Lindell Election Fraud Movie Cliffs


Nuts and bolts = Lindell and General Mcinerney say the vote was 80 mil Trump to 69 million Biden

Election night surprise intermission @1115pm because the algorithm broke, they didn’t juice the machines enough, so they shut down the voting in the states they needed

They underestimated the Trump advantage amongst real voters, hence the overtime injections

Private equity firm that owns Dominion is located in China (Dominion, ESNS). Only company with access to Dominion coding is in Shenzheng China. Local machines send the votes overseas, where they are manipulated by a tool called Q snatch and then sent to the media to be reported. Fraud ubiquitous, in majority of states. White hats say they had the servers mapped out before the election and have the when, where, who and how. Lindell says it will all be revealed, Victory and unity is on the way, Spread the information

4:40- 12 min state by state overview

AZ current margin is 10,000 their estimated margin of error is north of 660,000

MI 180,000 margin, over 600,000 est MOE

NV 34,000 ,margin, over 212,000 est MOE

PA 68,000 margin, over 866,000 est MOE

WI, 20,000 margin, over 420,000 est MOE

GA 12,000 margin, over 1.5 million est MOE

13:10 Colonel Phil Waldron cyber security guy, partnered with Allied Security Operations Group (think he testified in AZ, claimed the white hats caught the hack)

Ware county GA, the have evidence of the algorithm, 13% switched from Trump to Biden (machine level rigging)

16:00 Strategic level rigging = Chinese ownership of the private equity firm that owns Dominion, only company access to Dominion voting is in China

AZ senate is pressing forward with forensic audit, could happen next week according to him

18:50 Foreign servers observed in Toronto, Barcelona, UK, Frankfurt, this network was mapped out before election

Affidavits from CIA personnel from Italy saying they participated in the coup

DOJ was shutting down investigations into the theft

ESNS, Dominion, SGO Smartmatic software used

24:00 Russel Ramsland ASOG (cyber forensics)

Logs from Dallas central vote tabulation 2018, people were changing votes from remote locations (ESNS)

29:57 27 states use software that sends the votes to overseas servers

35:08 Antrim county Michigan (done by Ramsland and his team), they have audited 2 other counties which are worse than Antrim, haven’t published yet

36:05 Computer votes goes to 1 of 2 buckets, vote submitted bucket or adjudication bucket which allows an operator to view the ballot and decide who gets the vote. 82% error adjudication rate in Antrim

So the machines are set to have a huge error rate which triggers adjudication, the sauce is made

37:10 Fulton County GA, 92% adjudication

38:00 Lindell says they have evidence of the hacking that is coming out, where/when/who

41:00 Monitored early voting in Dallas, 57,000 voter records changed

41:40 This type of thing happened nationwide, they wanted to flip TX, ran into opposition/ scrutiny

44:00 Tool called Q snatch grabs the login information of all reporting counties, allowing it access the county database remotely

49:00 Dr Shiva pops in:

52:00 Paper ballots are often converted to a ballot image which counted by machines, the image is counted not the vote

54:00 Fractional/algorithmic voting not unprecedented …1 vote for X counts for .9, 1 vote for y = 1.1 (Debold voting manual, “weighted races” in the instruction manual)

105:50 Melissa Carone famous lady from Mich…observed for 26 hours…not a single Trump vote

108:31 Matt Deperno, lawsuit filed via resident Bill Bailey on a school board race

NOV 3 Biden gets 197 votes in a Antrim County precinct, Trump 3 in same precinct

Report found @

Same precinct hand count Biden got 3 votes, Trump got 197

Out of 15,718, 7060 were flipped by the machines, hand count had 3200 more votes than original computer number

ASOC was granted the ability to forensically audit and photo the dominion software

Dominion system manual includes instruction on how to connect the machines to the internet

Nov 4th 11:03, system files, adjudication files were deleted for Antrim County, the 2016, 2018 files still there

The Dominion voting system is designed to create systemic election fraud

The forensic examination revealed a 68% error rate, which sends the ballot to an observer who looks at the ballot and determines who gets the vote

136:22 Mary Fanning

Nov 1st, cyber experts collect data (tarabytes) which document the fraud….2995 counties in real time

Over 66% of intrusions came from China

Lindell says the true computer vote was 80 million-68, not including the other fraud…suppose that means hand counted paper ballots injected or destroyed

Link to video
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Honestly, esp for most on this board, it's more or less a retread and a waste of time

I am more than willing to provide cliffs on videos that the board is interested in

We can call it The Road to Red Pill or something like that and ppl post videos and I'll work through them. By Monday I can do Everything is a Rich Man's Trick if this is something ppl want. I'm going to do it for myself regardless
Honestly, esp for most on this board, it's more or less a retread and a waste of time

I am more than willing to provide cliffs on videos that the board is interested in

We can call it The Road to Red Pill or something like that and ppl post videos and I'll work through them. By Monday I can do Everything is a Rich Man's Trick if this is something ppl want. I'm going to do it for myself regardless
This great work brother! Thank you very much!
Nuts and bolts = Lindell and General Mcinerney say the vote was 80 mil Trump to 69 million Biden

Election night surprise intermission @1115pm because the algorithm broke, they didn’t juice the machines enough, so they shut down the voting in the states they needed

They underestimated the Trump advantage amongst real voters, hence the overtime injections

Private equity firm that owns Dominion is located in China (Dominion, ESNS). Only company with access to Dominion coding is in Shenzheng China. Local machines send the votes overseas, where they are manipulated by a tool called Q snatch and then sent to the media to be reported. Fraud ubiquitous, in majority of states. White hats say they had the servers mapped out before the election and have the when, where, who and how. Lindell says it will all be revealed, Victory and unity is on the way, Spread the information

4:40- 12 min state by state overview

AZ current margin is 10,000 their estimated margin of error is north of 660,000

MI 180,000 margin, over 600,000 est MOE

NV 34,000 ,margin, over 212,000 est MOE

PA 68,000 margin, over 866,000 est MOE

WI, 20,000 margin, over 420,000 est MOE

GA 12,000 margin, over 1.5 est MOE

13:10 Colonel Phil Waldron cyber security guy, partnered with Allied Security Operations Group (think he testified in AZ, claimed the white hats caught the hack)

Ware county GA, the have evidence of the algorithm, 13% switched from Trump to Biden (machine level rigging)

16:00 Strategic level rigging = Chinese ownership of the private equity firm that owns Dominion, only company access to Dominion voting is in China

AZ senate is pressing forward with forensic audit, could happen next week according to him

18:50 Foreign servers observed in Toronto, Barcelona, UK, Frankfurt, this network was mapped out before election

Affidavits from CIA personnel from Italy saying they participated in the coup

DOJ was shutting down investigations into the theft

ESNS, Dominion, SGO Smartmatic software used

24:00 Russel Ramsland ASOG (cyber forensics)

Logs from Dallas central vote tabulation 2018, people were changing votes from remote locations (ESNS)

29:57 27 states use software that sends the votes to overseas servers

35:08 Antrim county Michigan (done by Ramsland and his team), they have audited 2 other counties which are worse than Antrim, haven’t published yet

36:05 Computer votes goes to 1 of 2 buckets, vote submitted bucket or adjudication bucket which allows an operator to view the ballot and decide who gets the vote. 82% error adjudication rate in Antrim

So the machines are set to have a huge error rate which triggers adjudication, the sauce is made

37:10 Fulton County GA, 92% adjudication

38:00 Lindell says they have evidence of the hacking that is coming out, where/when/who

41:00 Monitored early voting in Dallas, 57,000 voter records changed

41:40 This type of thing happened nationwide, they wanted to flip TX, ran into opposition/ scrutiny

44:00 Tool called Q snatch grabs the login information of all reporting counties, allowing it access the county database remotely

49:00 Dr Shiva pops in:

52:00 Paper ballots are often converted to a ballot image which counted by machines, the image is counted not the vote

54:00 Fractional/algorithmic voting not unprecedented …1 vote for X counts for .9, 1 vote for y = 1.1 (Debold voting manual, “weighted races” in the instruction manual)

105:50 Melissa Carone famous lady from Mich…observed for 26 hours…not a single Trump vote

108:31 Matt Deperno, lawsuit filed via resident Bill Bailey on a school board race

NOV 3 Biden gets 197 votes in a Antrim County precinct, during hand count he gets 93

Report found @

Same precinct hand count Biden got 3 votes, Trump got 197

Out of 15,718, 7060 were flipped by the machines, hand count had 3200 more votes than original computer number

ASOC was granted the ability to forensically audit and photo the dominion software

Dominion system manual includes instruction on how to connect the machines to the internet

Nov 4th 11:03, system files, adjudication files were deleted for Antrim County, the 2016, 2018 files still there

The Dominion voting system is designed to create systemic election fraud

The forensic examination revealed a 68% error rate, which sends the ballot to an observer who looks at the ballot and determines who gets the vote

136:22 Mary Fanning

Nov 1st, cyber experts collect data (tarabytes) which document the fraud….2995 counties in real time

Over 66% of intrusions came from China

Lindell says the true computer vote was 80 million-68, not including the other fraud…suppose that means hand counted paper ballots injected or destroyed

Link to video
And dominion wants to sue😂
Great summary, OP. Now you are a domestic terrorist.

Joking aside, it's scary how viral this movie would have gone even 3 years ago. In that short time, it's relegated to sites like this and to OAN only.

So much evidence that somehow got squandered by the Trump team when it counted. Lindell and whoever helped him with this did a great job. All said, the miracle talk and all that is a detractor for me - not that I'm not a believer in such things - just mixing of modes - not effective. Stick to objective facts, let the faith stuff remain personal with each individual.

Great piece of work that better not get buried.

Let's see what happens.
Why didn’t they lay this shit out like this before now and certainly before Biden became President? All of this is beyond frustrating.

It’s like they’re just going to ignore all of this and move on while persecuting anyone especially anyone in mainstream media, if they claim there was election fraud when there’s obviously clear evidence that fraud happened. I just don’t get it.

It truly feels like we are living in a twilight zone or one of those dreams where you know the solution but you can’t resolve it.
Too bad no one will have to pay for this and the illegitimate president won’t be removed. His handlers will be allowed to rule via executive order for four years dismantling this great republic.

only divine intervention will change anything and I have no idea if that is part of His plan.
Idk what to do either

Think we can agree on what not to do:

Act like the commies
I don't think we should pay attention to the 24 hours news cycle

I don't think you combat their narratives on their terms

Inter personally in our own networks (with those who don't see it yet)= be stoic, positive, ask them questions about their views. Less explaining on our part, make them defend
Do not feel obligated to defend the GOP or jump on their losing messaging. They are the Washington Generals

With respect to the election probably avoid referencing mypillow guy (respect him, admire his courage, he's not the way we reach the other side) Rudy, Lin wood, Powell. Etc

Ask them to explain how computer voting works? Do votes go overseas?

I'm surrounded by young, brainwashed "liberals" who are effectively hard-core progressives/communists

I think I've been able to arouse some suspicions on their part via this strategy. Asking them questions we already know the answer to and they have no idea

Remember when you are conversing with a normie they are arguing with/responding with a caricatured political opponent aka a crazy Right wing Jesus lover, probably a racist, likes fascism etc

Whatever points you make, regardless of the merit, they will default to dismisall because we are the devil

Other than let'a get Jacked, Rich and Unbreakable
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Why didn’t they lay this shit out like this before now and certainly before Biden became President? All of this is beyond frustrating.

It’s like they’re just going to ignore all of this and move on while persecuting anyone especially anyone in mainstream media, if they claim there was election fraud when there’s obviously clear evidence that fraud happened. I just don’t get it.

It truly feels like we are living in a twilight zone or one of those dreams where you know the solution but you can’t resolve it.
They did. I watched several of these same experts giving their testimony in different states. Unfortunately, in many states, either the Sec. of State, or Governor, or the legislature refused to hear it. You'd have to think that the only reason for this is that they're somehow ties to it, or being bought off by people that are. Very sad
Great synopsis OP. Appreciate your contribution.

The big question is, what in the hell can we do about it? It is sickening that China is now running our country.

Depressing indeed.
Gotta get states to rip out the machines in favor of a system like Canada's.
Idk what to do either

Think we can agree on what not to do:

Act like the commies
I don't think we should pay attention to the 24 hours news cycle

I don't think you combat their narratives on their terms

Inter personally in our own networks (with those who don't see it yet)= be stoic, positive, ask them questions about their views. Less explaining on our part, make them defend
Do not feel obligated to defend the GOP or jump on their losing messaging. They are the Washington Generals

With respect to the election probably avoid referencing mypillow guy (respect him, admire his courage, he's not the way we reach the other side) Rudy, Lin wood, Powell. Etc

Ask them to explain how computer voting works? Do votes go overseas?

I'm surrounded by young, brainwashed "liberals" who are effectively hard-core progressives/communists

I think I've been able to arouse some suspicions on their part via this strategy. Asking them questions we already know the answer to and they have no idea

Remember when you are conversing with a normie they are arguing with/responding with a caricatured political opponent aka a crazy Right wing Jesus lover, probably a racist, likes fascism etc

Whatever points you make, regardless of the merit, they will default to dismisall because we are the devil

Other than let get Jacked, Rich and Unbreakable

Most not already red pilled have likely spent no time contemplating the actual issues. Just gotta ask the right questions then get outta the way.
Nuts and bolts = Lindell and General Mcinerney say the vote was 80 mil Trump to 69 million Biden

Election night surprise intermission @1115pm because the algorithm broke, they didn’t juice the machines enough, so they shut down the voting in the states they needed

They underestimated the Trump advantage amongst real voters, hence the overtime injections

Private equity firm that owns Dominion is located in China (Dominion, ESNS). Only company with access to Dominion coding is in Shenzheng China. Local machines send the votes overseas, where they are manipulated by a tool called Q snatch and then sent to the media to be reported. Fraud ubiquitous, in majority of states. White hats say they had the servers mapped out before the election and have the when, where, who and how. Lindell says it will all be revealed, Victory and unity is on the way, Spread the information

4:40- 12 min state by state overview

AZ current margin is 10,000 their estimated margin of error is north of 660,000

MI 180,000 margin, over 600,000 est MOE

NV 34,000 ,margin, over 212,000 est MOE

PA 68,000 margin, over 866,000 est MOE

WI, 20,000 margin, over 420,000 est MOE

GA 12,000 margin, over 1.5 million est MOE

13:10 Colonel Phil Waldron cyber security guy, partnered with Allied Security Operations Group (think he testified in AZ, claimed the white hats caught the hack)

Ware county GA, the have evidence of the algorithm, 13% switched from Trump to Biden (machine level rigging)

16:00 Strategic level rigging = Chinese ownership of the private equity firm that owns Dominion, only company access to Dominion voting is in China

AZ senate is pressing forward with forensic audit, could happen next week according to him

18:50 Foreign servers observed in Toronto, Barcelona, UK, Frankfurt, this network was mapped out before election

Affidavits from CIA personnel from Italy saying they participated in the coup

DOJ was shutting down investigations into the theft

ESNS, Dominion, SGO Smartmatic software used

24:00 Russel Ramsland ASOG (cyber forensics)

Logs from Dallas central vote tabulation 2018, people were changing votes from remote locations (ESNS)

29:57 27 states use software that sends the votes to overseas servers

35:08 Antrim county Michigan (done by Ramsland and his team), they have audited 2 other counties which are worse than Antrim, haven’t published yet

36:05 Computer votes goes to 1 of 2 buckets, vote submitted bucket or adjudication bucket which allows an operator to view the ballot and decide who gets the vote. 82% error adjudication rate in Antrim

So the machines are set to have a huge error rate which triggers adjudication, the sauce is made

37:10 Fulton County GA, 92% adjudication

38:00 Lindell says they have evidence of the hacking that is coming out, where/when/who

41:00 Monitored early voting in Dallas, 57,000 voter records changed

41:40 This type of thing happened nationwide, they wanted to flip TX, ran into opposition/ scrutiny

44:00 Tool called Q snatch grabs the login information of all reporting counties, allowing it access the county database remotely

49:00 Dr Shiva pops in:

52:00 Paper ballots are often converted to a ballot image which counted by machines, the image is counted not the vote

54:00 Fractional/algorithmic voting not unprecedented …1 vote for X counts for .9, 1 vote for y = 1.1 (Debold voting manual, “weighted races” in the instruction manual)

105:50 Melissa Carone famous lady from Mich…observed for 26 hours…not a single Trump vote

108:31 Matt Deperno, lawsuit filed via resident Bill Bailey on a school board race

NOV 3 Biden gets 197 votes in a Antrim County precinct, during hand count he gets 93

Report found @

Same precinct hand count Biden got 3 votes, Trump got 197

Out of 15,718, 7060 were flipped by the machines, hand count had 3200 more votes than original computer number

ASOC was granted the ability to forensically audit and photo the dominion software

Dominion system manual includes instruction on how to connect the machines to the internet

Nov 4th 11:03, system files, adjudication files were deleted for Antrim County, the 2016, 2018 files still there

The Dominion voting system is designed to create systemic election fraud

The forensic examination revealed a 68% error rate, which sends the ballot to an observer who looks at the ballot and determines who gets the vote

136:22 Mary Fanning

Nov 1st, cyber experts collect data (tarabytes) which document the fraud….2995 counties in real time

Over 66% of intrusions came from China

Lindell says the true computer vote was 80 million-68, not including the other fraud…suppose that means hand counted paper ballots injected or destroyed

Link to video
Was a great show. Excellent breakdown.
Idk what to do either

Think we can agree on what not to do:

Act like the commies
I don't think we should pay attention to the 24 hours news cycle

I don't think you combat their narratives on their terms

Inter personally in our own networks (with those who don't see it yet)= be stoic, positive, ask them questions about their views. Less explaining on our part, make them defend
Do not feel obligated to defend the GOP or jump on their losing messaging. They are the Washington Generals

With respect to the election probably avoid referencing mypillow guy (respect him, admire his courage, he's not the way we reach the other side) Rudy, Lin wood, Powell. Etc

Ask them to explain how computer voting works? Do votes go overseas?

I'm surrounded by young, brainwashed "liberals" who are effectively hard-core progressives/communists

I think I've been able to arouse some suspicions on their part via this strategy. Asking them questions we already know the answer to and they have no idea

Remember when you are conversing with a normie they are arguing with/responding with a caricatured political opponent aka a crazy Right wing Jesus lover, probably a racist, likes fascism etc

Whatever points you make, regardless of the merit, they will default to dismisall because we are the devil

Other than let'a get Jacked, Rich and Unbreakable
Awesome post
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