2020 Election Fraud, Republicans in Name Only (RINOS), and Political Shenanigans Past and Present

November 6, 2021

The Big Truth: Election 2020 Really Was Rigged​

By James Arlandson

Mollie Hemingway has written a blockbuster book about all the strands of deception and falsehoods that converged to take down Donald Trump on Nov. 3 and 4 and beyond (and before) in her book: Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech and the Democrats Seized Our Elections (Regnery, 2021). I twice asked two Barnes and Noble stores in two weeks whether they had it in stock, and each time -- no. So I finally had to order it online. It has ten chapters, plus a prologue and an epilogue. The total number of endnotes is 1,243 (I added them up), many having extensive commentaries. Only a large and excellent team of researchers could put together a book like this, and she credits them by name in her acknowledgments.

Hemingway’s conclusion: It is clear that the Dem party has followed a pattern of cheating, inch by inch, for a long time.

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November 6, 2021

Our mostly complicit, compliant, sycophant press has no concern about facts, only Democrat power​

By Jack Hellner

What happened to Donald Trump in 2016 and beyond dwarfed Watergate. Most of the media not only didn't care about the corruption of the Democrats, but were also major participants in seeking to destroy a candidate, and later president, they didn't like.

Special counsel John Durham has started to hit paydirt with three arrests so far, the tip of the iceberg, and the story is essentially buried because the media don't care, and they don't want the public to know the truth. If the public learns the truth, they will see how dishonest, corrupt, and dangerous the media are. They will set out to destroy anyone they don't want in elective office. The truth and evidence are never necessary when they are campaigning for Democrats.

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What Does Election 2021 Tell Us about 2022?​

By John Green

Looking at election 2021, all I can say is wow! Virginia was a big deal, but conservatives made gains in state legislatures, city councils, and school boards across the country. And these gains occurred even in blue states that Biden won by a landslide just one year ago. How quickly have fortunes changed. Biden remorse is for real.

But what lessons have the Dems taken away from their electoral drubbing? The smart ones are soiling themselves. The not-so-smart ones — that would be Bernie and the Squad — have analyzed the results and determined that they lost because they weren't — wait for it — progressive enough. Yup, they should never have tried to compromise with Republicans. If they had just gone for everything they wanted, everything would have been fine.

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