I know one too and she's always getting sick. She got tricked into eating pork spring rolls for a month. She was energetic and didn't get sick during that time.
Not in the long term. Check out the Inuit studies who live on primarily meat. They have high levels of osteoporosis, and heart disease and these are before the westernization of their diets.
All meat diet is great for curing intestinal issues and people with genetic weaknesses. Other than that it's a good way to age yourself faster and cause disease over the long term.
I know one too and she's always getting sick. She got tricked into eating pork spring rolls for a month. She was energetic and didn't get sick during that time.
The optimal diet for humans in accordance to our genetics anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, digestive system, optimal health, longevity and curing or prevention of many diseases is a frugivore diet. We're naturally frugivore's by our very DNA. Fruit is the most easily digested food for human consumption which is why the digestion process is extremely fast for even high caloric meals. It doesn't require major energy usage of the body and doesn't damage the body (organic, clean source, local, sufficient calories, and macros, etc). It's the only food group that doesn't require any cooking or processing whatsoever to be digested, assimilated, absorbed, etc. The nutrients are the most bio-available, and everything from the dirt which is where we came from has all the nutrients our bodies require to thrive. I've added all the physiological and anatomical structures and mechanisms of carnivores, omnivores, frugivores, and humans below.
The study of the Okinawan diet was good proof of this as they were not 100% raw or fruit base but did consume only 2-3% in meat which was mostly fish and the rest was Okinawan sweet potatoes with fruits and some veggies. At the time of the study they had the oldest average age of any group of people in the world and the lowest rates of disease. I believe they have been Americanized now so the 7th day Adventist vegan sub group are now the champions in this category. -But fruit is in specific areas on the earth, and it wouldn't make sense for humans to live off fruit or mostly fruit. I believe early humans lived virtually within the tropics and had an abundance of fruit at their choosing. We once lived in a symbiotic relationship with the trees/shrubs as we consumed their sexual organs and dispersed their seed over the earth. We eventually scattered throughout the earth and developed various diets based off geographic locations and created various processing and cooking systems and mechanisms for other things than fruit so we can consume them without major harm but still not as high of a quality source as fruit.
-But we evolved to eat meat and that's how our brains grew. Evolution theory was never proven as their has never been any evidence of change of kind, just slight adaptations. Humans all major physiological, and anatomical mechanisms are all designed for consumption of fruit. Converting protein into carbs or sugar to fuel the brain cost the body 3x more energy than using pure carbohydrates this is why those who cosume high amounts of meat live shorter lifespans than plant based people. A good example is the Inuits vs the Okinawans (pre 1800’s). Okinawans are the longest living group of people and the healthiest group of people on the planet and consume mostly sweet potatoes, veggies, white rice and fruits. They only have 2-3% of their diet in meat and is mostly fish. Meanwhile the Inuits had an average lifespan of mid 40’s with high rates of osteoporosis, and heart disease while consuming 95% animal based foods and some seasonal fruits like berries. This was even confirmed with studies on the Inuit mummies from nearly 1,000 years ago. -But there are no studies. Of course not as this was lost in our history thousands of years ago and cultures and traditions would write off studies of this as insanity same with the carnivore diet. However more attempts at studies are being done for both diets more recently.
-But we're designed to eat animals: again all our anatomy says otherwise. Just think about it logically. No human on earth(throughout history) unless they're clinically insane and being superhuman hybrid has a natural instinct/ability to look for a deer or rabbit all day long, then when they see it their body forces them to run with super speed, pounce on it, then tear it apart with their weak jaw, weak teeth made for fruit and hands with no claws and then consume the entire body raw organs and all. We can't do any of this and never will because it's not within our DNA. We're designed to see the beautiful colors of various fruits and to see how ripe and ready they're and their appealing smells. We have saliva and enzymes to break down just carbs unlike carnivores who have saliva for protein and omnivores who have both enzymes for protein and carbs. Many carnivores are color blind. I delve into this with much more depth within my attachment. Yes we eventually developed technology, methods of cooking to be able to kill/farm and prepare the animals but that has zero relevance to it being a part of our natural diet. If we were designed to eat only meat we wouldn’t have a small intestine which does nothing for digestion of meat except allow the poop to rot. Now people can be born with genetic deficiencies like Jordan Peterson's family that require them to consume a carnivore diet to survive in life but those are extremely rare. There are some who can also thrive on carnivore if have a weakened GI tract or an autoimmune disorder (leaky gut, Chron's, colitis) or a bacterial overgrowth issue like SIBO. This is due to the plant-based diet (especially fruits) which dramatically increase the immune system which is attacking it's own intestines already so boosting cytokines and their response to foods or other things that cause issues to increase the inflammation in the gut lining. Also, many plant based foods.
But the carnivore diet can heal many disease. Of course it can because majority of the diseases we have come from process foods, chemicals, etc. Remove those with organic grass fed meat or wild caught animals and you can heal numerous diseases. However, this diet along with the omnivore diet will eventually lead to osteoporosis(acidosis) and or heart disease. This was even displayed within the oldest remains of the inuits who relied on virtually all animal meats in their diets. Also, they lived a very short lifespan of 40-50's which is due to the body working incredibly hard to digest this food.
. Overall we can see that being frugivore is substantiated anatomically, physiologically, biconically, ethically, environmentally, and logically. If you wish to live a longer, healthier and happier life move to the tropics and consume the frugivore diet or do the best you can and consume a modified version of it outside of the tropics. If you wish to live a shortened lifespan with disease then consume the carnivore or omnivore diet. If you really wish to have many various illnesses and a miserable life then go with the SAD diet. As for the geographic location factor well we were at one point all within Africa living in the Jungle off the fruits but eventually we spread throughout the earth and consumption of a fruit based diet was impractical up until recently with fruits that can be shipped all over this earth.
However, it's not optimal as the fruits are not as nutritionally potent as before and lacking the carbohydrate concentrations they used to have. The soil has been degraded, the B-12 is no longer on the foods and even our animals have to be supplemented with cobalt b-12. Along with that being shipped from other locations they lose much of the small amount of nutrition they have left during the transportation process. Therefore, a frugivore diet within our time is highly impractical outside of living in mabye a 2-3 different countries (Philippines, Costa Rica, Thailand but there may be others).
So due to the impracticality our diets shouldn't be 100% frugivore if we don't live in those places above. I would say adding in some hemp seeds which are the only seed that's a complete protein combined with having no anti-nutrients, and having a perfect omega ratio. Also, lean meats like Salmon, Trout and Mackerel that do have some healing omega's and healing benefits. The Okinawan Sweet potato is a powerful medicinal food as well.
I would go raw and 80% fruits (including coconut, durian, and avocado), hemp seeds and raw fish as previously mentioned.
As for juices, these are essentially a processed food and has a detriment to human health as does all forms of processing (cooking drying, juicing, grounding, etc. I'm not saying there are not benefits but juicing is processing. Raw and little to no processing (outside of cutting in small pieces for you to consume is as much as one should do.
I created an excel spreadsheet of the anatomical/physiological make up of carnivores, omnivores, herbivores, frugivores and humans.
A raw fruit diet within the tropics supplies every need of the human body and it's not only as nourishing and sustainable as the most expensive mixed diet but provides more energy and endurance, but is more easily assimilated. It's absolutely free from any dangerous matter. It counteracts the deleterious influences of the common mixed, SAD omnivore diet as it prevents constipation, helps excrete uric acid and detoxes other dangerous toxins by alkalizing the body fluid and supplies the important nutrients which in a cooked diet are rendered nearly valueless.
Raw fruit are not only foods but also have many medicinal properties and increases one's longevity, decreases susceptibility to diseases and can be used for all people (with few exceptions), therefore eat do your best to consume as much raw, organic, fresh, local fruit as possible (within you caloric requirements). Even those outside of the tropical areas it would be best to have at least 5-7 servings of raw fruit as a single meal daily. To reiterate the conclusion of raw meat products, it can have many benefits for Inflammatory bowel conditions, and bacterial overgrowth issues but unless one has those conditions, meat is a food which should be highly limited or avoided depending on geographic locations due to it severely decreasing one's longevity and the long-term consumption of meat products can lead to osteoporosis and heart disease. Like the Okinawans, they consume about 2-3% in animal products and most of that was anti-inflammatory fish. It's best to avoid all grains, legumes, nuts and seeds (with the exception of hemp seeds) as well as vegetables as these organisms use various anti-nutrients and toxins for their survival to spread their seed and grow. Yes there are ways to make them slightly less harmful with processing but the processing itself and cooking is detrimental to our health as well. In the end one should eat based on their own state of their microbiome and their own symptoms. There is no perfect food or diet for any one person because everyone has a microbiome in a different state. However, the all fruit diet within the tropics is as close as a perfect diet as it gets to a healthy person with no genetic weaknesses.
I see no other person on the planet promoting this truth. Most people become dogmatic and only promote one thing and one thing only but don't take into account our geographic locations, microbiomes and other factors that could mean they just can't consume what this so called influencer wants them to eat. I suppose it's to gain a cult like following and bank in a ton of money off naive, young, dumb and desperate people.
I'm starting to pack on muscle now as I am finally lifting again. I gained about 5 lbs since the last update.
I am enjoying the raw milk from Amish farms. Sheep milk is my favorite.
I will be using the BPC-157 injections starting in July to heal up and seal up the gut 100% so I have zero symptoms. Still eating about 90% raw and 90% carnivore. I'll test more fruits after completely healing.
Mental illness has been an enigma and point of confusion for many researchers and scientists. Despite medical advances, the root cause of mental illness has remained unknown.
However, a recent breakthrough in psychiatry may be the missing piece to this mysterious puzzle.
Dr. Christopher Palmer, a Harvard professor of psychiatry, has been connecting the dots of thousands of research articles regarding the relationship between mental illness and mitochondrial dysfunction.
According to Palmer, this collective research raises concerns about the current treatments used for mental disorders.
A pivotal moment in 2016 started the psychiatrist on a new path when he helped a patient with schizoaffective disorder lose weight. The patient not only suffered from severe mental illness but also low self-esteem due to the weight gain he experienced while on psychotropic medication.
Palmer relayed that he initially couldn’t believe switching to a low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet could stop chronic auditory hallucinations and paranoid delusions. He quickly started using this intervention in other patients and saw similar—sometimes even more dramatic—results.
This experience encouraged him to begin a scientific journey to understand how a change in diet could help severe mental illness.
Putting the Pieces Together
Palmer discovered decades of scientific research revealing the connection between metabolic and brain health.
Palmer told The Epoch Times, “The more I uncovered in terms of those concrete mechanisms of action, I realized there’s something much bigger here. I’m beginning to connect a lot of dots that our field hasn’t been able to connect before.”
In November 2022, he released a cutting-edge book entitled “Brain Energy,” highlighting his discoveries and theorizing that mitochondrial disorders are the root cause of all mental illnesses.
Drawing from decades of research on metabolism and mitochondria, Palmer believes that mental disorders are metabolic disorders of the brain. This means that these conditions are not permanent defects and can be corrected by identifying and addressing their root cause. This insight challenges the notion that conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are lifelong disorders.
“People with labels such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder can put their illnesses into remission, they can heal, and they can recover,” Palmer asserted.
“That goes against much of what we tell people today,” he added.
What Is Mitochondrial Dysfunction?
A deep dive into cellular biology reveals tiny organelles within cells responsible for producing energy. Structures called mitochondria are vital for all cells to function normally, including brain cells. When mitochondria are not operating correctly, various health problems can arise, including cardiovascular disease, hypertension, obesity, and Type 2 diabetes.
Palmer pointed out that when mitochondria fail to work correctly, this can also lead to mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. The brain needs a considerable amount of energy to work efficiently. When mitochondria are not churning out enough energy, this can lead to abnormalities in the brain’s structure and function, leading to mental illness.
Palmer asserts that mitochondrial dysfunction can produce several changes in the brain that can cause mental illness to develop. These changes include fluctuations in neurotransmitter levels, oxidative stress, and inflammation.
Groundbreaking Theory
If the origin of mental disorders is mitochondrial dysfunction, treatment modalities that address the underlying issue could be more successful than traditional tools.
Medication and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), the standard treatment for most mental disorders, can sometimes manage symptoms but fail to cure the disease.
Palmer, whose clinical work spans over two decades and focuses on the most treatment-resistant cases of mental illness, discovered that many patients struggling with mental illness also demonstrate signs of mitochondrial dysfunction.
He said addressing the fundamental mitochondrial disorder can often improve their mental health condition. Some of his patients have experienced remission of mild to severe symptoms, including depression, psychosis, and hallucinations, and reduced or discontinued their medications.
Though helpful for some patients in the short term, psychiatric medications can often produce side effects such as reduced libido, increased risk of suicide, and weight gain.
“We seriously need to look at the risks and benefits of those treatments over the long term,” Palmer said.
He cautioned that readers and patients should never discontinue medications without advice from their medical providers.
Low-Carb, Ketogenic Diet Shows Promise
According to his research and clinical experience, Palmer suggested numerous strategies to mitigate the effects of mitochondrial dysfunction, including common-sense lifestyle changes such as diet, exercise, stress reduction, and adequate sleep.
One dietary intervention has proven to be the most successful with Palmer’s patients. The ketogenic diet, which dates back to 1920, was first used to treat epilepsy. The diet—high in fat, moderate in protein, and low in carbohydrates—has been shown to increase the number of mitochondria in cells and enhance their function.
One of the ways the ketogenic diet benefits mitochondrial health is through the production of ketones. When the body is in ketosis, it produces ketones from stored fat as an alternative, more efficient fuel source. These ketones can provide energy to cells, including brain cells, which rely heavily on mitochondria for their energy needs.
Mitochondria assist in the production of neurotransmitters, chemicals that influence mood and behavior, such as serotonin and dopamine.
The ketogenic diet also improves insulin resistance because it is low in sugar and carbohydrates. Insulin resistance can also impair the creation of new mitochondria. Insulin resistance results in dysfunction of the mitochondria, reduced energy production, and cellular damage, including in brain cells.
Hope on the Horizon
“We have hundreds of cases of people with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia putting their illnesses into remission. Scientists are pursuing this. We have at least 10 controlled trials of the ketogenic diet for serious mental illness underway now. One is getting ready to publish their pilot trial results soon,” Palmer said.
“There is a lot of momentum behind this,” he said. “This groundbreaking theory opens up entirely new ways for us to conceptualize and treat mental illness going forward. Studies are already underway and rapidly advancing, yet this can have real results in real people today.”
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