Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Biden's military

To be fair, there’s only two military branches: Army and Navy. Marines are a part of the Navy and the Air Force is a corporation.
For those that want a DEEP dive, here is the article referenced at the start of this clip:

Safe to say he’s having a red pill moment. Im getting the feeling this vaccine is going to be a major red pill for many. If it ends up being as dangerous as animal experiments have shown then this really will be the shot heard around the world and those pushing it the whole time won’t be able to walk the streets.

That includes Trump since he keeps bragging about how fast they got it out there.
Just engage a thought experiment for a minute. You let them steal the election because you knew trying to prevent it with federal or military force wouldn’t work. Even if you prevented the digital vote switching by foreign hackers, corrupt local and state officials had fake ballots at the ready. You’d have had to send in the feds to seize control. It never could have worked. You leave the White House, but it’s ok. See, you’ve already arranged for the CCP’s top spymaster and several other key people to defect and they’re coming over with all the proof you’ll need. About the vote switching the CCP did. About who was paid off with CCP $ to commit election fraud in our states. Where’d Mike Lindell get the real time election stream data packets? I’m starting to form a theory about that. “I never conceded.”
Just engage a thought experiment for a minute. You let them steal the election because you knew trying to prevent it with federal or military force wouldn’t work. Even if you prevented the digital vote switching by foreign hackers, corrupt local and state officials had fake ballots at the ready. You’d have had to send in the feds to seize control. It never could have worked. You leave the White House, but it’s ok. See, you’ve already arranged for the CCP’s top spymaster and several other key people to defect and they’re coming over with all the proof you’ll need. About the vote switching the CCP did. About who was paid off with CCP $ to commit election fraud in our states. Where’d Mike Lindell get the real time election stream data packets? I’m starting to form a theory about that. “I never conceded.”
I want to believe

From a game theory standpoint why should we rest our laurels on this

Either way it is our duty to seek the truth, find it and tell it

The more scrutiny we place and higher the standard we place on our so called leaders like Trump, Desantis the more they have to cater to us
I want to believe

From a game theory standpoint why should we rest our laurels on this

Either way it is our duty to seek the truth, find it and tell it

The more scrutiny we place and higher the standard we place on our so called leaders like Trump, Desantis the more they have to cater to us
This was from Brian Cates Telegram, I am always behind in this thread so I thought I would try my hand in sharing, this does make sense if you trust the plan.
Those that are vaccinated did not use logic and discernment to reach their decision, and unfortunately logic and discernment cannot be used to convince them otherwise. You can't un-vaccinate. Their mental and physical health depends on their being right about their decision, so every piece of contrary evidence is discarded as coincidence or conspiracy.
Nicely put. It's confirmation bias on steroids. One has to own their decision or be otherwise internally tortured.

It's work to find compassion for the most militant vaccine folk but God would want us to do it.

What hit me hardest when I read this little nugget either on here or somewhere else:

This evil dichotomy that has been set up/evolved where, politically and very personally, both "sides" can find themselves wishing for people to suffer and /or die to be confirmed and feel better about their own decision.

Truly horrifying what these fear mongers have done to our society.
I can speak to this from personal experience. The state government uses the gas tax to build roads. Some of the money is from the state. Some of it is from the feds. The government then hires contractors to build the roads. This is one function that I believe needs government. It has to do with eminent domain. A long distance privately owned road would never be built due to property rights.

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