2020 Election Fraud, Republicans in Name Only (RINOS), and Political Shenanigans Past and Present

Rep. Ramthun Requests Forensic Audit in WI

“Frankly, this is long overdue. After reviewing the findings from both the audits in Fulton County, GA, and Maricopa County, AZ, I am formally requesting a more comprehensive audit from former Justice Michael J. Gableman and the Legislative Audit Bureau.

Yesterday, I requested the audit be expanded to include the following:

1. Inspection of mail-in paper ballots in the 'WI-5' cities, where private funding was used in the election process, for various irregularities

2. Review of digital scans of ballots to ensure they weren't counted twice, as was reported in Fulton County

3. Examination of cybersecurity elements for evidence of electronic tampering, as was reported in Maricopa County

4. Separation of questionable ballots from legitimate ones until legitimacy can be proven

It is crucial the WI Legislature acknowledge the evidence of malpractice stemming from other states.”

Read 👓👉 Letter (https://legis.wisconsin.gov/assembly/59/Ramthun/media/eupdates/July-16-2021.html)
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