What controls you?

I'll say as far as prescriptions go I disagree.
My back was fucked for 5 hrs but I still had to fabricate steel. So I ate pain pills and muscle relaxers to work. I boozed and ate pills to sleep.
My need to work forced me to eat the pills not will power or devotion.
Now to get off them did take will power
Injury to the body is obviously different. But there comes a point to where you cannot function without them, MENTALLY........that is what I am talking about.

I will share a story about my own "addiction" as it pertains to drugs.

Many years ago, after returning for my final time during the "War on Terror", I did have an issue with lights in the night time. Because of this, I could not sleep......So I started taking Unisom sleeping pills. After a few days they did not make me go to sleep...........That made me so mad.........so i stopped taking them..........then funny enough, I started to sleep again. What I came to realize was that, my focus had shifted from the lights at night, to focusing on going to sleep.......never had another issue with lights at night.

I have a bit stronger mental fortitude than the average guy though, and i do not have an addictive personality.

Point is, although the effects can and are mostly physical in nature, the mind has a huge deal to do with it. You are what you think.
I disclosed more then I ever should have to him. He taught me that somethings are better left to myself. I do share with you guys shit I can NOT share with him because it turns into a fucking argument. Fortunately I could give a shit what anyone else thinks of me & unfortunately his opinion has mattered so much that I've let it change me & I walk on eggshells constantly.
Hey, to me, it seems you're quite well informed on these matters aye.
Sincerely, imo, you've made remarkable progress figuring this stuff out.

#PSA; *Cliffs:- much wordy, brain make hurty, ya'll know the drill, go-on now gitt!

•Anyways, so i reckon you'd be capable of working out the highlight in your quoted post of that particular sentence,...without further explanation.
•i know the intensely challenging—uniquely pervasive (*narc) type of mindfucking,...and like you've pointed out in another post along the lines of:-

•those who've not Truly endured the crushing depths of a "narcs" uninhibited "dysfunctionality", simply do not Truly know, regardless whether somewhat aware or highly "educated"/"qualified".

•[Consider this(*attempted) example]

•36 years, i've been interested in all things military,...like hearty af into it.

•Read/watched/played hundreds, maybe thousands of books/movies/docs and games, etcetera.

😂Even bought a 2nd 'Band of Brothers' DVD set after wearing the disc's out.
When it comes to 'RTS' type strategy & tactics/management wargames, i generally kick ass.

•However, the fact is:- i have never-ever experienced war first hand.

•Were i so retarded to suggest, or attempt otherwise actions,...

•(*whether arising of ignorance &/or arrogance)

•...simply due to some degree of indirectly acquired conceptual knowledge,...

•...to presume so, would be no less than some kinda freakish radioactive mutant twerpletry!

•(*In other words:- straight fuckin falsehood, not the True Reality!)

•Sure i may beat an experienced soldier at a 1v1 digital war game fiction, i.e;- of the 'Command & Conquer' sorta style.

•(*😂unless they're also hardcore into that shit too, then it's game on bitch!)

•i expect that same soldier would expeditiously annihilate me in 1v1 real world combat.

•Though a simplistic comparison, loosely similar for those who begin "waking" to the realization of being trapped within a "narcs" nightmarish hellscape experience.

•They are generally completely "isolated" by such time—yet always—"constantly surrounded"—"trapped" without reprieve.

•Simultaneously, they will also be dealing with an established "Smear Campaign"(*aka:- the pubic/communal narrative), which they're just beginning to realize having had unwittingly played along with.

•A Sisyphean challenge faces those seeking to successfully extricate ones-self.

•The individual will already be severely disoriented(*"Brain Fog") and dangerously exhausted:-





It is a tragic—ever shifting and difficult to discern—noncorporeal cage of cruelty & ceaseless torment, for the subject.
The objective observer merely witnesses certain physically perceptible manifestations of notably dysfunctional, maladaptive behavioural patterns, thus inevitably forming their own subjective conceptions.
*These are not Reality based conceptions, no matter how one cleverly rationalizes such.
Particularly detrimental challenges arise for the more comfortably institutionalized, and the "qualified"-"experts" due to indoctrinated distortions "bending minds" to accommodate defined "Mainstream "Psychological" narratives, as laid out in the establishments scriptures, i.e; DSM-5TR, ICD-11.

*Note clarification:- for attempting simplification, am intentionally using starkly contrasting dichotomous descriptions as opposed to merely unconscious "black or white thinking.

😂It's either that or perhaps instead several thread pages describing a vast spectrum of seemingly complex shit.

•[*not that complex in reality, it's designed to appear as if so.]
[*Am happy to share my subj experiences whenever able, if you'd like a bit of background info, i would have recommended checkin out Quora coz i was a prolific contributor and predominantly regarding this narcissistic shite—til the lovely censorship fairies rocked up.]
•The motivation for my eagerness to yabber on about this subject and in such a uniquely spastic manner, might possibly seem of common ignorance &/or arrogance, but it's more like developing assertiveness mixed with occasional overloads of some remaining-as yet uncontained aggression.
i am as fallible as any other.
•i "speak" from experience, though the choice of words may be inadequate/or excessive &/or the observer comprehension, &/or attention may perhaps be variably insufficient,...or,...🤣...i just be too fuckin chonked.
•i mean well, wholly altruistic yet blunt af coz this artificially imposed fuckin veil of perpetuated deception has simply gone on far too long!
Sorry @MrsTiffy77 for this spontaneous ranty stoner post.
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Look up studies on hydroxychloroquine and RA. Doc put a friend of mine on it and he notices a big difference.
Yeah, no doubt aye.

Ya'll free to do as one sees fit, though an issue is that it's yet another synthetic/artificial chemical compound/concoction.

These are designed to be potent and fast acting.
(*in relative contrast to naturally occurring chemical compounds)

Synthetic/artificial concoctions are actually harmful as fuck, typically manifesting over prolonged periods.

Notice the false dichotomy presented by the "mainstream" "medical experts":- pro-covaids vax narrative –vs– the so-called "alternative" medical "experts":-
pro- hydroxychloroquine narrative.

Probably the most obvious tell, is that both sides are pushing the false reality of this completely made up "covid 19"-"virus".

There is no such thing as these "biological viruses", never has been.
The evidence for these "viruses", which the "experts" shove in our faces, is nothing more than common cellular debris along with cells at various phases of pleomorphic transformation.
(*Note:- of which one particular pleomorphic phase is actually designated the "viral" form, though is NOT the supposedly hostile & contagious invisible boogeyman of the mainstream allopathic false narrative.)

A search online will probably result in either "fact checkers" or "alternative" sources claims against or for this silly idea that diy "hydroxychloroquine" can be made from boiling various fruits skins in water.

This is yet another distortion ploy designed to confuse the average individual.

"Hydroxychloroquine" can not be made from simply boiling fruit skins, yet "they" don't want us figuring out that fruit skins(*unboiled) contain a variety of extremely beneficial (*and non-detrimental) flavonoids, among which is one called 'Quercetin'.

[*Modern man generally consumes fuck loads of toxic food-like substances and lacks fundamental nutritional intake requirements, thus resulting with various "dis-ease" manifestations.]

'Quercetin' is one key [vita]l-[min]eral that is natural, non-patented, and non-profitable.

"Hydroxychloroquine" is merely another of many designer drugs capitalizing on being substitutions for the inevitable results of poor nutrition which will often lack 'Quercetin'.

Seems many prefer synthetic chemicals as opposed to naturally occurring compounds, simply due to things such as, the rapidity, and intensity of perceptible effects,...yet they're no more than plasters slapped over infected wounds.

[*Not suggesting ALL synthetic compounds should be disregarded, as they're definitely useful in extreme cases—though purely as temporary "stop banks", rather than how we currently use such as practically being part of our daily nutritional intake.]

Again, ya'll do as ya please, i'm simply stating the uncomfortable (*for most) Reality.

Ya wanna resolve physical ailments, ya gotta change ya nutritional intake—significantly.

If it ain't naturally occurring, it ain't healthy for ya,...especially in excess.

[*Not meaning to diss those who're "qualified" in related fields, the fact is we've all been hoodwinked and we all ought to be fuckin outraged.]
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Kratom is my new best friend! Let me tell y'all, if you struggle with pain pills, especially the withdrawal part of putting them down, Kratom is natural plant matter that binds to the same receptors in the brain & it works! Not only has it curbed my cravings for the pills, it does some what help with pain, & in my case it has stopped ALL the withdrawal symptoms of coming off the pills. I recommend it to anyone who has experienced opioid addiction. It is kind of hard to take but it's so worth it. I am doing the "toss & wash" way of taking it. Which means I use hot coffee or hot tea to take 2tsps of Kratom a few times a day. It is powderized Mitragyna Speciosa leaves. It's been used medicinally in Indonesia & other countries for hundreds of years. The consistency is that of cocoa powder so you def want something hot to take it with. If y'all could only understand how dependent I became to pain pills to function daily & the fact that I cold turkeyed them this past week & haven't gone thru DT's you would understand how well this stuff works.i am not a sells rep I am just an addict that found something natural that works & want to share the freedom. I ha e always been scared of methadone, Suboxone, & Subutex because I see ppl get just as addicted those & have even known a few who lost their lives on those. This shit works for opioid withdrawals for real!
Kratom is my new best friend! Let me tell y'all, if you struggle with pain pills, especially the withdrawal part of putting them down, Kratom is natural plant matter that binds to the same receptors in the brain & it works! Not only has it curbed my cravings for the pills, it does some what help with pain, & in my case it has stopped ALL the withdrawal symptoms of coming off the pills. I recommend it to anyone who has experienced opioid addiction. It is kind of hard to take but it's so worth it. I am doing the "toss & wash" way of taking it. Which means I use hot coffee or hot tea to take 2tsps of Kratom a few times a day. It is powderized Mitragyna Speciosa leaves. It's been used medicinally in Indonesia & other countries for hundreds of years. The consistency is that of cocoa powder so you def want something hot to take it with. If y'all could only understand how dependent I became to pain pills to function daily & the fact that I cold turkeyed them this past week & haven't gone thru DT's you would understand how well this stuff works.i am not a sells rep I am just an addict that found something natural that works & want to share the freedom. I ha e always been scared of methadone, Suboxone, & Subutex because I see ppl get just as addicted those & have even known a few who lost their lives on those. This shit works for opioid withdrawals for real!
Really stoked for ya.

i didn't know what Kratom until just now, and found this site describing how to grow this as indoor ornamental/medicinal plants(*tree).
Thought it may possibly be of interest.

Myself, i've been considering building a small indoor Psilocybin/Psilocin propagation set-up,...😁...coz admittedly, i am a rather hardcore "psychonaut", as the likes of Terrence McKenna.

Now, regarding opioids, methodone and such.
Personally ain't never been into these specifically, though have endured a feral parent with a particularly excessive pill popping habit, among many other things.

Of all the shit i've seen, methodone is up there with the worst of them.

An ex-gfs old man was on the done program and used to sell to crackheads.

It wasn't uncommon, whenever visiting him, to come across one of his "customers" cop bait vehicles awkwardly blocking the road somewhere along his street.

Always idling, sometimes stereo blasting loudly,...and the driver,...😂... would be totally fuckin comatose, drooling 'n' shit.
Sad as sight to behold,...though tbh it was kinda funny too.

Especially waking such tragic, often ghastly individuals,...with a sustained blast of the car horn.

🤣...one second, a dribbling coma-like state—the next,...amped up— hyper jittery—tweeker mode—and with a few loud crunches of the gearbox,...vroooom!

They goneskees!

😶*might seem irresponsible to have let them drive off in that state, and it was.

Gf 'n' i failed each(*half-assed) attempt.

Doors locked, windows up.

Just could not immobilize them before they smashed it in gear and punched the gas.

Moral of the story,...what is described above is merely a "pg-rated", slightly comical methodone, &/or other, junkie experience.

Still can't bring myself to talk about a lot of what my "mum" and her various "partners" put my younger bros & i,...and numerous others through.

Will leave it at that, am stoner blabbering as usual.

Really stoked for ya.

i didn't know what Kratom until just now, and found this site describing how to grow this as indoor ornamental/medicinal plants(*tree).
Thought it may possibly be of interest.

Myself, i've been considering building a small indoor Psilocybin/Psilocin propagation set-up,...😁...coz admittedly, i am a rather hardcore "psychonaut", as the likes of Terrence McKenna.

Now, regarding opioids, methodone and such.
Personally ain't never been into these specifically, though have endured a feral parent with a particularly excessive pill popping habit, among many other things.

Of all the shit i've seen, methodone is up there with the worst of them.

An ex-gfs old man was on the done program and used to sell to crackheads.

It wasn't uncommon, whenever visiting him, to come across one of his "customers" cop bait vehicles awkwardly blocking the road somewhere along his street.

Always idling, sometimes stereo blasting loudly,...and the driver,...😂... would be totally fuckin comatose, drooling 'n' shit.
Sad as sight to behold,...though tbh it was kinda funny too.

Especially waking such tragic, often ghastly individuals,...with a sustained blast of the car horn.

🤣...one second, a dribbling coma-like state—the next,...amped up— hyper jittery—tweeker mode—and with a few loud crunches of the gearbox,...vroooom!

They goneskees!

😶*might seem irresponsible to have let them drive off in that state, and it was.

Gf 'n' i failed each(*half-assed) attempt.

Doors locked, windows up.

Just could not immobilize them before they smashed it in gear and punched the gas.

Moral of the story,...what is described above is merely a "pg-rated", slightly comical methodone, &/or other, junkie experience.

Still can't bring myself to talk about a lot of what my "mum" and her various "partners" put my younger bros & i,...and numerous others through.

Will leave it at that, am stoner blabbering as usual.

I have always been terrified of the methadone & subs. Most ppl I know on them have used them for years. I assumed the point of those things was to eventually be weaned off of them & complete recovery. I have always been about natural herbal medication; cannabis has always been my therapy. I have a chronic injury & got on pain pills (worst mistake of my life) but I've found Kratom & it actually works. I am a mom of 4 & I have 5 grandkids now, reading your story is my worst fear! I don't want my kids to remember how mom was always chasing pain pills. I wouldn't say I get fucked up because my tolerance is so very high I can take 60mgs of oxycodone & your never know I took shit. I'm not proud of this just being honest about how far my addiction had gone. Being able to go a day without craving or withdrawals is a blessing. It's been over a week & I am extremely proud of myself. All I needed was a Lil help & Kratom has provided me with that. If I'm being completely honest the pain pills numb the emotional/mental shit as well & that definitely drove my addiction. Ive had a pretty fucked up life starting from childhood also. My mom was never an addict BUT she married an addict, wife/child beating, child molester & that affected me in so very many ways. !!!!!!I FUCKING HATE A CHILD MOLESTER!!!!!! Anyways I thought I was handle my trauma well & even with my addiction I tried to be the absolute best mom I could possibly be. I protected my kids at all cost from any harm. I will kill for mine!!! The crazy thing about all the shit that happened as a kid is it seems the older I get the more I see how it has affected my life. I'm 42 yrs old now & really want to know what true happiness & freedom is from all the bullshit life has thrown at me. I have goals & I am going to conquer this shit! That k you for the kind words! I'm proud of you for not falling into eh life you grew up in. It seems that men sometimes have a harder time then women when it comes to certain things. I have a younger brother who let them shit eat him up, he's bad off on heroin & anything else he can g t his hands on, he continued the abuse on my mom once my step father/his dad died. Needless to say we don't have shit to do with each other. Anyway sorry for the long ass comment. It's nice talking with you.
I used to addict by drug and cannabis, I didn't know how to control myself on that moment, as almost of people say about CBD Flowers, it can help as for controling ourself.. I don't know about you.
This used to be pornography for me. I would wake up and look at it, I would go to the bathroom at work and look at porn, and I would look at it at night. It became my normal.

Thankfully these days this is no longer the case. The temptation to escape to these things is still there, but it has drastically decreased with a lot of prayer, meditation, and work. I don't even feel like I am the same person anymore. These days, I typically face things head-on and try to work through them as they come rather than escaping. I try to find the root cause of the desire to escape and work through it, and see if I can feed that desire with something healthy.
If you are being serious and want to be correctly delivered from temptation and that issue for good please seriously let me know. Prayer wont work like you think Im talking total freedom from it. No more bondage

Im DMing you
I disclosed more then I ever should have to him. He taught me that somethings are better left to myself. I do share with you guys shit I can NOT share with him because it turns into a fucking argument. Fortunately I could give a shit what anyone else thinks of me & unfortunately his opinion has mattered so much that I've let it change me & I walk on eggshells constantly.
Are you a faggot?
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