What does that do to the Sea life around there and how far out? It has to cause damage.
Im not a fish doctor but I’ll step out on a limb and say that an underwater explosion
that big would fuck a fish up.
What does that do to the Sea life around there and how far out? It has to cause damage.
To be fair, there’s only two military branches: Army and Navy. Marines are a part of the Navy and the Air Force is a corporation.Biden's military
For those that want a DEEP dive, here is the article referenced at the start of this clip:
Should you get vaccinated?
Note that views expressed in this opinion article are the writer’s personal views and not necessarily those of TrialSitetrialsitenews.com
This is a joke. Absolutely not true and do not believe it.
Stop and think.. many movies already have been made.. we just thought of them as fiction.There will be many movies made about this for real.
Imagine how much danger everyone associated with this on the good guys side is in.
Conversely, imagine how many bad guys are going to get the red scarf treatment
because now they are loose ends.
popcorn gif***
Agree.Stop and think.. many movies already have been made.. we just thought of them as fiction.
Tell that to the 47K wounded, 26k killed in the 8AF. Tired of this fucking line. Not a single attack on ground forces from an enemy aircraft since 1950.To be fair, there’s only two military branches: Army and Navy. Marines are a part of the Navy and the Air Force is a corporation.
I want to believeJust engage a thought experiment for a minute. You let them steal the election because you knew trying to prevent it with federal or military force wouldn’t work. Even if you prevented the digital vote switching by foreign hackers, corrupt local and state officials had fake ballots at the ready. You’d have had to send in the feds to seize control. It never could have worked. You leave the White House, but it’s ok. See, you’ve already arranged for the CCP’s top spymaster and several other key people to defect and they’re coming over with all the proof you’ll need. About the vote switching the CCP did. About who was paid off with CCP $ to commit election fraud in our states. Where’d Mike Lindell get the real time election stream data packets? I’m starting to form a theory about that. “I never conceded.”
No. They took precautions.What does that do to the Sea life around there and how far out? It has to cause damage.
If you take that line seriously, I think you might have security issues.Tell that to the 47K wounded, 26k killed in the 8AF. Tired of this fucking line. Not a single attack on ground forces from an enemy aircraft since 1950.
Only possible exception in Bills' Cole Beasley.There aren't very many words spoken that are more true that this.
This was from Brian Cates Telegram, I am always behind in this thread so I thought I would try my hand in sharing, this does make sense if you trust the plan.I want to believe
From a game theory standpoint why should we rest our laurels on this
Either way it is our duty to seek the truth, find it and tell it
The more scrutiny we place and higher the standard we place on our so called leaders like Trump, Desantis the more they have to cater to us
Nicely put. It's confirmation bias on steroids. One has to own their decision or be otherwise internally tortured.Those that are vaccinated did not use logic and discernment to reach their decision, and unfortunately logic and discernment cannot be used to convince them otherwise. You can't un-vaccinate. Their mental and physical health depends on their being right about their decision, so every piece of contrary evidence is discarded as coincidence or conspiracy.
Do they count the 120K + ballots that were received back before they date they were sent out or nah?Maybe . . . oh, something like . . . a full forensic audit might prove or disprove it???Or we could just stick to the edict that ALL BALLOTS MUST BE COUNTED, LEGAL OR NON-LEGAL!!!
Word’s getting around in Chinese circles...lotta smoke
Crank up the fear porn.NPR!
Oh sorry#inclusion
Crank up the fear porn.NPR!
Oh sorry#inclusion
I can speak to this from personal experience. The state government uses the gas tax to build roads. Some of the money is from the state. Some of it is from the feds. The government then hires contractors to build the roads. This is one function that I believe needs government. It has to do with eminent domain. A long distance privately owned road would never be built due to property rights.