Everything is A Rich Man’s Trick
The film begins with a few film clips, interview with Benazir Bhutto (says Osama Bin Laden was killed by Omar Sheik, she was assassinated in 2007) and JFK’s must watch “The President and the Press” speech from April, 1961
The film then teases the Kennedy Assassination and travels back to the 19th century detailing the path to 11-22-63
35:20 EH Harriman = railroad mogul, borrowed money from the Rothschilds
Railroad/Standard Oil/ Steel robber barons form cartel…industrialists and bankers unite
37:00 Rothschilds loan money to Rockefeller, Carnegie, Harriman…JP Morgan owned 17% of Chase, Rothschilds = 83%
39:00 “I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets”
“The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply” _ Nathan Rothschild
39:40 The Bolshevik Revolution scared the elites, murdering of the Tsars…
41:40 The Dulles brothers wrote the Versailles Treaty= 250 trillion charged to Germany (Allen Dulles, after being fired by Kennedy, ran the Warren Commission)
42:30 Germany hit with hyperinflation, unemployment German economy, stocks crash, internationalists sweep in buy shares cheap, build Germany back up to serve as a bulwark against Bolshevism, setting the stage for World War 11, and the 20th century at large
45:30 American intelligence started with business interest, businessmen ”merchants of death”
46:20 Secret Societies, Skull and Bones
Skull and Bones started by Samuel Huntington Russell and Alfonso Taft at Yale University
51:26 Prescott Bush, George Herbert Walker, industrialists fund the Nazis
52:50 American money built the Autobahn
53:00 Montagu Norman governor of Bank of England, Brown Brothers (Browns shipping moguls) and Harriman fund the Nazis
54:20 “The ruling class in every age have tried to impose a false view of the world upon their followers” - George Orwell
54:30 British Royal family not Windsor, composed of Sax-Goburg-Gotha families
1:01:00 At&T set up the Nazis telecommunication system
1:02:05 Nazi tanks ran on Ford engines…Henry Ford rewarded grand cross of the eagle, nazis highest civilian award
1:02:30 Ford sued the US government for bombing their factories in WW2, and won
1:05:00 Standard oil provided the synthetic for the Lufwaffe, continued to send through Switzerland during war
1:05:20 The Dutch ruling family via Shell provides Hitler with free crude fueling the invasion of their own country
1:05:55 Oswiecim = Auschwitz, located in mineral rich region…esp coal
1:07:25 Standard Oil made Zyclon B, agent used in the showers of death
1:18:50 1930s The Mafia ran Hollywood, they ran the labor, teamsters.
1:22:00 FBI’s J Edgar Hoover = transvestite homo, mob has compromising info on him therefore controls him
1:25:00 2-9-42 USS Normandy scuttled in New York Harbor by Nazi agent, Navy intel enlists help of New York mafia who ran the parts….mob and military work together
1:26:20 Pre-War, Mussolini jails the mob to protect his power, fast forward to WW11 Sicily/Italy are liberated, mafia put back in charge
1:28:30 Operation Paperclip = Nazi rocket scientists rounded up and put to work in American government
1:32:00 Richard Nixon responds to Ad in LA Times placed by Prescott Bush seeking an ambitious/ desperate politician, employs Jack Rubenstein who would later change his name to Jacy Ruby
1:38:15 Bootlegger Joe made fortune during Prohibition with organized crime- their sons rejected their father’s corruption.
1:39:30 Kennedys and the mob, Joe angers the Jewish mob in NYC, they put a contract on his life so Joe runs to Sam Giancana for protection…Giancana agrees provided he gets political support/cover through JFK
Mob delivers election for Kennedy, JFK friends with Sinatra other mob insiders, but JFK was playing them
1:47:20 1959 Castro takes over Cuba, nationalizes business no cheap sugar for Coca Cola, mob loses money from casinos, hotels == big interest in taking out Castro
1:49:00 Bay of Pigs
1:52:00 Castro shuts down American oil exploration in Cuba, Kennedy wanted to get rid of the oil depletion tax break == Texas oil not happy
1:55:30-2:50:50 The plot to kill Kennedy….shoot him, then control the body after
Wanted to pull out of Vietnam, J Edgar Hoover investor in oil….enemies everywhere and in high places
1:58:17 Shooters/plot of JFK assassination
2:04:00 LBJ’s mistress Madeline Duncan Brown testified NOV 21 (day prior to assassination), Hoover, Harraman brothers, John Connolly, mayor of Dallas, Ruby, Nixon, world class sniper Malcolm Wallace, LBJ met in Dallas
2:06:00 JFK gets to Dallas, Secret service agent on Kennedy’s left ordered to stand down (on video, he is clearly dismayed)….notice no one standing in the Grassy Knoll area
2:12:30 Sam Giancana There are no white hats and black hats, that is a notion for saps
2:19:00 the limo slows down after Kennedy is hit
2:20:00 Head shot comes from below….storm drain Jack Allen Lawrence
2:29:00 Surgery/post mortem begins, Kennedy kill shot came from front to back
Cosmetic procedures applied, body switch with a Dallas police officer Kennedy look alike
2:53:00 Watergate…purpose was to confiscate compromising pictures of CIA agents at Dealy Plaza according to Frank Sturgis
E Howard Hunt goes to jail for Watergate, starts to talk about what he knows concerning JFK assassination
2:54:00 United Flight 553 DEC 8, 1972….E howard Hunt’s wife, Michele Clark journalist killed in crash
2:58:30 Operation Mockingbird…CIA take over of the media in the 70s
3:16:20 Military is corrupted, rituals conducted for promotions, those who play along rise in the ranks….compromising info gathered, they are controlled, same with politicians
3:23:20 Afghanistan war is about the poppy fields to produce/sell heroine
3:25:30 9/11
Recommends film Loose Change
Operation Northwoods 1960s CIA plot to hijack planes, utilize violence pinned on Cuba to be used to take out Castro (False Flag playbook)
The Romans used to conquer lands and then group tribes that hated each other together…divide and conquer…divide et inmperta
British and the West did this to the Middle East after World War 1
3:34:00 Fall of Soviet Union….terrorism needed for war, surveillance…keep the population divided, fearful
3:35:30 Panem et Kirkenses… Bread and Circuses… feed and entertain to control
3:44:00 Marvin Bush, George’s brother = CEO of Securacom… ran security @ WTC
War is a Racket Smedley Butler
Books/films on Kennedy = Rush to Judgement (Mark Lane), Best Evidence (David Lifton), The Day the Dream Died, How Kennedy Was Killed. Plausible Denial by Mark Lane
The Harold Nicolson diaries
Book I Paid Hitler by Fritz Thyssen
Double Cross by Sam and Chuck Giancanas
Youtube - Ted Gunderson, Kay Pollard Griggs, William (Bill) Cooper
Lots of truth yet don’t trust the producer all the way, think you will see why if you watch it
The film begins with a few film clips, interview with Benazir Bhutto (says Osama Bin Laden was killed by Omar Sheik, she was assassinated in 2007) and JFK’s must watch “The President and the Press” speech from April, 1961
The film then teases the Kennedy Assassination and travels back to the 19th century detailing the path to 11-22-63
35:20 EH Harriman = railroad mogul, borrowed money from the Rothschilds
Railroad/Standard Oil/ Steel robber barons form cartel…industrialists and bankers unite
37:00 Rothschilds loan money to Rockefeller, Carnegie, Harriman…JP Morgan owned 17% of Chase, Rothschilds = 83%
39:00 “I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets”
“The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply” _ Nathan Rothschild
39:40 The Bolshevik Revolution scared the elites, murdering of the Tsars…
41:40 The Dulles brothers wrote the Versailles Treaty= 250 trillion charged to Germany (Allen Dulles, after being fired by Kennedy, ran the Warren Commission)
42:30 Germany hit with hyperinflation, unemployment German economy, stocks crash, internationalists sweep in buy shares cheap, build Germany back up to serve as a bulwark against Bolshevism, setting the stage for World War 11, and the 20th century at large
45:30 American intelligence started with business interest, businessmen ”merchants of death”
46:20 Secret Societies, Skull and Bones
Skull and Bones started by Samuel Huntington Russell and Alfonso Taft at Yale University
51:26 Prescott Bush, George Herbert Walker, industrialists fund the Nazis
52:50 American money built the Autobahn
53:00 Montagu Norman governor of Bank of England, Brown Brothers (Browns shipping moguls) and Harriman fund the Nazis
54:20 “The ruling class in every age have tried to impose a false view of the world upon their followers” - George Orwell
54:30 British Royal family not Windsor, composed of Sax-Goburg-Gotha families
1:01:00 At&T set up the Nazis telecommunication system
1:02:05 Nazi tanks ran on Ford engines…Henry Ford rewarded grand cross of the eagle, nazis highest civilian award
1:02:30 Ford sued the US government for bombing their factories in WW2, and won
1:05:00 Standard oil provided the synthetic for the Lufwaffe, continued to send through Switzerland during war
1:05:20 The Dutch ruling family via Shell provides Hitler with free crude fueling the invasion of their own country
1:05:55 Oswiecim = Auschwitz, located in mineral rich region…esp coal
1:07:25 Standard Oil made Zyclon B, agent used in the showers of death
1:18:50 1930s The Mafia ran Hollywood, they ran the labor, teamsters.
1:22:00 FBI’s J Edgar Hoover = transvestite homo, mob has compromising info on him therefore controls him
1:25:00 2-9-42 USS Normandy scuttled in New York Harbor by Nazi agent, Navy intel enlists help of New York mafia who ran the parts….mob and military work together
1:26:20 Pre-War, Mussolini jails the mob to protect his power, fast forward to WW11 Sicily/Italy are liberated, mafia put back in charge
1:28:30 Operation Paperclip = Nazi rocket scientists rounded up and put to work in American government
1:32:00 Richard Nixon responds to Ad in LA Times placed by Prescott Bush seeking an ambitious/ desperate politician, employs Jack Rubenstein who would later change his name to Jacy Ruby
1:38:15 Bootlegger Joe made fortune during Prohibition with organized crime- their sons rejected their father’s corruption.
1:39:30 Kennedys and the mob, Joe angers the Jewish mob in NYC, they put a contract on his life so Joe runs to Sam Giancana for protection…Giancana agrees provided he gets political support/cover through JFK
Mob delivers election for Kennedy, JFK friends with Sinatra other mob insiders, but JFK was playing them
1:47:20 1959 Castro takes over Cuba, nationalizes business no cheap sugar for Coca Cola, mob loses money from casinos, hotels == big interest in taking out Castro
1:49:00 Bay of Pigs
1:52:00 Castro shuts down American oil exploration in Cuba, Kennedy wanted to get rid of the oil depletion tax break == Texas oil not happy
1:55:30-2:50:50 The plot to kill Kennedy….shoot him, then control the body after
Wanted to pull out of Vietnam, J Edgar Hoover investor in oil….enemies everywhere and in high places
1:58:17 Shooters/plot of JFK assassination
2:04:00 LBJ’s mistress Madeline Duncan Brown testified NOV 21 (day prior to assassination), Hoover, Harraman brothers, John Connolly, mayor of Dallas, Ruby, Nixon, world class sniper Malcolm Wallace, LBJ met in Dallas
2:06:00 JFK gets to Dallas, Secret service agent on Kennedy’s left ordered to stand down (on video, he is clearly dismayed)….notice no one standing in the Grassy Knoll area
2:12:30 Sam Giancana There are no white hats and black hats, that is a notion for saps
2:19:00 the limo slows down after Kennedy is hit
2:20:00 Head shot comes from below….storm drain Jack Allen Lawrence
2:29:00 Surgery/post mortem begins, Kennedy kill shot came from front to back
Cosmetic procedures applied, body switch with a Dallas police officer Kennedy look alike
2:53:00 Watergate…purpose was to confiscate compromising pictures of CIA agents at Dealy Plaza according to Frank Sturgis
E Howard Hunt goes to jail for Watergate, starts to talk about what he knows concerning JFK assassination
2:54:00 United Flight 553 DEC 8, 1972….E howard Hunt’s wife, Michele Clark journalist killed in crash
2:58:30 Operation Mockingbird…CIA take over of the media in the 70s
3:16:20 Military is corrupted, rituals conducted for promotions, those who play along rise in the ranks….compromising info gathered, they are controlled, same with politicians
3:23:20 Afghanistan war is about the poppy fields to produce/sell heroine
3:25:30 9/11
Recommends film Loose Change
Operation Northwoods 1960s CIA plot to hijack planes, utilize violence pinned on Cuba to be used to take out Castro (False Flag playbook)
The Romans used to conquer lands and then group tribes that hated each other together…divide and conquer…divide et inmperta
British and the West did this to the Middle East after World War 1
3:34:00 Fall of Soviet Union….terrorism needed for war, surveillance…keep the population divided, fearful
3:35:30 Panem et Kirkenses… Bread and Circuses… feed and entertain to control
3:44:00 Marvin Bush, George’s brother = CEO of Securacom… ran security @ WTC
War is a Racket Smedley Butler
Books/films on Kennedy = Rush to Judgement (Mark Lane), Best Evidence (David Lifton), The Day the Dream Died, How Kennedy Was Killed. Plausible Denial by Mark Lane
The Harold Nicolson diaries
Book I Paid Hitler by Fritz Thyssen
Double Cross by Sam and Chuck Giancanas
Youtube - Ted Gunderson, Kay Pollard Griggs, William (Bill) Cooper
Lots of truth yet don’t trust the producer all the way, think you will see why if you watch it