Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I guess the Gov't is going to pay for everything now. Last year the VA postponed payment of Co-Pays due to Wuhan. When that date was nearing an end I paid my charges. Two weeks ago, I go a letter saying all my Co-Pays from 2020 would be reimbursed. They have been.
I’m all for helping out those who need it but it just seems to me that everything The government has done the past 2 years is just liberals trying to buy votes. I will never believe that our federal government politicians and policies do anything for our own good until I’m proven wrong.
Tell me our military is fucked without telling me our military is fucked.
If are tranny troops march into hostile Muslim Territory they might be so horrified they retreat. We need to put the trannies on the front lines and have them run around dressed as the clowns they are.
Over the past several years I have been reading copies of letters relatives in Ohio received from their sons fighting for the Union in the Civil War. In many letters the word "butternuts" was written. It was clear it was a disparaging word but I didn't know why.

Butternut is the name of the dye from Butternut trees in Southern Ohio, Indiana and that area that was used to dye Confederate uniforms. Learn something new everyday.
Interesting. My great great grandfather from Licking and Wilson County served under Company E, 2nd Iowa Infantry.
This better be real. So spring loaded to the "nothing will happen" position that it's hard to get any hope up at the moment.

Encouraging is that Tucker talked about this, Re: just Wu Flu origin confirmation last night but mentioned Dong by name.

Will look for clip.
Took forever to find this. Full episodes from last night stop right before this segment (was near the end of the show).

Other searches for "full episode" turn up results on DDG and Google but have since been removed.

Proof we are over the target.

they need to include ES&S and Smartmatic in the graphic. They are essentially the same company. They all run the exact same software and have the same vulnerabilities. They are all certified by the same three companies who all have ties to each other and the EvS companies.
I said on the old board that ES&S had cellular modems in their tabulator machines. That was never a secret. Smartmatic and Dominion actively participated in the fraud. I don't believe the same will be said of ES&S when it's all said and done. I could be wrong so who knows.
Quick follow to my long post last week about discovering my kids' private school all in on CRT and gender identity curriculum without any notification to We The Parents, who incidentally pay for the whole fvcking school...but whatevs...

So while we all know this is a major issue, I had no idea just how far/wide it had already metastasized nationally - blue states of course, red states too, public AND private. It's everywhere. We've got our group together and meeting next week to outline an aggressive and multifaceted attack plan. I'm suggesting we brand our group Parents Against Racism - take the high ground from the real racists here...after all, who is going to say "I'm against parents who are against racism". Two can play that fvcking game.

Those of you with kids in whatever grade or school, dig into it if you haven't already. Google (or DDG) your school name and Critical Race Theory or other euphemisms (inclusion, equity, etc) to see if anything is out there. Great thread below...don't make the mistake we did of assuming a Christian private school is safe - not by a longshot.

Quick follow to my long post last week about discovering my kids' private school all in on CRT and gender identity curriculum without any notification to We The Parents, who incidentally pay for the whole fvcking school...but whatevs...

So while we all know this is a major issue, I had no idea just how far/wide it had already metastasized nationally - blue states of course, red states too, public AND private. It's everywhere. We've got our group together and meeting next week to outline an aggressive and multifaceted attack plan. I'm suggesting we brand our group Parents Against Racism - take the high ground from the real racists here...after all, who is going to say "I'm against parents who are against racism". Two can play that fvcking game.

Those of you with kids in whatever grade or school, dig into it if you haven't already. Google (or DDG) your school name and Critical Race Theory or other euphemisms (inclusion, equity, etc) to see if anything is out there. Great thread below...don't make the mistake we did of assuming a Christian private school is safe - not by a longshot.

I can speak to this from personal experience. The state government uses the gas tax to build roads. Some of the money is from the state. Some of it is from the feds. The government then hires contractors to build the roads. This is one function that I believe needs government. It has to do with eminent domain. A long distance privately owned road would never be built due to property rights.
Toll Roads Work In The GOAT
Brian Cates & the material he's gathering has been absolutely fire. I feel like I've gained a lifetime of journalistic heroes in the last 9 months or so, and I just found out about him practically weeks ago. Dude is all on top of the Spygate/Durham thing, and now the Chinese Defector.
Cates and I have been arm in arm about RR for a couple of years now.

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