You're probably referring to one like the above "Unmasked The Truth about the 2020 Election'. It's from the Telegram site and they use an APP for their posts. When I view it on their app everything is viewable. When I copy/paste the link to this thread it may not be viewable on this thread and will say "Media is too big". If you look lower down on the post you will see a link that you can view of the same video. Usually a link. That is same video that is "too big". Just click on that. Thanks for asking. Hope that helps.A bunch of the media links you are posting George isn’t showing up. What social media site are you posting it from. All your stuff used to all come through. I wonder if it is my browser.
Click on the empty looking post and it shows up (at least for me).A bunch of the media links you are posting George isn’t showing up. What social media site are you posting it from. All your stuff used to all come through. I wonder if it is my browser.
Get an avatar phaggot!Imagine spending your entire Saturday like this. Pathetic. Go spend time with your family, my guy. They're probably worried about you.
Yet here you are. You know your side is filled with anti American cheaters. Hope you’re enjoying everything coming outImagine spending your entire Saturday like this. Pathetic. Go spend time with your family, my guy. They're probably worried about you.
Not sure what you're referring to?There’s nothing to click on
Just click the screen on your phone or computer and it should pop up.There’s nothing to click on
Imagine spending your entire Saturday like this. Pathetic. Go spend time with your family, my guy. They're probably worried about you.
I've made 4 posts today. @Truth Wrangler is averaging a post every 2 minutes. It's pathetic and his family is likely ashamed of him.Pot calling the kettle black. Also you are such a miserable fuck you go on a site of people with opposite views as yourself to try and start fights. You obviously can't go to a bar and do that so you must hide behind a keyboard. Literally the epitome of pathetic
I've made 4 posts today. @Truth Wrangler is averaging a post every 2 minutes. It's pathetic and his family is likely ashamed of him.
I just feel bad for you. My girl has a super hangover and it's raining otherwise I'd be off on a hike. You just hate yourself so much you want other people to feel the same. It's truly sad and pathetic. Going on message boards trying to start fights is probably the most unproductive hobby I've ever heard of. You'd be better off beating off until your dick was shooting out dust.
douchebag.... Libs can't handle the truth. Truth Wrangler is a fuckin patroitI've made 4 posts today. @Truth Wrangler is averaging a post every 2 minutes. It's pathetic and his family is likely ashamed of him.