I always thaw meat in the sink, just sitting out or maybe in cool water for awhile. Never worried, but it's always beef, chicken, or maybe pork tendeloin or some shrimp, & never have refrozen anything. Note to self on the refreeze and the sausage though.

I put frozen meat in the fridge the night before if I actually plan ahead. Otherwise, I defrost it in the microwave. Just prepare it after you thaw it. Don't refreeze.

Of course, either of those scenarios are rare. I go to the store almost every day when I finally figure out what the hell I'm going to fix for dinner/ somebody tells me what they want.

I'll cook anything you want. Just don't make me come up with the meal.

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